
Moore A 'maggot that eats off the dead.'

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"Michael Morre does not speak for me." says mother of Marine slain in Iraq.

''I will not allow the Michael Moores of this world to take my son's death and turn it and twist it to suit their own greedy and malicious purposes,''

''I will continue to speak out against closed-minded cowards like Michael Moore. I used to be afraid to say what I thought for the way someone would think of me. Not any more. You do not walk in my shoes, Mr. Moore. You do not know what I feel or think. Until you have stood where I stand, do not put words in my mouth.

''I have a voice, and it is about damn time I stop being silent. My son died giving me the right to speak, and speak loud. I will not allow his name or even his picture be disgraced.''

Story in The Tennessean.


edit for grammar

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Apparently some troops feel that he can speak for them:

you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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''I have a voice, and it is about damn time I stop being silent. My son died giving me the right to speak, and speak loud.

She must think that the War in Iraq has something to do with Free Speech...

I bet $1000 she believes Saddam was directly responsible for the 9/11 attacks and that the US has concrete evidence of WMD, Nuclear Programs, and a link between Saddam and the terrorists of Al-Queda as described by the Bush dministration before we invaded Iraq.

Funny article though

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''I have a voice, and it is about damn time I stop being silent. My son died giving me the right to speak, and speak loud.

She must think that the War in Iraq has something to do with Free Speech...

Whenever our troops are dying its ultimately to protect our way of life. And that includes the right to free speech. The mear fact that you would question what the mother of someone who made the ultimate sacrifice so you and I can enjoy our lives speaks volumes about your lack of character. And before you start flaming away about how Iraq has nothing to do with 911 or terrorism just remember that right now, somewhere in the world, someone is planning on attacking us again. The reason?...they hate our way of life, they hate our values, and they hate who we are. I think this particular mother would rather you say a silent prayer for her son and go back to doing whatever it is you are free to do.

I bet $1000 she believes Saddam was directly responsible for the 9/11 attacks and that the US has concrete evidence of WMD, Nuclear Programs, and a link between Saddam and the terrorists of Al-Queda as described by the Bush dministration before we invaded Iraq.

Both Duelfer and Kay found Iraq had "a clandestine network of laboratories and safe houses with equipment that was suitable to continuing its prohibited chemical- and biological-weapons [BW] programs," the official said. "They found a prison laboratory where we suspect they tested biological weapons on human subjects."

They found equipment for "uranium-enrichment centrifuges" whose only plausible use was as part of a clandestine nuclear-weapons program. In all these cases, "Iraqi scientists had been told before the war not to declare their activities to the U.N. inspectors," the official said.


Now, buried in some of the United Nation's own confidential documents, clues can be seen that underscore the possibility of just such a Saddam-Al Qaeda link — clues leading to a locked door in this Swiss lakeside resort. Next to that door, a festive sign spells out in gold letters under a green flag that this is the office of MIGA, the Malaysian Swiss Gulf and African Chamber . Registered here 20 years ago as a society to promote business between the Gulf States and Asia, Europe and Africa, MIGA is a company that the United Nations and the U.S. government says has served as a hub of Al Qaeda finance: A terrorist chamber of commerce.

Funny article though

What was funny about it?
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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Whenever our troops are dying its ultimately to protect our way of life.

Really, so tell me, how do the troops dying in Iraq protect freedom of speach?

Let me help you understand. I realize it escapes you how the 2 can be tied together....right now there's people planning on killing americans...lots of them. I hope they don't succeed...so do you. What we're doing in Iraq and other parts of the world helps to keep them from carrying out their plans. They hate us, they hate our way of life, and that includes your right to say what it is you think without worrrying that someone will take you away in the middle of the night because they don't agree with you. Get it? And before you start flaming about ties between SH and Al Queda read my other posts.


Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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This mother has suffered a terriable loss that she will live with for the rest of her life.

As his mother gets older her son never will he will stay the same age in her mind his pictures and letters.

This mother needs to find every thing that will give her comfort in her loss. If Michael Moore is it so be it.Other grieving parents find different avenues.

