
At least she didn't say, "Fuck Off"

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Irony - say "shove it" when asked to explain her plea for more civility in politics. That's what Teresa Kerry just did.


I guess it's okay, though, if it's "sheer frustration aimed at a right-wing rag that has consistently and purposely misrepresented the facts in reporting on Mrs. Kerry and her family."

So, a call for civility followed by "shove it" is okay. In fact, it is "mild, polite and appropriate."

Cheney, who apparently was not actively calling for civility, is to be scorned for saying "fuck off."

Somehow, I find it equally bad to say, "Fuck off" while not advocating civility as it is to say, "Shove it" when advocating civility. The former is rude, but honest. The latter is no so rude, but disigenuous.

Just my thoughts..

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Somehow, I find it equally bad to say, "Fuck off" while not advocating civility as it is to say, "Shove it" when advocating civility. The former is rude, but honest. The latter is no so rude, but disigenuous.

So now you're saying Mrs Heinz is disingenious because she didn't say
Fuck-off ... which, if she had, then would have been OK with you.
That's really funny.

One notable difference between the two was that the first happened on the
floor of the Senate of the United States towards a Senator representaing one
of the States. The only thing that saved Cheney from disciplinary action was
that the Senate just happened not to be in session at that very moment.

Obviously Mrs Heinz is also not running for presidency - her husband is.

Other than that this is a pretty silly discussion.

Cheers, Thomas
Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true

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So now you're saying Mrs Heinz is disingenious because she didn't say

No, I'm saying she's disingenous for saying "shove it" when advocating civility.

Sure, we aren't voting for her. A parallel for this thinking would be Cheney saying, "I really take issue with your potty mouth. Fuck off."

If you argue civility, shouldn't you be civil doing it? Isn't that ironic? I gave her credit. She didn't cuss doing it. Had she said, "Fuck off" then I would not have titled it as I did.

As I said, Cheney didn't say, "We need clean language - fuck off." Teresa Heinz said we need civility here - shove it. Then is cheered by Hillary and supported by Kerry.

Edited to add - note that she was upset because the reporter for the "right wing rag" asked her what she meant by "unamerican." She denied saying it, and when pressed said, "Shove it."

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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So now you're saying Mrs Heinz is disingenious because she didn't say

No, I'm saying she's disingenous for saying "shove it" when advocating civility.

Sure, we aren't voting for her. A parallel for this thinking would be Cheney saying, "I really take issue with your potty mouth. Fuck off."

If you argue civility, shouldn't you be civil doing it? Isn't that ironic? I gave her credit. She didn't cuss doing it. Had she said, "Fuck off" then I would not have titled it as I did.

As I said, Cheney didn't say, "We need clean language - fuck off." Teresa Heinz said we need civility here - shove it. Then is cheered by Hillary and supported by Kerry.

Edited to add - note that she was upset because the reporter for the "right wing rag" asked her what she meant by "unamerican." She denied saying it, and when pressed said, "Shove it."

Rather like bringing civil rights to Iraq by invading and killing 10,000 civilians? I get your point.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Rather like bringing civil rights to Iraq by invading and killing 10,000 civilians? I get your point

Exactly. Or bringing freedom and security in passing the Patriot Act.

Or Jesse Jackson counseling Clinton on his sexual escapades while his mistress was pregnant.

Or Newt Gingrich speaking of family values.

Or Robert Byrd lambasting government pork.

Or Michael Moore speaking on guaranteeing accuracy in documentaries.

Or Jayson Blair sermonizing against plagiarism.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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You're right. I'm not voting for Theresa Heinz now. :P

You didn't think voting for Bill Clinton was voting for Hillary either did you?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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So now you're saying Mrs Heinz is disingenious because she didn't say

No, I'm saying she's disingenous for saying "shove it" when advocating civility.

...but the real stumper to this thread, Lawrocket, is: is it 'disigenuous' as your original post, 'disingenious' as you were mis-quoted, or 'disingenous', as you replied back???


PS spell-check says you're all spelling-challenged...:ph34r: -and crwtom, I did a hand drawing of your avatar with a rig on his back that looked awesome, but I lost it before I could get it embroidered on something. :(
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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You're right. I'm not voting for Theresa Heinz now. :P

You didn't think voting for Bill Clinton was voting for Hillary either did you?

