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Both the men and the women's, eh? 'Boot bloody time :)"Canada is the worlds second largest nation, the FIRST nation of hockey ... and the best part of North America..."
Was thinking of slapping a red maple leaf on the back bumper tommorow, but that will probably get me lynched ...if the above quote from a certain Molson ad doesn't ;)

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And this is surprising? 60% of the NHL is Canadian... US cities have more money. Cities like Ottawa, Winipeg and Quebec can't keep teams alive. Players end up in the states. Not a good thing...
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Poster: Iflyme
Subject: Re: GOLD for CANADA in HOCKEY!
I'd say two GOLD for Oz isn't too bad!

to bloody right
nagano gold 0 silver 0 bronze 1
salt lake gold 2 silver 0 bronze 0
we rule :) and cause of this it means that the winter olypians will acctualy get funden so world here we come :)
side note to above the girl that won the gold had to sell here car just to get the olympics :( dont think it will be an issue now lol
the only thing you learn at school is to memorize

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side note to above the girl that won the gold had to sell here car just to get the olympics

Now that is dedication. This is the kind of story I would like to hear come out of the Olympics from the major media sources instead of the droning on and on by the Russians that they were cheated...
"And who are you?"

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OK Frank,, congrats on the Gold,, I'll buy ya beer for that,, but shit fuck,, good game eh!!! those guys played ther hearts out!! I couldn't watch it live so I taped it,, then with less than 10 mins left I ran outta tape,, score 3:2,, had ta call a friend ta see who won,, Pissed me off ...not that we lost but that I couldn't watch it,,, and I just wanted ta say congrats to the Russian pair skaters,, well the babe anyway, it bites with all the shit they had ta put up with,, and I do think the Canadian pair deserved the medal,, but that Russian gal deserved a medal just for competing after the head injury she had to recoup from,, and Picaboo Street coming back from her broken femur and blown out knee,, damn inspiring stuff,, now if the fuckin politicians would just shut up and have the same grace the athletes did it would be a class event,,,,
Cheers Bro and Congrats....
Your USA Bud,,

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Even though a majority of their (Canada's) players were from the United State's professional league(NHL)...hmmm...

yeah but the majority of the players in that league are canadian and European. It wouldn't be much with only players from the states.
Even with a former canadian in your team you couldn't beat us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS. Think Brett Hull regrets his decision now?
"We cannot do great things, only small things with great love" Mother Theresa

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Bobby Hull hit my Aunt in the mouth with a puck,, and she was like the only one in the stadium,, she was one of the first women to work with the Detroit Redwings in PR and was watching him practice,, he ment ta hit the glass in front of her but the puck floated and pow,, right in the choppers,,

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The high point of the week was when the Canadian women won gold in the hockey rink.
It was nice when the Canadian guys won too.
How do we convince the whining Russians to SHUT UP? Putin seems to be the only Russian with any maturity!
We would much rather hear about the sacrifices that various athletes made on their way to the 'Games.

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Frank, what is "hockey" and "canada"???
I have never heard of these strange things...

Will, head up to Belfast (if you are brave/stoopid enough :)I just want to say again what a great job our American friends did in putting on a safe and incredibly entertaining Winter Olympics. I really find the whole thing very inspiring. And seeing KISS playing at the closing ceremonies - yeehaw!!!
Billy - to bad ya got hosed with your videotape -- nothing worse than that!
Jessica ... BOOYA!!!

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