IMO this isn't the time or place to question, analyse moms thought's. Or ague over MM documentary. Its a time for mourning for our soldiers and the innocent civie's caught in the hell of war.


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just remember that right now, somewhere in the world, someone is planning on attacking us again. The reason?...they hate our way of life, they hate our values, and they hate who we are.

Why not add 'and they're all jealous', then we can forget any kind of debate about the why's and wherefores of this or any war.

There's nothing funny about any of this, but repeating the same mantra over and over simply stifles any sensible analysis. It really isn't as simple as you've made out.

I have a family member who's just returned from the Middle East who doesn't see it like you. The testimonies of many soldiers also suggest the over-simplification of your reasoning. Even the cave-dwelling psychopath made the comparison with other countries, citing Sweden, a more liberal, permissive and free country than the States. Why have they not been attacked?

This poor woman's beside herself with grief and, for whatever reason, doesn't want anyone making capital out of her baby's death. This grief is compounded where a good percentage of the population fails to see this as a 'just' war. She probably doesn't need Moore to say it.

I think that the soldiers have been used by your Government in a pointless war, as do many others. Far from making attacks less likely, I think that it's serving to recruit more potential attackers. Accusing people of not 'getting it' is provocative and, in my opinion, just plain wrong.

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Whenever our troops are dying its ultimately to protect our way of life.

Really, so tell me, how do the troops dying in Iraq protect freedom of speach?

Let me help you understand. I realize it escapes you how the 2 can be tied together....right now there's people planning on killing americans...lots of them. I hope they don't succeed...so do you. What we're doing in Iraq and other parts of the world helps to keep them from carrying out their plans. They hate us, they hate our way of life, and that includes your right to say what it is you think without worrrying that someone will take you away in the middle of the night because they don't agree with you. Get it? And before you start flaming about ties between SH and Al Queda read my other posts.


It wasn't very long ago that a bunch of people hated the British and the British way of life; the IRA killed and maimed many Britons, and planned to kill many more. And people in Boston and New York and Houston and Dallas and San Francisco and Chicago sent the IRA money and weapons to assist them kill the British.

So what was your point again?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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It wasn't very long ago that a bunch of people hated the British and the British way of life; the IRA killed and maimed many Britons, and planned to kill many more. And people in Boston and New York and Houston and Dallas and San Francisco and Chicago sent the IRA money and weapons to assist them kill the British.

Good point. Not only that - the IRA also attempted to kill the elected leader of the UK (and nearly succeeded) as well as the Royal Family (and succeeded in on case – Mountbatten). During that time IRA terrorists were allowed in and out of the US, and the US was the main source of money and weapons, financed and organised by “charities” and other Irish groups in the US. And the authorities did not crack down.

Remember the “outrage” about the Saudis and the “charities” that financed Al Qaeda?
When people look like ants - pull. When ants look like people - pray.

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They hate us, they hate our way of life, and that includes your right to say what it is you think without worrrying that someone will take you away in the middle of the night because they don't agree with you. Get it?

I'll bet that's pretty much what every innocent civilian in Iraq is thinking about the US. I wonder how many others in the middle east are wondering if they will be next? Get it?

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who gives a shit what a Canadian (or any other foreign national) thinks about concerning the United States policies dealing with terrorists? I certainly don't.

And as for that fat, unkempt, probably smelly asshole MM, he can go fuck himself.

This mother lost her son in Iraq, seems like those of you on the left could respect her loss without trying to denigrate her.>:(

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who gives a shit what a Canadian...

I must have missed something when I was reading this.

How did Canada get involved in this topic?

How is mentioning Canadians relevant to this topic?
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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who gives a shit what a Canadian (or any other foreign national) thinks about concerning the United States policies dealing with terrorists? I certainly don't.

Good. Now, I'm glad that's out of the way.

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Whenever our troops are dying its ultimately to protect our way of life.

Really, so tell me, how do the troops dying in Iraq protect freedom of speach?

Troops are dying in Iraq to give people the same freedoms that we enjoy and take for granted here. Soldiers in the United States Armed Forces have never been used for our own personal gain, we have always gone to war to help others, and give them a better way of life. Under SH people in iraq didn't have freedom of speech, now they do, they have the ability to live life the way they want.

