
US Airforce: Oh, alright terrorists you win

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The US wasn't able to land masses troops on the main land until bringing Nazi Germany into near economic ruin, so the only full scale land based war was being fought on the eastern front.

The German war output of material was at its peak in 1945, after 3 years of aerial bombardment and after the Allies had been in Northwest Europe for over 6 months. The US/UK bomber offensive was only successful in that it prevented the Germans from producing even more war material. Also, the Allies were in a major land conflict in Europe for a year before D-Day (Sicily and Italy).

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It is pretty common to "close up" right after an attack nearby. This is normal and smart.

Thanks for saying that, Ron.

I was stationed in Japan about 30 miles south of Hiroshima during the 30th anniversary of the atomic bombing. We were the closest U.S. military base (Iwakuni), and an annual anti-nuclear anti-U.S. protest was expected outside the base gates. Just to make sure there were no attacks on U.S. Marines, the base was buttoned up and we weren't allowed outside. That wasn't cowardice, by any means. It was just a prudent measure to avoid criminal trouble, political trouble, and international incidents.

The Marines were more than willing to storm out there and kick the protestor's asses.

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It is pretty common to "close up" right after an attack nearby. This is normal and smart.

Thanks for saying that, Ron.

I was stationed in Japan about 30 miles south of Hiroshima during the 30th anniversary of the atomic bombing. We were the closest U.S. military base (Iwakuni), and an annual anti-nuclear anti-U.S. protest was expected outside the base gates. Just to make sure there were no attacks on U.S. Marines, the base was buttoned up and we weren't allowed outside. That wasn't cowardice, by any means. It was just a prudent measure to avoid criminal trouble, political trouble, and international incidents.

The Marines were more than willing to storm out there and kick the protestor's asses.

That's what we keep saying, the troops aren't chickens, but US foreign war policy is oten cowardly, especially from the perspective of the other countries.

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Heard about that too. Frickin' retarded is my take. I understand USAF has rescinded the policy.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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c'mon man, you're turning this thread from a justified critique of a mid level military commanders decision which has quite nasty political results into an open bashing on the US and their "Commander in Chimp".

This has nothing to do with Bush or the US overall political system... why bring them up? All you do is cause the thread to degenerate into bitching about the US/"US Haters". In the end the original complaint is lost entirely.

c'mon man, you're turning this thread from a justified critique of a mid level military commanders decision which has quite nasty political results into an open bashing on the US and their "Commander in Chimp".

Mid level? Perhaps, but decisions are ultimately made from the top, so to include Bush’s decisions is fair and in line with the topic. This is the US that is stirring up shit and now running away from the point of impact, right? I don’t think I’ve broadened the scope to an unreasonable level.

This has nothing to do with Bush or the US overall political system... why bring them up? All you do is cause the thread to degenerate into bitching about the US/"US Haters". In the end the original complaint is lost entirely.

Overall political system? I see you want to broaden the scope now, but in your last sentence you want to narrow the scope to include just your issue - pick a side of the fence.

OK, tangent police, where are you when we need you?

And one can safely assume that they weren't polite pm's, either.


don't worry, we're all used to it. he's got an axe to grind and the blade is always aimed at conservatives.

I wrote:

Democracy is what our semi-literate commander in chimp uses as a device to justify his murders adn extortion of the taxpayers.

Tcnelson introduced Democracy-based nations as being attacked; I merely rejected the notion that Democracy exclusively means anything like freedom, do-gooders, etc..

So your point is made by distracting the issue that I shouldn’t distract the issue. Just answer the points and quit trying to delegate the style of argument.

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Most people if smart would not walk into the lions mouth unless they had to.

But a brave government would do so, especially after going to another continent and tugging on the lion's tail; a cowardly government, or one that has its own agenda would watch from afar tho.

Only a stupid Government would expose its people to more risk than is needed.

Even larger, only a stupid careless Commander would expose his troops to more danger than needed. Yes, you send troops to bad places where they could get hurt WHEN IT FITS A MISSION.

Going to London to hit the Pub is not mission, and American soldiers are targets.

Your inability to understand the difference in Military matters is showing again.