Good point. :P

Then again, Bush won the election, but Cheney is in charge. :S

Now we both know that it is a conglomerate of Big Oil and Haliburton that is in charge - don't try to sway and spin.:S:D:D
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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So is everyone really so thin skinned now, or just pretending to be.

We have Chaney sound off, then Democratic actors and actresses, and now the would be First Lady. If there was ever a time to call for a move to actual issues, this is it.

So Chaney tells someone to fuck off....in the 19th Century one Member beat another nearly to death. It's hard to even dignify "shove off" with an answer.

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Yes, civility from a woman who stood by while Whoopie and the rest of the closed-door clan raised money for her husband?:S

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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Sure, we aren't voting for her. A parallel for this thinking would be Cheney saying, "I really take issue with your potty mouth. Fuck off."

come again

(don't think much oft those 5sec Google searches but I'm really short of time now)
Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true

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I agree. People on these boards have absolutely no skin what-so-ever. Half the time I have to do a double-take when I realize these are grown men complaining/whining/bitching/crying about every topic under the sun.

People on these boards need to do some serious natural herb smoking.


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So, a call for civility followed by "shove it" is okay. In fact, it is "mild, polite and appropriate."

did you see the actual video of this event? the guy she told to "shove it" sounded like he deserved it.

and don't forget... she called for civility between the canidates... not civility for the press ;)

MB 3528, RB 1182

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did you see the actual video of this event?

I did.


the guy she told to "shove it" sounded like he deserved it.

He didn't. But then it's not like she spit on him. I doubt he'll cry himself to sleep.

Still, it's interesting. More so than listening to Gore whine about winning the popular vote and losing the election...again.


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The paper I have here says:

The incident occurred shortly after Heinz Kerry, a philanthropist and heir to the Heinz family food fortune, told convention delegates from her home state that a change in tone was needed in American politics.

"We have to turn back some of the creeping un-Pennsylvanian and sometimes un-American traits that are coming into some of our poliics," she said.

When Colin McNickle of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review pressed Heinz Kerry on what she meant by "un-American," she said repeatedly, "No, I didn't say that, I didn't say that."

She turned away, then returned moments later. "You said something i didn't say, now shove it," she said, pointing her finger at McNickle.

Now... I haven't seen this on t.v. or anything, since I don't have cable and don't watch much t.v. , so I haven't seen the actual video of what happened. I just find it very ironic that she displays lack of civility immediately after giving a speech on it, essentially scolding others, lecturing them from on high.

Compound that hypocrisy by the fact that -- at least according to what I'm reading here in The Palm Beach Post, that she most certainly IS quoted as having said "un-American," and you find she's denying having said something that it can be proved she said -- and then getting mad at someone and accusing him of lying AND telling him to shove it, all in one fell swoop! AMAZING!

And it reminds me of another prominent Democrat who had a penchant for "pointing fingers" when lies were being told...

That irony is certainly not lost on me.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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When Colin McNickle of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review pressed Heinz Kerry on what she meant by "un-American," she said repeatedly, "No, I didn't say that, I didn't say that."

for the record - the reporter put the words "un-American activities" in
her mouth (with an obvious insinuation of the McCarthy era language)
which Heinz Kerry in fact did not use.



Yeah - aren't they? - those women with a healthy temperament -
(at least for the guys who can take them). B|

Cheers, T
Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true

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for the record - the reporter put the words "un-American activities" in
her mouth (with an obvious insinuation of the McCarthy era language)
which Heinz Kerry in fact did not use.
Cheers, T

Hmmm... bizarro. I wonder why Cox News Services (which is notoriously NOT Republican-leaning) would have skewed that story to favor the notion that Kerry was denying an accusation that she had said something she did in fact say. That chunk I transcribed was verbatim. Clearly, the writer or editor has changed the meaning of what went on by omitting that the guy who questioned Kerry added "activities" (assuming what you said is accurate). That's inexcusable on the part of the news media.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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"grown men " . . ."serious natural herb smoking."

No connection to those two points. "adults" shouldn't resort to that weakness.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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