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you are coming out like a racist jeffery. You have no idea of any other cultures, all you know is what you read.
You are a low person, so far you have abused every nation that has been mentioned.
Jeffery, you better watch your mouth mate, you are getting far too offensive. Do not give me a smart ass reply.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Get your sad naive ass down to Bangkok dude, the change of scenery and culture will do you good.
The stuff I got there 5 years ago is still serving me well.

Ah, another personal attack, different Brit this time, though.

What is it about your countrymen's inability to refrain from breaking the forum rules against personal attacks?

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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funny how you are always calling for people to get banned aye jeffery. if i get banned because you have insulted this world i live in and i have responded, well i dont really care. I said you sound like a hommicidal mainiac....well you do.
That is not abuse, that is how you are portraying yourself.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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you are coming out like a racist jeffery. You have no idea of any other cultures, all you know is what you read.
You are a low person, so far you have abused every nation that has been mentioned.
Jeffery, you better watch your mouth mate, you are getting far too offensive. Do not give me a smart ass reply.

Do not give you a smartass reply why? Because you are such a badass british dude and you're gonna come all the way across "the pond" to "do me for that?" :S

What makes you think I take you at all seriously?
Or care what you think?
Or fear you?

I didn't say anything racist at all, in fact I never mentioned a race. I mentioned FACTS.

So sorry if you find yourself unable to handle them. Not my problem.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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funny how you are always calling for people to get banned aye jeffery. if i get banned because you have insulted this world i live in and i have responded, well i dont really care. I said you sound like a hommicidal mainiac....well you do.
That is not abuse, that is how you are portraying yourself.

Homicidal (learn how to spell it from my example, please) would mean that I have killed someone -- a human being, specifically.

I have not, nor is it my desire or intention to.

If you get banned, it won't be because I have insulted your world, it'll be because you crossed the line into making personal insults.

Over that, I have no control. And you will notice I have refrained from name-calling or making personal insults at you.

Learn from my example yet again.

I've been banned for crossing the line here. I learned from the mistake. I still make posts that are controversial (mostly to brits, but that's neither here nor there), but I don't make direct insults at individuals on this board.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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ggiedave is not advocating that we change our laws to accommodate his opinion. I personally have no problems with my old pal Aggs doing whatever he has to do to ensure that he and his loved ones have a secure and happy existence.

Aggs hit the nail on the head, he said that there are cultural differences between our societies, one of those differences is our respective approaches to carrying weapons, for whatever reason. If we could all respect those differences we could all get on with something more meaningful.

Ding ding ding ding

We have a winner. Finally someone who decided to not examin their colan and actually see what was trying to be said.:P

NacMac (Dave) I really think you've got an advantage here, though, since you've lived in the US and Texas and can see things for what they are over here instead of relying on what the TV shows you.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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"Get your sad naive ass down to Bangkok dude, the change of scenery and culture will do you good."

Ah, another personal attack, different Brit this time, though."

I'm sorry you took it that way, I merely meant to imply that your unhappy, and obviously ignorant and inexperienced donkey could do with a break.
I'm glad we are clear on that now.

I'm sure if I deserve a ban, a moderator will show up and administer the rules of the forum, which I will accept with dignity.
Untill then, bite me.

By the way, Bigway is a Kiwi, which is not really that far from Scotland.;)

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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alright, i give up. you are probably right jeffery and know what you are saying is right. that is cool.
I like most americans but your ideas are fucked up and if your ideas are right and everyone should think this way, well i am in the wrong and will change to make this place a better place. Good on you jeffery, you have converted me and i will listen.
Good luck in life.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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What makes you think I take you at all seriously?
Or care what you think?
Or fear you?

That's exactly what we keep telling you PJ.

You are a source of humour to us all. I know from numerous private conversations that I don't only speak for myself in this – a lot of posters feel this way. No one takes anything you say remotely seriously - you are simply seen as a whack job. People laugh at what you post and more tellingly at you yourself.

Your over-the-top manner of posting completely undermines anything of worth that you may have to say.

