
Working on Fridays??

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Not a gear company, but I'm working. Actually it's a holiday for everyone except a couple people because it being the day after the close of trading for the month. Unfortunately as the computer guy, I have to be here too.
Slow day on the forums, me thinks lots of people off, and probably jumping too, the bastards.
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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We're a gear dealer, not a manufacturer, and we are normally open on Fridays. Today is a happy exception - we take Good Friday off :)Although being the dedicated employee that I am, I'll be going to work for an hour or two to take care of any email that came in since last night...
pull & flare,
"But our reality is in fact entire illusion!"
-Gregory Benford

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Yes, I work Fridays. Can't you tell by the way I'm here posting. I am just waiting for a call that they need me at the DZ and I'll be out the door.
:::OK, Canopy is Open, No Traffic Around, .. Why are these "Extra" Lines Draping Down??, Damn!

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>oh heather, speaking of which, whenever you guys want to do some banners just give me a call
Cool. We're getting a bunch made right now, but I'm sure those will disappear fast! Summer boogies...yahoooo!
Looks like a bunch of us are stuck at work. I need to get out of here a bit early and test jump some gear though...yeah, test jump, that's what I'll call it....;)
Blue Skies,

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if it's not a goverment holiday then i'll be working.......but today was sorta a slack off day...2 hour lunch then i got back and they are like go change into your p.t. gear so you can help some young college coeds through the obstical course...oh life is grand...got my tax return today...didn't think i was gona beable to jump but lo and behold i have money now.... woo hooooo and my other rig is ready to be picked up from the riggers...gona make a jump on it fially since my last with it 6 months ago.......having two rigs is cool.....untill repack time comes around..........:(

"i may not go to heven, i hope you go to hell"-C.C.

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This sucks...I was supposed to just have to work a half day and I'm still freakin' here. And I don't even get a day off to make up for working on a day when most of the company has a paid holiday. Completely bogus!!!
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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From the mind of Paul Gilmartin
"Bad Pickup Lines"
Hey don't I know you from the bus?
My mom has that same dress...
Want to see a trick I learnt in prison?
How much were your breasts?
Are you drunk or is that just a lazy eye?
My tool needs a shed.
I like to park my corrective shoes underneath your bed...
You think it's impressive now, this cold sore's just getting started.
Mind if I hang out here till it's safe back where I farted?
'scuse for me for interruptin' and I'm not trying to make a pass,
But you must be leaving the country if you're packin' that much ass.

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This figures.... I pick up my paycheck, cash it and am ready to drop 1600 on a new canopy and no one answers the phone at Square1.... then I come on here and see the Bytch has the day off while I've been stuck in work and its the nicest day yet this year.... Justy my luck...
I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend... ~3EB

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