And that mother refusing to allow MM to speak on her behalf...MM is using this war for his own personal gain. He is minimizing the sacrifice of the soldiers who have given their lives to protect the freedom of people who could care less whether or not they live or die. And listening to some of the posts in this forum it seems as though he is not the only one who doesn't appreciate the sacrifice made by those.

I'm biting my tongue on a lot of the things i want to say right now, so i'm just gonna say this and go cool off, there are men and women out there right now who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice so others may have a good life, and saying anything to disrespect the sacrifices made by those heroes, is absolutely disgraceful.

You sleep soundly in your beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on your behalf.
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Troops are dying in Iraq to give people the same freedoms that we enjoy and take for granted here. Soldiers in the United States Armed Forces have never been used for our own personal gain, we have always gone to war to help others, and give them a better way of life. Under SH people in iraq didn't have freedom of speech, now they do, they have the ability to live life the way they want.

And that mother refusing to allow MM to speak on her behalf...MM is using this war for his own personal gain. He is minimizing the sacrifice of the soldiers who have given their lives to protect the freedom of people who could care less whether or not they live or die. And listening to some of the posts in this forum it seems as though he is not the only one who doesn't appreciate the sacrifice made by those.

I'm biting my tongue on a lot of the things i want to say right now, so i'm just gonna say this and go cool off, there are men and women out there right now who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice so others may have a good life, and saying anything to disrespect the sacrifices made by those heroes, is absolutely disgraceful.

You sleep soundly in your beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on your behalf.

Americans sleep soundly in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.

I guess you are comfortable with the US armed forces being the police force for th world. I am not.

Iraq was not a danger to freedom of speech in the US. So, I still don't understand how those forces are protecting freedom of speech in the US, it was never in danger from Iraq.

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Even the cave-dwelling psychopath made the comparison with other countries, citing Sweden, a more liberal, permissive and free country than the States. Why have they not been attacked?

You don't include Holland, France, or Spain in that, do you?



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Not sure what your point is. Mine is that U.S. foreign policy makes it a target, not a particular 'way of life'.

Apparently you have not read any news in a while....Go check AQ-Jihad types terrorist attacks-threats in the aforementioned countries. Google them, there should be plenty.:|
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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I guess you are comfortable with the US armed forces being the police force for th world. I am not.

Iraq was not a danger to freedom of speech in the US. So, I still don't understand how those forces are protecting freedom of speech in the US, it was never in danger from Iraq.

We aren't in Iraq to protect freedom of speech here in the US, we are prtecting the freedom of speech for people who can't protect it themselves. We are there to help someone other than us. Did you just ignore everything i said? We don't go to war for our own personal gain, the US has always gone to war to better the life of someone else. Are you so selfish that you feel its only OK to go to war if it is to benifit us.
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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We are there to help someone other than us

That's not why we went there.

whap! it's for your own good!
whap! that'll teach you to question me!
whap! I know better than you do
whap! that'll teach you to hit me

Damn -- it's really hard to write whap. I keep writing "what." :)
Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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It wasn't very long ago that a bunch of people hated the British and the British way of life; the IRA killed and maimed many Britons, and planned to kill many more. And people in Boston and New York and Houston and Dallas and San Francisco and Chicago sent the IRA money and weapons to assist them kill the British.

So what was your point again?

Hey, I didn't send the IRA anything.

Then again, I have been known to wear my International Orange down vest on St. Patrick's day, so that is hardly surprising....

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>We don't go to war for our own personal gain, the US has always gone to
>war to better the life of someone else.

What kind of feel-good nonsense is that? We went to war during World War II because we were attacked. We dropped nuclear weapons on civilians not because we were trying to better anyone's life but because we wanted to end the war quickly (with us winning of course.) The purpose of war is to kill our enemies; that's all it will ever be. Killing people for their own benefit is generally not appreciated by said people.

>Are you so selfish that you feel its only OK to go to war if it is to benifit us.

Surely you are enough of a pragmatist to realize that our military is intended to defend the US i.e. take actions that benefit us. If we want to help people we can send them medicines and food; if we want to kill them we send F-16's.

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