Shame on you for slamming people who did their jobs and followed orders.

Quit making this aboutthe troops; it's about the gov and you know that's what people are sayinghere.

I didn't make it about the troops he did by saying:

All London is laughing at these 'brave warriors'. Shame on them.

You may wish we send people into harms way for no reason....I don't.

There was no good to be gained by having American troops walking around London. It only risked them, and people near them.

It was a MILITARY call, and standard SOP in such a situation.

YOU quit using any opportunity to slam the US...Why have you not moved yet? I think one person already offered you a deal to go...But you never responded to him.

I'll show it again here so you can ignore it again.



and back to another topic. i posted a few days ago that is your disdain for this country is so great and your criticism so consistent.....why don't you leave? by reading your posts there is evidently nothing good happening in america....only a glutton would stay in an environment that is apparently as abusive as this country seems to be in your view.

again. i will buy you a first class ticket anywhere in the world AND give you $10,000 cash. the caveat is you can never return. i will accompany you to washington d.c. where i will watch you sign your citizenship away. this will give you what you want. a freebie----$10,000 bucks. you will also be rid of evil, capitalist pigs like me and free to pursue your utopian society where creativity, motivation and self-reliance are discouraged and frowned upon.

i will be the first to break this to you....you aren't going to find a better deal than this. free maket economies work and if you can't handle that then maybe you should take me up on the offer. remember though, when you cross the border that's it. i'm sure i will have a lot of people on this forum standing right there with me waving goodbye with a big smile. maybe we could get you an ever bigger money pot and start a going away fund for you.

Hell there were even PM's about it.

I'd like to see you buck up and take it since you claim to hate the US so much but seem to be afraid to leave it.

Only a stupid Government would expose its people to more risk than is needed.

So I guess we were atupid gov in Viet Nam. I guess we are being a stupid gov now in Iraq - war entered to upon false pretense, no real permantent good being accomplished.

Even larger, only a stupid careless Commander would expose his troops to more danger than needed. Yes, you send troops to bad places where they could get hurt WHEN IT FITS A MISSION.

OK< the Commander in Chimp is stupid then for the above reasons. Mission, that's incredibly subjective.

Going to London to hit the Pub is not mission, and American soldiers are targets.

That's your fragmented interpretation of the order. How about going into the public to defend them - show presence, show no fear as in being in the streets when not on duty?

Your inability to understand the difference in Military matters is showing again.

Ahhhh, does that make you feel better?

YOU quit using any opportunity to slam the US...Why have you not moved yet?

You're right, Constitutionally protected dissent is only for patriots, those who don't like the Constitution should be angered by people using such doctrine as the basis for which to openly dissent.

Why have I not moved yet? If you actually read my posts you would see that I'm still in school.

I think one person already offered you a deal to go...But you never responded to him.

Hmmm, could that be due to me being bogusly banned. My, you do read all the pertinent threads, don't you? How could I avoid such a thread when I was banned - I must be a chicken:D.

The person was guy that just signed on with no real proof that he is a skydiver or maybe he's a skydiver that is sihned in under a different ISP. He offered 10k and a plane ticket anywhere to promise never to return. I should take him up on that since it would be unenforceable unless he had 10k to pursue it through the civil courts and then another 100k to collect if he ever got a judgment. Totally unenforceable if I left and occasionally returned. Either way it's a joke.

I'd like to see you buck up and take it since you claim to hate the US so much but seem to be afraid to leave it.

Show where I've written that I hate the US. Oh, another ill-conceived misinterpretation by you. I think the US is a POS in many ways, but I don't hate the country. It may be a situation where I leave the US and work overseas most of the time, but use the US as a tax base. I will need to learn the requirements of working overseas and what criteria establishes what I need to do. Or, I might find the right country for me and move there, then establish citizenship. I told the guy that made that symbolically ridiculous so-called offer the same thing. I told him if he weanted me to go now it would cost 250k. He said he was going to contact Limbaugh and others of the same ire to see if they could collect the money. I guess he doesn't realize that those guys just spew the crap for marketability and that most of them really don't believe 1/2 the crap they spew.

