
Are you a dropzone in need of a great plane???

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That's almost as good as the old Soviet sub they had on there a year or so ago. No, it wasn't a nuclear sub, it was one of the older diesel powered subs. Either way, that would have been a fun toy, cruzing around in a sub...or just turn it into a sort of party barge...
Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.-General George Patton-

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Damn dude!!!
I thought you were gonna keep that one a secret among the Orange people!!! We could just sneak in there with our petty cash jar and snatch it up. Now everybody knows and they are all gonna want a piece of the action.
A bucket of Jet A can heat an entire county if burned all at once.

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is that the Connie that used to go to Quincy?

No, the one in Quincy was from the Save a Connie foundation and painted with the red/white TWA colors. I happen to be a connie picture collector ever since Quincy and now have 7 different Connies (that were still flying) in my collection. This Connie I own 4 of her windows.

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How about getting a 12.000 feet cord, buying this baby http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1698163216
Fire her up from y'r own backyard, and at 12 grand, just jump off and when you landed reel here back in and get ready for another ride :)
Not sure if she's got the lift capacity you need...but who cares..it's a great idea..:)

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now where is my i mean our plane lol

SON OF A B#$CH!!! You would wont believe this but my wife took the money and spent it all on shoes!!!!! So I'm just going to buy the 182 I saw in this months parachutist for 58,000$! .............But can I still be on the croc hunter?????;)

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