I'm sorry if this is seen by you as an insult - it is intended as far from it. I am merely trying to relate to you the way in which you are viewed by many of the posters on this forum.

Think about what you are posting and why you are doing it. Think about how it's received. People here only know you from your posts and I can tell you that you don't come over particularly favourably.

Calm down. Peace.

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You are a source of humour to us all. I know from numerous private conversations that I don't only speak for myself in this – a lot of posters feel this way. No one takes anything you say remotely seriously - you are simply seen as a whack job. People laugh at what you post and more tellingly at you yourself.

that sounds like annotttheer insult, i think you should be getting banned.

Far out, thanks for that, he intense, but what i find funny is how he goes on that we are not listening to him but has he ever listened to the brits instead of telling them how fucked the way of thinking is in england and scotland.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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What makes you think I take you at all seriously?
Or care what you think?
Or fear you?

That's exactly what we keep telling you PJ.

You are a source of humour to us all. I know from numerous private conversations that I don't only speak for myself in this – a lot of posters feel this way. No one takes anything you say remotely seriously - you are simply seen as a whack job. People laugh at what you post and more tellingly at you yourself.

Your over-the-top manner of posting completely undermines anything of worth that you may have to say.

I'm sorry if this is seen by you as an insult - it is intended as far from it. I am merely trying to relate to you the way in which you are viewed by many of the posters on this forum.

I guess they all consult with you about how to receive me, eh? Boy, talk about a self-important self image!

I don't see it as an insult, because all you're doing is stating (alleged) facts; you're not saying, "You dumb ass," or words to that effect.


Think about what you are posting and why you are doing it. Think about how it's received. People here only know you from your posts and I can tell you that you don't come over particularly favourably.
Calm down. Peace.

Depends directly on what I'm posting about and how I say what I have to say. Funny, I've received NUMEROUS private messages saying things like, "I like how passionate you are about what you believe,"; "Thanks for saying what I couldn't articulate myself,"; "You seem awesome!"; "I couldn't agree more: well said!" etc. etc.

I guess you don't know everyone on these forums after all.

Why do I suspect that the people who've PMd with you about me are the other brits to whom I've given offense?

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Far out, thanks for that, he intense, but what i find funny is how he goes on that we are not listening to him but has he ever listened to the brits instead of telling them how fucked the way of thinking is in england and scotland.

I am far from the only one who as pointed out some of the intellectual curiosities about the british/scottish way of thinking, yet I am the one you are all focusing on. Why is that? Others have called the british laws and stuff that we've discussed recently stupid or inane or idiotic etc. Why are you so fascinated with me? Is it because I'm so spirited and spunky in the classic American sense? :P I suspect that you're actually harboring secret crushes on me and my maverick charm.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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You mean 'Duke of Hazard' isn't truly representative of American society, man I'm bummed, they seem to have so much fun on that show.B|

Good show from the Aggies at the weekend I gather, there was a small contingent in the Broken Drum at Auchenblae secretly whooping for A&M while Scotland did their noble best against a superior Australia..:)

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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You mean 'Duke of Hazard' isn't truly representative of American society, man I'm bummed, they seem to have so much fun on that show

Well, its close, but there are minor differences, you have to be well educated to notice them, though.:P***Good show from the Aggies at the weekend I gather, there was a small contingent in the Broken Drum at Auchenblae secretly whooping for A&M while Scotland did their noble best against a superior Australia.


Well, we had a really good showing, but lost by a touchdown at the end, we went into 1/2 time with a really good lead, so it scared the bejesus out of Bob Stoops (OU's couch). Basically we had OU in shock throughout the game and still after the game when reporters were asking questions like "why did you almost loose and how could you let A&M kick your ass like that? Good thing you got lucky with a fumble in the 3rd..."

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I am far from the only one who as pointed out some of the intellectual curiosities about the british/scottish way of thinking, yet I am the one you are all focusing on. Why is that? Others have called the british laws and stuff that we've discussed recently stupid or inane or idiotic etc. Why are you so fascinated with me?