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again. i will buy you a first class ticket anywhere in the world AND give you $10,000 cash. the caveat is you can never return. i will accompany you to washington d.c. where i will watch you sign your citizenship away. this will give you what you want. a freebie----$10,000 bucks. you will also be rid of evil, capitalist pigs like me and free to pursue your utopian society where creativity, motivation and self-reliance are discouraged and frowned upon.

again. i will buy you a first class ticket anywhere in the world AND give you $10,000 cash. the caveat is you can never return. i will accompany you to washington d.c. where i will watch you sign your citizenship away. this will give you what you want. a freebie----$10,000 bucks. you will also be rid of evil, capitalist pigs like me and free to pursue your utopian society where creativity, motivation and self-reliance are discouraged and frowned upon.

i will be the first to break this to you....you aren't going to find a better deal than this. free maket economies work and if you can't handle that then maybe you should take me up on the offer. remember though, when you cross the border that's it. i'm sure i will have a lot of people on this forum standing right there with me waving goodbye with a big smile. maybe we could get you an ever bigger money pot and start a going away fund for you.======================================I'll take that deal if you're offering. As long as you add the following: Pay my (illegal) IRS debt that this fucking country says I owe them. Ain't that bad. Tired of supporting the the fucking world >:( and I personally don't wanna take over the world. PM me. I'll even fly myself to Washington:P
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Hi MR2

IMO Don't sweat it:)
Someone made the wrong call:o and put foot in mouth big time. My guess the responsiable person:S will be in charge of the laundry room for the rst of their career.

Seen it happen before, will see it again[:/]. this time it caused a international incident at the highest level.


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Only a stupid Government would expose its people to more risk than is needed.

So I guess we were atupid gov in Viet Nam. I guess we are being a stupid gov now in Iraq - war entered to upon false pretense, no real permantent good being accomplished.

Got proof it was enterd wrong...Oh wait you never have proof.

And your crystal ball must be great since you can see no benefit in the future.


Even larger, only a stupid careless Commander would expose his troops to more danger than needed. Yes, you send troops to bad places where they could get hurt WHEN IT FITS A MISSION.

OK< the Commander in Chimp is stupid then for the above reasons. Mission, that's incredibly subjective.

Again you have no clue about the military...You think the President made the order...That right there shows your lack of knowledge...But as always you never let that stop you form haveing an "Expert" opinion.


Why have I not moved yet? If you actually read my posts you would see that I'm still in school.

Ah scared....What they dont have schools in other countries?

You are a big talker...But that talk is BS. Your actions show what you are.


Hmmm, could that be due to me being bogusly banned. My, you do read all the pertinent threads, don't you? How could I avoid such a thread when I was banned - I must be a chicken

You are not banned now...But you still talk big, but walk small.


Either way it's a joke

The joke is how you talk big about how much you hate this country, but are afraid to leave.


Show where I've written that I hate the US. Oh, another ill-conceived misinterpretation by you

How about the next line in your big talk?


I think the US is a POS in many ways

If POS equals Piece of Shit....Well you saying you don't hate it in the next line does not mean much unless you love shit.


I guess he doesn't realize that those guys just spew the crap for marketability and that most of them really don't believe 1/2 the crap they spew.

Just like you?


It may be a situation where I leave the US and work overseas most of the time, but use the US as a tax base.

Like I said...Scared to leave.

You talk big, but walk small.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I'll take that deal if you're offering. As long as you add the following: Pay my (illegal) IRS debt that this fucking country says I owe them. Ain't that bad. Tired of supporting the the fucking world and I personally don't wanna take over the world. PM me. I'll even fly myself to Washington
what can not be remedied must be endured

I was not the one making the deal.

But I find it funny that you hate this place, but stay.

Big talk, small walk.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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fair play, I was angry when I posted and I appologise. I am not pissed at the personnel but I am at whoever gave the order. Fair enough on the day of the attack but this was an on going order which was only lifted once the press found out and the British people got wind of it. It does however send the terrorists a signal that the US can be terrorised.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Only a stupid Government would expose its people to more risk than is needed.

So I guess we were atupid gov in Viet Nam. I guess we are being a stupid gov now in Iraq - war entered to upon false pretense, no real permantent good being accomplished.

