
Good news! Marine cleared in shooting probe!

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Waiting for your hillbilly, lackluster-vision-of-human-rights hissy-fits.

Seems like the human rights was just fine...A soldier shot a bad guy. The judges seem to not have a problem with it.

Of course some will claim he should be draw and quartered.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I'm glad that this cased ended this way. Rules of engangement are made to be bent when tactics like gernading yourself are used.

I am wondering howthe other case of the soldier that shot the iraqis in the back and hung a sign up about it will turn out. http://edition.cnn.com/2005/LAW/04/26/marine.iraq.death.ap/
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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I am wondering howthe other case of the soldier that shot the iraqis in the back and hung a sign up about it will turn out

Putting the sign on the car was stupid.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Seems like the human rights was just fine...A soldier shot a bad guy.

So Ron, are you suggesting that had this been the other way around, and someone shot our "good guys" in an identical situation, you would feel the same?

Of course not.


The judges seem to not have a problem with it.

I'm simply saying that it should be no suprise that judges from the US excuse a US soldier, when there is room to spin the deed.

"Don't touch my fucking Easter eggs, I'll be back monday." ~JTFC

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Military officials now report that the same corporal shot three of the unarmed insurgents inside the mosque.

This didn't raise any flags oh wait they were unarmed brown people i forgot that makes it ok in some eyes.:S
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I'm simply saying that it should be no suprise that judges from the US excuse a US soldier, when there is room to spin the deed.

Didn't we just pass a law or something where American solder can not be tried for war crimes by any other government but us?

They hate us because were free not that we are filled with hypocrisy or our arrogance. Not that we kill unarmed people then say good job to the murderers. Not that our actions show that we are racists, but we do value life American ones only.

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Military officials now report that the same corporal shot three of the unarmed insurgents inside the mosque.

There, fixed it for ya. :S

insurgents: Rising in revolt against established authority, especially a government.
Rebelling against the leadership of a political party.

I don't see raising agents an invading country/Army anywhere in the dictionary definition do you?

Oh yea and that’s not Al jazeer dictionary either it is on dictionary.com
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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They hate us because were free not that we are filled with hypocrisy or our arrogance. Not that we kill unarmed people then say good job to the murderers. Not that our actions show that we are racists, but we do value life American ones only.

Darius,it's too bad that you have only the media to rely upon for the situation in Iraq...........Most of the Iraqi's dont hate us,most of the US troops are NOT racists and most DO value life other than American.....

Here, let me wring out that crying towel for you;)

Marc SCR 6046 SCS 3004

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I don't see raising agents an invading country/Army anywhere in the dictionary definition do you?

That sentance doesn't make any sense.

From the referenced article:


I'm also well aware from many years as a war reporter that there have been times, especially in this conflict, when dead and wounded insurgents have been booby-trapped, even supposedly including an incident that happened just a block away from the mosque in which one Marine was killed and five others wounded. Again, a detail that was clearly stated in my television report.

No one, especially someone like me who has lived in a war zone with you, would deny that a soldier or Marine could legitimately err on the side of caution under those circumstances. War is about killing your enemy before he kills you

If you shoot at a bunch of marines and then hide, expect to get killed if and when they find you. It wasn't racially motivated, it was war. Get over it.

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Darius,it's too bad that you have only the media to rely upon for the situation in Iraq...........Most of the Iraqi's dont hate us,most of the US troops are NOT racists and most DO value life other than American.....

Here, let me wring out that crying towel for you
Marc SCR 6046 SCS 3004

Keep your towel we will need to clean the innocent blood we spill of off our hands.

You know you are right I do get sad when I hear innocent people get murdered/killed. I care more about human life then I do about gas prices.
I also value human life regardless of color, or religion.

So this solder who according to the article posted on this thread killed 3 other unarmed people and executed an injured man is a good representation of all are solders? I fucking hope not. I refuse to believe that.

And if he is not a good representation of our solders and he did make a mistake or just didn’t give a fuck because the people he shot aren’t US citizens shouldn’t he be punished?

Is that so hard to understand? You can’t have it bought ways.

Just FYI I don’t believe a word on TV.
If I did I would be one of the many mislead supporting this war. Thank God I am not.
I sleep well at nights how about you?
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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So Ron, are you suggesting that had this been the other way around, and someone shot our "good guys" in an identical situation, you would feel the same?

Actually yes. I would not be happy, but in a combat situation with an enemy known for boobie trapping bodies, and suicide detonations of IED's when the shooter tries to offer aid or capture the wounded....I'd understand it.

In this case the enemy is quite well known for suicide bombs and they even offer to "surrender" then open fire.

If our troops used the same tactics and the roles were revesed....I would not be up in arms about it..


Of course not.

so much for you knowing me huh?


I'm simply saying that it should be no suprise that judges from the US excuse a US soldier, when there is room to spin the deed.

Right but given the choice of listening to the US judges, or the terrorists....I'll go with the US judges.

You it seems would rather just assume that the US and its troops are bad and evil.

Ever served in the Military? Even been in a situation where you were going to be shot at?

If not, don't pretend to know.

You are right about one thing...no level of punishment would have been enough anyway. you and your type will demand more. The terrorists will not care about this trooper, or Englands jail sentance.

They will just strap exposives on and kill an American...Even if they the person they kidnap and kill was a Red Cross aid worker.

We at least kill the ones that were just trying to kill us.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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This didn't raise any flags oh wait they were unarmed brown people i forgot that makes it ok in some eyes

No, what made it ok was they were just shooting from inside a mosque...Ya know trying to kill people from a house of worship....Ya know that according to the Geneva that you can't use a house of worship as a base for combat....Oh, and you are not allowed to boobie trap bodies...Both of these are things that the terrorists do.

So if they will break one rule, and they have in the past broken another....Chances are they will continue.

It was a good shoot.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Military officials now report that the same corporal shot three of the unarmed insurgents inside the mosque.

There, fixed it for ya. :S

Easy to understand. Unarmed against armed. A fine and fair point of view seen from the armed party.. Oh wait, I forgot: There were 3 of unarmed insurgents? Now, that makes sense :S...

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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I don't see raising agents an invading country/Army anywhere in the dictionary definition do you?

That sentance doesn't make any sense.

From the referenced article:


I'm also well aware from many years as a war reporter that there have been times, especially in this conflict, when dead and wounded insurgents have been booby-trapped, even supposedly including an incident that happened just a block away from the mosque in which one Marine was killed and five others wounded. Again, a detail that was clearly stated in my television report.

No one, especially someone like me who has lived in a war zone with you, would deny that a soldier or Marine could legitimately err on the side of caution under those circumstances. War is about killing your enemy before he kills you

If you shoot at a bunch of marines and then hide, expect to get killed if and when they find you. It wasn't racially motivated, it was war. Get over it.

We make decisions in life. The decisions we make have consequences. When we make mistakes we should pay for them not get a pat on the back. The fact that a block away there was a booby-trap doesn’t give you the license to kill UNARMED or injured people when you feel like it.


I don't see raising against an invading country/Army anywhere in the dictionary definition do you?

Here I fixed it for you. I am sure my misspelling of one word had made it impossible for you to understand so I hope that helps.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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