
Phew! That was a close one...

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Yeah I have to agree thats pretty bad. I'm just a peon here but save yourself some trouble and delet it! And if you think its funny , how funny would it be if your hole family was killed and you saw a "funny pic of the murder " floating away out of the window of your house on a chute! not cool dude
ps and yes I know your thingking "well that would have to ba a pretty tall house. ......but thats not the piont

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First of all, no one is dying in the picture. Secondly, this being the "worst" tragedy in the US is completely subjective. I think hundreds of thousands of Americans killing fellow Americans for years in the Civil War is a far greater tragedy. The Ku Klux Klan systematically murdering blacks for decades is right up there for me, too. Even then, I'd sooner laugh out loud than be offended by a joke about either one of these.
And why is everyone so Americentric (new word)? This is nothing compared to the shit that goes on all over the world, and has been going for years. I really think people would lighten up if they realised how spoiled they were.
- Macaulay

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First of all, no one is dying in the picture.

how wrong you are.
How many thousands of people died as that plume of fucking debris was generated by the building collapsed? It will remian unknown for days. How many firefighters are missing (300+)? How many cops (35+)? How many people died within an hour of that rushing smoke and concrete dust being born?
Get a grip, delete it. "Americentric" or not, this tragedy happened TODAY! and it happened here. There are people on these boards who have lost friends, and possibly loved ones, today.
Please, if you have any shred of decency, delete it.
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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Macualay the difference between the civil war and this is that The people that died in the Civil War were on the most part Soldiers who knew they could die at any moment. The people that died in that building had no warning other than the roar of jet engines.

And why is everyone so Americentric

maybe just maybe b/c i am an american you fucking nimrob. >:(
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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I thought the pic was was pretty good. I thought the same thing when I saw people jumping. It would be a good day to be a base jumper with your rig at work. He made light of a bad situation. If anyone here is a psychology major they should know that the human brain uses humor to make it through bad situations. If someone lost family in this I am sure he isnt laughing at them. This is a very very sad thing that happened. I wish everyone the best and pass out my condolences to all the families.
Free Bags are expensive..LOL

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You are a very sick individual. Have some respect for those people whose only crime was going to work yesterday. Don't you think they would have gotten out if they could?
To lower myself to your level I could say hopefully next time you won't.

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If anyone here is a psychology major they should know that the human brain uses humor to make it through bad situations.

I have to agree. I think we all deal with serious matters in our own way. After working with police officers, dispatchers, EMS, and so forth, I know that I've certainly seen it. You'd be disgusted at some of the things that are said that would seem very inappropriate.
This was a horrible tragedy for everyone, and I think we need to all set an example of forgiveness and try to practice some patience....including myself. (I'm sorry for my own irritation and hateful words this morning Merrick. I love you.) It's a time to join together, everyone.
Hemp/skydiving jewelry pics!

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"I have to agree."

Now I'm not being the "agreeable spouse" here, but I have to agree too. After not smiling much at all in the past 24 hours, this was the first thing to actually make me laugh. No, I'm not some insensitive sick prick, I just thought it was a very witty picture... especially after thinking that if it were me in this horrible situation how I'd hoped it would have been show-n-tell day at work that day... You know what I would have taken with me!
This is a very very tragic situation, my heart & my prayers go out to the victims and their families... the weight of such an evil devastating attack could never be avenged in the hearts of those directly involved, or even in the average American. I don't think that Macaulay or anyone meant any disrespect or to even make fun of the those thousands of people who have lost their lives so senselessly. True, his timing & tact probably wasn't completely thought out, but he was just trying to lighten an otherwise very gloomy atmosphere.... Thanks for the smile Steve.

"I'm sorry for my own irritation and hateful words this morning Merrick. I love you."

I love you too sweetie... Tensions have been high with everyone lately, not just you.... you were forgiven well before now (not saying that you didn't make some good points either LOL).
"Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"

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Well...I have to admit (please dont burn me at the stake here) Yesterday I saw a news clip of people jumping out the window. My first thought " Damn...that is so fucked up" My second thought " Damn...I've seen students that weren't that stable" Third thought "Damn...that's a fucked up thing to think"
I'm sane and have the papers to prove it! It's just my way of dealing with it in the absence of putting rounds down range.
"We must kill them. We must exterminate them. Pig by Pig, Cow by Cow" -Apocolypse Now

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I love you too sweetie... Tensions have been high with everyone lately, not just you.... you were forgiven well before now (not saying that you didn't make some good points either LOL).

as long as you guys dont start kissing and making up on a live webcam! (unless the camera focuses on Pam of course!!!) lol
Muff 914

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While many may think that Macauley's post was totally tasteless, just remember - this affects different people in different ways.. I'm not saying that I agree with what he did, and I personally would not have posted something like that, but give the guy a break.. I have to admit - I thought it was kind of a tasteless picture, but then again, I got a chuckle out of it.. No, not at the death and carnage going on in the background.. Some people are too uptight, and think that anybody that feels different than they do is a sicko.....well, I've got news for ya.. Not everybody is like you..

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If anyone here is a psychology major they should know that the human brain uses humor to make it through bad situations.

I agree as well (wow I think this is the most agreeing and positive communication I have seen on this board in weeks! ;) ). Everyone has their own way of dealing with emotionally difficult situations. Whether you find it funny or distasteful or in poor timing, I'm sure many of you would find it funny if you didn't know what building was crumbling or the situation that was being captured in the picture.
Even in Canada we are feeling the emotionally devastated over the events of our neighbors and friends. I too am still missing a friend who works very close to the WTC. Usually I come to this site to find comfort and laughs and to generally escape everyday life, but lately we have become negative towards each other and the whole integrity of these forums is diminished. If I wanted this, I would have stayed with Rec.skydiving. Why can't we just support each other and allow others to have different opinions without swearing and flaming them? :)Tee

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HAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! That BASE comment was frickin' hilarious. So I make light of everything. I even know some funny holocaust jokes. Big deal. Life goes on (at least for those who weren't on the WTC yesterday). No, I'm not stupid. Yes, I completely lack compassion for the thousands of strangers that died yesterday, and everyday of my life.
- Macaulay

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