Got proof it was enterd wrong...Oh wait you never have proof.

And your crystal ball must be great since you can see no benefit in the future.


Even larger, only a stupid careless Commander would expose his troops to more danger than needed. Yes, you send troops to bad places where they could get hurt WHEN IT FITS A MISSION.

OK< the Commander in Chimp is stupid then for the above reasons. Mission, that's incredibly subjective.

Again you have no clue about the military...You think the President made the order...That right there shows your lack of knowledge...But as always you never let that stop you form haveing an "Expert" opinion.


Why have I not moved yet? If you actually read my posts you would see that I'm still in school.

Ah scared....What they dont have schools in other countries?

You are a big talker...But that talk is BS. Your actions show what you are.


Hmmm, could that be due to me being bogusly banned. My, you do read all the pertinent threads, don't you? How could I avoid such a thread when I was banned - I must be a chicken

You are not banned now...But you still talk big, but walk small.


Either way it's a joke

The joke is how you talk big about how much you hate this country, but are afraid to leave.


Show where I've written that I hate the US. Oh, another ill-conceived misinterpretation by you

How about the next line in your big talk?


I think the US is a POS in many ways

If POS equals Piece of Shit....Well you saying you don't hate it in the next line does not mean much unless you love shit.


I guess he doesn't realize that those guys just spew the crap for marketability and that most of them really don't believe 1/2 the crap they spew.

Just like you?


It may be a situation where I leave the US and work overseas most of the time, but use the US as a tax base.

Like I said...Scared to leave.

You talk big, but walk small.

Got proof it was enterd wrong...

HUH? What language is that? Was it entered erroneously? Was it entered on false pretense? I can answer those. Interesting, objective chronology of events about the WMD's.


In the build up to the 2003 war the New York Times published a number of stories claiming to prove that Iraq possessed WMD. One story in particular, written by Judith Miller helped persuade the American public that Iraq had WMD: in September 2002 she wrote about an intercepted shipment of aluminium tubes which the NYT said were to be used to develop nuclear material. It is now clear that they could not be used for that purpose.

In an interview with BBC in June 2004 David Kay, former head of the Iraq Survey Group, made the following comment:

"Anyone out there holding — as I gather Prime Minister Blair has recently said — the prospect that, in fact, the Iraq Survey Group is going to unmask actual weapons of mass destruction, [is] really delusional."

I swear I read a report where the White House officially stated there were no WMD's, just bad intelligence. Either way, There were no actual WMD's, there will be none found.

And your crystal ball must be great since you can see no benefit in the future.

No benefit of what in the future? Getting rid of SH? Ok, where now, N. Korea? Oh wait, they kicked our ass last time when they did nothing to us, just like now, but now they have Nukes, or so it goes. We only pick on weak, pathetic countries, that's why we did Iraq twice. Since WWII name 1 country we took on by military action that is more than a little POS, defenseless country.

Again you have no clue about the military...You think the President made the order...That right there shows your lack of knowledge...But as always you never let that stop you form haveing an "Expert" opinion.

Instead of threatening to enlighten me, just do so by way of empirical information.

Ah scared....What they dont have schools in other countries?

You are a big talker...But that talk is BS. Your actions show what you are.

Not scared, just waiting for the prime opportunity. Why would I throw my life away to prove a point to you and that anonymous poster? There is a time for everything and I will move when it suits me, I will or will not forfeit my citizenship as it benefits me. My agenda is to get out of this country, but not to be in a strange land w/o the ability to earn very good money.

As for schools in other countries, I don't know what the admissions requirements for aliens are and I don't care to check. Why not stay here and finish my schooling then move when I have my career set? I have zero to prove to you, my sentiments of this country aren't great and I would like to see its protocol change, but I don't see it happening. I spent my 18th birthday in basic training, so I don't think a move overseas in my 40's should scare me too much.

You are not banned now...But you still talk big, but walk small.

So I have to alienate everything in the middle of my schooling in order to prove something to you? Ridiculous. I think you are weak, why not go out and beg for money like the other anonymous poster said he did - get 250k and I will up and leave for good?

