
Thrill seekers?

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People high in novelty seeking behavior tend to have a higher-than-average tendency to indulge in alcohol, nicotine and cocaine, which stimulate dopamine transmission in the brain. 3 Thrill-seekers are also more crime prone.4
Possible Treatment
Though there is no 'cure' for risk-taking, knowing that one has such a genetic predisposition could mean the difference between leading a life fighting addiction or leading a healthy normal life.
Blue Skies!http://www.geocities.com/scollins77057/index.html

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I saw a show like the one you're talking about on TLC (the learning channel). It was based in part on research conducted by a Dr. Eric Noble - if I remember his name right. It was really interesting. Some research actually suggests that there are genetic influences at work when it comes to thrill seeking and novelty seeking. I think in general, the research shows that most so called "thrill seekers" share the following characteristics:
1. A high degree of thrill seeking and novelty seeking (duh).
2. They tend to be disorganized or disorderly.
3. They tend to be very sociable, gregarious individuals.
4. They're above average in abstract ability and intelligence.
5. They're very persistent. When they make up their mind to do something, come heaven, hell or high water they do it.
6. They are often very unexcited about life. The only time they really come alive is during the thrill seeking activity.
7. They're natural born "rule breakers". If you tell a thrill seeker that they can't do this or can't do that, they just view it as a challenge or as another rule to be broken.
That's about all I remember. How accruate do you think this is?

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Alright since everyone is coming out of the closet on their ADD I have to admit this.. I was diagnosed a few years back as a:
Bi-Polar, Manic Depressive, alcoholic, with ADD and tendensies towards psycotic behaivor... also can't spell even tho I was a english major in college.. Go Figure maybe that was the ADD... I couldn't study?? oh oh and I'm on thorazene, zoloft, lithium and prozac!! Anyone wanna jump with me? :P
Blue Skies!http://www.geocities.com/scollins77057/index.html

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what confused me was that Ritalin is an amphetamine, which seems like the opposite of what you'd give an ADD-affected child, but a child psychiatrist neighbour explained that giving amphetamine to someone who has no concentration can focus their concentration...

Yup. The ADD brain is wired differently than the "normal" brain. In a "normal" brain stimulants act to make the person hyper, in an ADD brain stimulants work to allow the person to focus. One of the questions I was asked by the shrink was if I'd ever done stimulants (speed, coke, etc.) and what I felt when I did; my answers were "classic" ADD (yes, and very focused).
Don't get the idea that I think ADD is a bad thing... I wouldn't want to be "normal" if I had a choice. People with ADD are generally smart, funny, creative, resilient, full of ideas and fun to be around, which imho outweighs all the negatives.
pull and flare,
I chose the road less traveled. Now where the hell am I?

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LMFAO!!! everything else is ok with you? Just the fact I was an English major?? Is a problem?

Yes. I have standards, dammit (There's that Tourette's thing again). What would the boys in the A/V club say?
"You can't spell geek without EE!"

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"oh oh and I'm on thorazene, zoloft, lithium and prozac!!"
I used to use Lithium batteries when I was in the military. That stuff can kill you if a battery explodes?????
"My only hope left in the world is this home made Prozac."-Homer Simpson
"Don't give a F$#ck if I'm comin or leavin"-Pappa Roach

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"1. A high degree of thrill seeking and novelty seeking (duh)."
Yeah, this is kinda circular and obvious. Basically says, "Thrill seekers seek thrills."
"2. They tend to be disorganized or disorderly."
Well, this is me. You should see the state of my apartment right now. I've climbed to a whole new level of 'disorganized'.
"3. They tend to be very sociable, gregarious individuals."
Well, I'm shy and slightly agorophobic. So this doesn't fit me at all. It does seem to describe most people at my DZ, though.
"4. They're above average in abstract ability and intelligence."
As flattering as this is, I don't think that it's generally true. The thrill seekers I know come in all colors of the intelligence spectrum. We have yokels and scientists jumping at my DZ. Most seem to be of average intelligence.
"5. They're very persistent. When they make up their mind to do something, come heaven, hell or high water they do it."
Again, this is not me at all. When I make up my mind to do something, it's guaranteed that I'll start it. I'm not so good at following through, though.
"6. They are often very unexcited about life. The only time they really come alive is during the thrill seeking activity."
This to me seems self-evident. If we were excited about life, we wouldn't need the thrills.
"7. They're natural born "rule breakers". If you tell a thrill seeker that they can't do this or can't do that, they just view it as a challenge or as another rule to be broken."
And this is not me at all. I'm very lawful by nature, and I tend to think that rules should be obeyed simply because they're there (unless they are obviously immoral or stupid). So 4 out of 7 for me, I guess.