It's just that you go on and on about something that is explained to you over and over again. It seems like just because something is different to what you are used to, it must be wrong.

Even when the British tell you that we really don't mind about our laws, infact we see them as a good thing, you still don't leave it alone, whereas it seems that the others who berate the British laws leave it after they see the responses. Also, you're pretty derogatory, more so than most, about the British in general. Don't know about anyone else, but its pretty hurtful for me that an American (i.e. from a country that, on the whole, I respect) thinks those things about a country I love, and the people of that country.


Is it because I'm so spirited and spunky in the classic American sense? :P I suspect that you're actually harboring secret crushes on me and my maverick charm.

Teehee! :D
Next Mood Swing: 6 minutes

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I am not one of the people infected with HIV who is so ignorant that he believes that having sex with a virgin will CURE him.

That goes on over there.

What is so fuckin' hard about safe sex that they can't manage it?

Oh, I forgot, I'm talking about cultures where they think it's okay to get what they want by going around in roving mobs hacking people to death with machetes, or lighting gasoline-filled tires around people's necks.

Again you lack the ability to seperate the wood from the trees. Yes there are ignorant people with misguided beliefs. Yes there are people in third world countries that particpate in attrocities and kill people. Yes condoms are not as widely available there as they are here.

NO ONE - deserves to be infected with a killer disease. PERIOD

If you think that the millions of people that have it do in some way - thats FUCKED UP.

If you think the HIV pandemic in Africa is the fault of all those people - I hope you meet someone that you need to defend yourself against with your knives and guns.

I used to believe in everyones right to vote - there is one thing you are changing my mind about.

Bodyflight Bedford

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>Are you lying/misinformed, or are they?

The traditional one warning.

Hmm, I am very curious as to what you use to measure the attacks. Here are a few examples in this thread:


“Get your sad naive ass down to Bangkok dude, the change of scenery and culture will do you good.
The stuff I got there 5 years ago is still serving me well.”.-Nacmacfeegle

“PJ - seriously, give it up. No one cares what you think. You're in danger of turning into bible guy...”-mr2mk1g

“I am not on anyones side, but i do belive that you are a hommicidal maniac who should visit a therapist. Your views are messed up and your family even tells you this.”-bigway

“I said you sound like a hommicidal mainiac....well you do.”-bigway

“I'm sorry you took it that way, I merely meant to imply that your unhappy, and obviously ignorant and inexperienced donkey could do with a break.
I'm glad we are clear on that now.”-nacmacfeegle.

“I do object to people trying to tell us how to live though, specifically foriegners, and damn uppity colonials at that. ”-nac

I guess it is ok for them to call us all sort of things with an arrogant perception of superiority and more “cultured” values, and subtle insults.

I call bullshit on that.

PJ is merely asking a question, and not saying something on the lines of take your sad ass......

Edited to add:
If being a "damn uppity colonial" is politically correct then you should give me the ok to use towel head to describe the terrorists...
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Bill, I hate to give you more work than you already have dealing with this thread (I'm glad I'm allowed to duck out once it goes to shit), but I'm too lazy to PM you and have a question.

I was under the impression that directly threatening and/or wishing physical harm to another poster was verboten.

Am I right?

from Paulipod, post 141 to this thread:

If you think the HIV pandemic in Africa is the fault of all those people - I hope you meet someone that you need to defend yourself against with your knives and guns.

This was in response to Jeffrey's assertion that people are intentionally doing things to making the AIDS epidemic worse.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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>I am very curious as to what you use to measure the attacks.

I hadn't read all of those; I don't read all the threads, and if you see something questionable, feel free to PM me. Bigway has been warned before. Nac, Matt, Pauli - your one warning.

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>I am very curious as to what you use to measure the attacks.

I hadn't read all of those; I don't read all the threads, and if you see something questionable, feel free to PM me. Bigway has been warned before. Nac, Matt, Pauli - your one warning.

Weren't you threatening to beat someone's ass in another thread, Bill? I think you'd better warn yourself, pal!!! :P

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