The joke is how you talk big about how much you hate this country, but are afraid to leave.

Find the quote where I claim I hate this country or keep lying via misquotes.

If POS equals Piece of Shit....Well you saying you don't hate it in the next line does not mean much unless you love shit. [/]

It's just like a conservative to be black / white. The US is a POS in many ways, I can describe a few for you if you wish. It has some positive attributes as well, but to me the negative overwhelm them.

- America being a POS or not is a definition based upon an sum total of all the attributes.

- Me hating the US (which I don't) is an opinion with lots of emotion.

I understand you probably don't have the capacity to differentiate the two, but I'm not a US hater and I'm not a shit lover, I simply think the US has a long way to go as compared to other countries so I'm going to give them a try when I get prepared.

Like I said...Scared to leave.

You talk big, but walk small.

Because I will leave the US when I am vocationally prepared and I may retain my US citizenship for tax or other reasons? I may forego it and gain citizenship in anther country that doesn’t allow duality. It's my choice and I'm not going to let some internet argument deviate me from my goal.

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I'll take that deal if you're offering. As long as you add the following: Pay my (illegal) IRS debt that this fucking country says I owe them. Ain't that bad. Tired of supporting the the fucking world and I personally don't wanna take over the world. PM me. I'll even fly myself to Washington
what can not be remedied must be endured

I was not the one making the deal.

But I find it funny that you hate this place, but stay.

Big talk, small walk.

What if a person hypothetically hates the US and wants to make changes via legal protest? Are they scared? What if that person decides to leave? Are they scared? Your labeling of people is inane.

Alos, this guy didn't say he hated the U S either, why accuse him of that? There is a continuum where hate resides on one end and love on the other; many spaces inbetween.

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fair play, I was angry when I posted and I appologise. I am not pissed at the personnel but I am at whoever gave the order. Fair enough on the day of the attack but this was an on going order which was only lifted once the press found out and the British people got wind of it. It does however send the terrorists a signal that the US can be terrorised.

These idiotic countries think they can bully smaller countries into submission. The attacks will continue forever.

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Ron, you seem to not be able to make the distinction that hating your country is a very different thing than hating what is being done in the name of your country. Your attitude is one that has become standard issue amoungst the Republican Americans since 9/11. No doubt it was the same arguement used to persecute those who objected to the treatment of the Jews in Nazi germany and the crimes of the Soviet state as well.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Got proof it was enterd wrong...

HUH? What language is that? Was it entered erroneously? Was it entered on false pretense? I can answer those. Interesting, objective chronology of events about the WMD's.


In the build up to the 2003 war the New York Times published a number of stories claiming to prove that Iraq possessed WMD. One story in particular, written by Judith Miller helped persuade the American public that Iraq had WMD: in September 2002 she wrote about an intercepted shipment of aluminium tubes which the NYT said were to be used to develop nuclear material. It is now clear that they could not be used for that purpose.

In an interview with BBC in June 2004 David Kay, former head of the Iraq Survey Group, made the following comment:

"Anyone out there holding — as I gather Prime Minister Blair has recently said — the prospect that, in fact, the Iraq Survey Group is going to unmask actual weapons of mass destruction, [is] really delusional."

And I have tons of sources that thought there were WMD's....


"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country" --Gore, September 23,2003

"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983."--Sandy Berger, Feb 18, 1998.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime...now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued decit and his consistant grasp for weapons of mass destruction...So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real" --John F. Kerry, Jan 23, 2003.

"the threat of Iraq's weapons programs may not be imminent. But it is real. It is growing. And it cannot be ignored." Daschle, D-South Dakota

"Giving peace a chance only gives Saddam Hussein more time to prepare for war on his terms, at a time of his choosing, in pursuit of ambitions that will only grow as his power to achieve them grows," McCain

"I believe we have an obligation to protect the United States by preventing him from getting these weapons and either using them himself or passing them or their components on to terrorists who share his destructive intent," said Gephardt

So your point that in retrospect we found nothing means nothing.

Several people thought they were there from both sides of the isle.