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Except the outgoing part it's a perfect match. I'm pretty quiet unless I have 6 beers or more in my alcohol er uh...blood stream. The rule thing is kinda funny. I used to be a real rule follower. Unfortunately, Our wonderful US government taught me that only chumps follow rules. Break every one you need to as long as it benefits you. If you get caught just deny the whole thing or change the rules so that you are now not in violation of any laws. Thats usually how they operate.
"Don't give a F$#ck if I'm comin or leavin"-Pappa Roach

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This thread cracks me up. My friends and family have been giving me shit about having ADD for many years now. I can barely sit through a rented movie without getting up to check email, read a couple pages of something, stretch, etc. I have never been actually diagnosed with it, and it certainly hasn't held me back in school or work but I get a real kick out of the fact that it might somehow lead to skydiving. If only all those protective parents knew, Ritalin would be the hottest drug on the market!
Basically I think skydivers are people who realize that most everything else (except quality time with F&F) is just a game you play to fill your time, get money, and help you spread some of your DNA around, not anything inherently logical or necessary or productive in and of itself.
Skydiving seems to me like a kind of protest against the prevailing idea that the way most "normal" people live actually makes any kind of sense. Hell, skydiving makes all the sense in the world. There's you, gravity, and approximately 80 seconds for you to save your life. How much clearer could it be? Doesn't hurt that it's a shitload of fun, and everyone boozes a lot, not to mention the fact that it's also a pretty good line to use on those occasions when you are trying to spread some of your DNA around.

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oh oh and I'm on thorazene, zoloft, lithium and prozac!!

That's quite a cocktail you have going there!

Anyone wanna jump with me?

Heh. As long as you stay on your meds. ;)
I have a couple of friends who have major depression and every now & then they try to go off their meds. Couple days later I'm like "Um, dude, you may want to try taking your meds again."
Blue Skies!

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this is a very interesting subject for me, almost everything said can be applied to me. I guess that my high school counselor was right when she said I probably had ADD. I can tell you that skydiving is one of the few things that i can keep my mind on for more than a few minutes. It is such a sensation that I get can get as excited just thinking about it as doing it. it is an undescribable feeling, and there is no roller coaster ride or theme park that can compare.
Now to talk about the whole gene thing. I come from a very interesting background. Both of my parents were skydivers(born again whuffos). they both have had thier private pilot licenses. Into motorcycles, anything that would push the envelope if only slightly. It is something that I dreamed about since I was old enough to remember. for me it wasn't a question of whether not I was going to skydive, rather when.
I guess it would be a combination of the two that got me into the sport. And the thrill, as well as the enviroment keep me in it.
Since this is my first post, go ahead and say it.

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You'll get used to the whuffos after a while. Want to drive 'em totally nuts? Don't talk about skydiving with them!

We had this whuffo come to our dz shortly after the movie "Cutaway" came out. It was quite funny because he thought he knew everything about skydiving because he saw the movie. When you would try to talk with him he would constantly quote the movie and every second phrase was "yeah, like in Cutaway they....blah..blah." He hung around for probably 3-4 weekends, even slept over, then just never showed up again and never did a jump. :D

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he thought he knew everything about skydiving because he saw the movie

"You people! If it hasn't been made into a movie, it's not worth knowing about, is that it? You tell someone you're a Metatron, they stare at you blankly. You mention something out of a Charlton Heston movie and suddenly everyone is a theology scholar!" - Metatron, Dogma

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"You people! If it hasn't been made into a movie, it's not worth knowing about, is that it? You tell someone you're a Metatron, they stare at you blankly. You mention something out of a Charlton Heston movie and suddenly everyone is a theology scholar!" - Metatron, Dogma

OH YEAH BABY! I have accepted kevin Smith as my Personal Savior© along with the "Buddy Christ®"
I am 5-minutes away from walking out the door to go see "Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back" with a cute little red-head. Life is good.
"You're going to listen to something I said? Haven't I made it abundantly clear during the tenure of our friendship that I don't know shit?" Brodie - Mallrats

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