
Do the moderators play favorites in deciding who to ban?

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I really only know two moderators, and only a little bit at that (like I've seen and talked with them at the drop zone only a couple times and I'm not even sure if I've jumped with them) and I've met like one other once. I don't know if they play favorites or not, I do know that in my observation, they play pretty fair overall.

So, I feel like I should be saying "in before the lock", but nah. I don't even know who's been banned recently, that how disconnected I've been. :o
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Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
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I thought it was him. Maybe it was someone else. I know it was a liberal greenie at any rate.

The only other two people on the site that have been Greenies that aren't still greenies are Alan and Skybytch.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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This thread is totally meaningless. This site is no democracy and HH and the moderators are running it they way they see fit. If you don't like - nobody forces you to read or post. I actually would like to see even stronger "policing" by the greenies. This would only have the effect that you would get more "real" discussions instead of pissing contests and "bully" one liners. The tone has been so poor at times that I myself have been sucked in. I welcome any initiative to make this a constuctive discussion forum.
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I welcome any initiative to make this a constuctive discussion forum.

Due to the attitudes of the posters here, I honestly never see that happening. This forum was created to unpollute Talk Back, keeping the guns/politics/religion threads out of the "fun forum" and pushing it back into its own forum. Out of site and out of mind for most of the posters on DZ.com.

Maybe, if there were more moderators and they uses a very heavy hand this forum might grow to something that's constructive, but I really don't feel like it'll happen any time soon.[:/]
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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With regards to political persuasion, I think they do really, really well for the most part. BillVon and I don't agree on much politically and he's never banned me before. He's pretty darned fair with me and we're political opposites in many regards. I've only disagreed with a few of his moderator actions. Quade too disagrees with me on a lot of things but I agree with all of his moderator actions that I've seen. TomAiello and I are close in politics in many regards and I disagree with every single action he's taken as a moderator that I've seen in Speaker's Corner - especially banning me for no good reason.

Didn't know John Kallend used to be a greenie. Interesting. Who has been banned recently other than Kallend and PeacefulJeffrey?

Vinny the Anvil
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The only other two people on the site that have been Greenies that aren't still greenies are Alan and Skybytch.

Don't forget Hook-N-Swoop.

who knows what is and isn't fair. i found out the hard way it's best to be an observer and contribute if you can, and if you don't have anything positive to contribute then STFU.
"You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"

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Please don't ban me for this; .

The very fact that you had to preface your post with this statement is very sad and suggests to me that there is something seriously wrong here. If I am banned for making this statement, so be it, but it will only make the point even more strongly.

I have no idea what HH's objectives are in running this site at all, but if catering to his "clientele" is among them, maybe asking what THEY want instead of having the moderators tell them what is good for them would be a good idea.
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I have no idea what HH's objectives are in running this site at all, but if catering to his "clientele" is among them, maybe asking what THEY want instead of having the moderators tell them what is good for them would be a good idea.

People who have been banned have been pushing the rules for quite a while. Even if Kallend's final straw was pretty weak, the history was clear. Same for the others.

Personally I'm more displeased by the lots of postings that just get excised into the bit bucket, with no sign they ever existed. I'd rather the offending post alone be removed, and/or the poster. Sometimes those actions did seem politically motivated.

But the goal is to keep things civil enough, and since the separation of talk and bonfire it's worked pretty well. I imagine there are more people bothered by the flood of sex postings on bonfire than the infighting in Speakers.

HH's objectives in running this site really don't include political discussions, so don't bother barking up that tree.

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Of course they do, and that's the way it should be B|.

The intarweb is full of quacks, and taking shortcuts is essential to maintaining a good signal:noise ratio. I challenge anyone who thinks otherwise to administer any high-volume anything on the internet.

Sometimes you get the short end of the stick, and it invariably sucks when you do.

My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me, Lebowski?

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