Again you have no clue about the military...You think the President made the order...That right there shows your lack of knowledge...But as always you never let that stop you form haveing an "Expert" opinion.

Instead of threatening to enlighten me, just do so by way of empirical information.

OK you blamed Bush for this...Bush did not make the order...So again you are wrong. But that didn't stop you from trying to blame Bush.


So I have to alienate everything in the middle of my schooling in order to prove something to you? Ridiculous. I think you are weak, why not go out and beg for money like the other anonymous poster said he did - get 250k and I will up and leave for good?

How do you think I am weak? you are the one talking big but walking small. BTW nice Personal attack;)

And as for you asking for 250k...who is the capitalist pig now?


I understand you probably don't have the capacity to differentiate the two

Nice personal attack.

But Im not the one claiming that the US is a POS, but too afraid to leave it....Again Big talk, small walk.


Because I will leave the US when I am vocationally prepared and I may retain my US citizenship for tax or other reasons? I may forego it and gain citizenship in anther country that doesn’t allow duality. It's my choice and I'm not going to let some internet argument deviate me from my goal.

Your true colors are showing..you are willing to use and abuse the US when it suits you, but talk shit about it the whole time.

The US could use a lot less of people like you.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Ron, you seem to not be able to make the distinction that hating your country is a very different thing than hating what is being done in the name of your country

Him calling the Conutry a POS is a pretty clear idea of what he meant.


Your attitude is one that has become standard issue amoungst the Republican Americans since 9/11. No doubt it was the same arguement used to persecute those who objected to the treatment of the Jews in Nazi germany and the cromes of the Soviet state as well.

Nice Personal attack.

Comparing me to a NAZI...

My issue with him is his saying the country is a POS and that he is gonna leave, but not until he uses it some more.

What a load of crap.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Mid level? Perhaps, but decisions are ultimately made from the top,

You evidently don't realize how mil policies are derived. I wrote, in many cases, my own policies during my 23 year military career. So, I think I can make an educated statement to these facts.

It's so easy to say, it's Presidents fault. Most that don't understand the bigger picture, do that.

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OK, I didn't see him calling the country a POS (Didn't know what that meant until later anyway). I guess that he's not been anywhere else as there really are some places in the world that come close to being a 'POS' but by no stretch of the imagination could the US be counted as one of them. As for 'calling you a Nazi' I didn't (If you reread you'll see that I wasn't calling you a Communist either). It wasn't a personal attack, it was an observation on your attitude, not on you.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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As for 'calling you a Nazi' I didn't (If you reread you'll see that I wasn't calling you a Communist either). It wasn't a personal attack, it was an observation on your attitude, not on you.

So you attacked my attitude?

For me to be compared to a NAZI I would have to have a problem with someone for a reason that they could not control...Such as skin color, race ect.

For me to have a problem with a person who makes attacks on me, or statements against the country (while the whole time milking it) is pretty normal I think.

Ever wonder why people in other countries slam the US? I have wondered and don't have a clue.

Find a few posts where I openly slam another country that is not in jest.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Re-read what I said. You think that I called you a Nazi? Well using that logic then I called you a Communist as well. I guess one cancels the other out and we're back to square one again! .....Go figure :P
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Damn, I just couldn't resist....... I think people slam the US because in part they don't understand it, in part the US does nothing to help its public image (Not that it doesn't do anything, it just doesn't publisise the good within the US or what it does outside for good) and in part because the US is empire building and belives that it has the answer to the worlds problems in its own form of economic governance and democracy which it tries mostly in good faith to export to people and cultures that neither want or need it.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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I think people slam the US because in part they don't understand it

Normal, but you don't see Americans slamming England do you? Or constantly harping on Canada unlike how the two seem to get off slamming the US....Why?


part the US does nothing to help its public image

The US gives more than many other countries...But then people bring up how its not as much as "X" country per GDP.

It is still more...But the bigger question is...Why do others jump all over the US even when it gives so much?


and in part because the US is empire building and belives that it has the answer to the worlds problems in its own form of economic governance and democracy which it trys mostly in good faith to export to people and cultures that neither want or need it.

And how does that differe from people in other countries thinking they know better than the US how to handle the US's problems?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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