
your religion?????

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I am a christian...I read my Bible...BUT...I also study other religions as often as I can...I read the quran...have read His Holyness the Dalai Lama's many books...I am very interested in muslim religion....I think Budhism is a great way to approach life...all in all I am a mix of my religions..I believe in a supreme being...now if is a woman or man..I do not know..I just know it is there...

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as i thought alot of "christians" i didnt notice any pagens but then again i had no idea what some of the religions where lol.
ok question for the christians what was the purpose of jesus from "gods" point of view?????
ps. good to see we havnt had any fights at all yet :)Opinions are like a-holes everyone has one, the only one that does you any good is yours and all that comes out is shit

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Roman Catholic. My parents are catholic, all my siblings are catholic as are all my nieces and nephews. I have never questioned my faith and I truly love the Catholic Church. I have never had a temptation to seek out any other religion. Practicing my faith really gives me a sense of peace in a really screwed up world.
Happy Easter, Passover or skydiving folks! :)Skydivers...they're just plain cool!

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I am an Atheist. Science is my religion and it bothers many people around me. They all look at the bible to explain what cannot be explained and I look to science to explain all things. I belive that later in life I may explore some of the mysterious of the bible and religion but sadly I do not think that It is for me. IF and I stress IF there was a god and all good people go to heaven then I see myself going there in the future and he should accpet that it is who am and because of who I am that I think this way. After all he created me to be this way and wants what is best for me. If I am happy this way how can it be wrong?
Who ever said comming down from a high was bad obviously never tried this.

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there are plenty of gods around of all forms

Bill, all these "little gods" need to originate somewhere ... and that requires a divine creator. And if that is not the case, perhaps someone like Bill Gates is the acting "god of software", and George Bush is "god of weapons" ...
Anyway, how would we -- or perhaps, to be more specific -- people who believe in a god, define the line between extraterrestial intellegence and god? If "god" didn't create the universe, then god ain't god ... he/she is an alien! (Not that there's anything wrong with that!)
I'm enjoying this friendly discussion! And I'm pleased to see people sticking up for what they believe in, just as I am.
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything...
"There's nothing new under the sun"

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Religion....Sorry I dont like Politics.
I was raised roman catholic, went through all the sacraments. And the more i read about christianity the more i disbelieved, and the more i thought it contradicted itself. If there is a god, or higher being, I live my life the best I know how and if he/she/whatever is not happy with it then it just wasnt ment to be.
Blue Skies
"Knowledge is the antidote to fear."
--- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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I was raised Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. If that doesn't ring a bell to anyone, take Baptist strictness, Jewish guilt, German arrogance, Islamic zeal and Quaker prudishness, mix them all together with a Catholic love of ritual. Bake every Sunday for several hours (to prepare you for the fires to come?) and declare it the One True Way.
Went to Lutheran grade school, and spent the majority of my high school years preparing for the ministry. My first year at pre-seminary I was introduced to the most bigoted, hateful, mean-spirited people I had ever met (yet to be surpassed to this day). and that was just the faculty -- don't even get me started about my classmates!
This got me to thinking, "These are the ones God has called?"
So I started reading about all these other religions and got seriously fscked up mentally. Years later I got my shirt together and have come to a semblance of what/who I believe. Now I just say I am spiritual, and try to let others do as they wiil, as long as they hurt no one.
I do believe in the power of prayer, or positive vibes -- I have felt that power personally more than once, when I really needed it and others were directing such energy my way -- for all those who helped me after I bounced, thank you again. The one thought I'll leave this thread with is to be good to all, even those who seem to be your enemies, they know not what they do.

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>Bill, all these "little gods" need to originate somewhere ... and that requires a
> divine creator.
Well, I definitely won't argue that, but that's not what those religions teach. They do not have an all-encompassing divine creator.
>Anyway, how would we -- or perhaps, to be more specific -- people who believe in
> a god, define the line between extraterrestial intellegence and god?
Generally, once you have direct physical proof that something like that exists, he is no longer a god. If god regularly made suborbital food drops to starving people, he would very quickly leave the realm of religious faith and enter the realm of politics, orbital mechanics and military planning.
>If "god" didn't create the universe, then god ain't god ... he/she is an alien! (Not
> that there's anything wrong with that!)
Again, no argument, but the gods of the Egyptians believed in a god that did not create the world - and they didn't think he was an alien.
-bill von

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well it depends who you ask some ppl believe that the egyptian gods where infact aliens. though alot of ppl think that because they couldnt have built the pyramids alone, i got bored last year and did a bit of research and came up with the fact that im 99.9999% sure that they used water to move the stone (well theres a bit more to it but this is a religous thread :) )
i personaly dont believe in gods due to logic rather than science.
Opinions are like a-holes everyone has one, the only one that does you any good is yours and all that comes out is shit

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nah though that is a good show there is alot of "evidence" that people point to that the egyptian gods where aliens
Opinions are like a-holes everyone has one, the only one that does you any good is yours and all that comes out is shit

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I actually saw a show on the History Channel giving this theory. It was narated by Leonard Nimoy - Spock himself.
I dont' believe it, buecause as a rule I don't generally believe everything I see on television. Actually, I was really surprise Nimoy narated it and the History Channels showed it. I thought both of them had higher levels of integrity then that.
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Ahhh...the "Hitler" Channel. That was an old show ("In Search Of"), if Spock was doing it and if you hear the disclaimer at the beginning of the show, what they do is take semi-outlandish stuff like that and investigate it. The show lets you draw your own conclusions though.
It's not "history" show, its a it-could-happen/be show. Not all the stuff they show on that channel is accurate, but for TV it's doing really well.
"Homer Simpson, smiling politely."

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The "history" shows on TLC and to a lesser extent on the History channel seem to be becoming increasingly speculative and sensationalistic. I watched a show the other night about supposed giants that had been found around the world. Of course they didn't ever show any real evidence, unless by evidence you mean hearsay. All of the bodies had been destroyed or lost before they could be photographed or examined by reputable scientists. At least the UFO nuts have crop circles and blurry photos.

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I enjoy some of their shows, a lot of the stuff about WWII, although it is starting to get old since that is a lot of what they show. That and Modern Marvels, that tends to be a good show.
What I really miss are the shows done by one guy, but I can't quite remember his name. He did the Connections series and The Day The Universe Changed. Those were some seriously cool shows (TLC, not History Channel, though).
"Homer Simpson, smiling politely."

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skyhawk - it's POSSIBLE that pigs will fly out my ass tomorow. I don't think it's particularly likely, though...
if you have a look at the evidence there is quite a large chance, though nowhere as big as the current theory or my water theory but there is alot of evidence to support it. naturaly as my theory is a. they where advanced due to strong military and trade/endebting other countrys b. the used water to help build the pyramids i dont think it was aliens.
but a couple of hundred years ago we knew that the earth was flat not only that but it was impossible for it to be any different
Opinions are like a-holes everyone has one, the only one that does you any good is yours and all that comes out is shit

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I think the guy who did Connections was James Burke. Balding English guy with big glasses? I had a history teacher who used to show us his stuff. The last I checked, he was still writing his column in Scientific American every month. He always did (or does) great stuff.

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I was raised Catholic and i guess i still am, though i have modified it in my head to believe some of the stuff that makes sense and discard the rest.
Its also a personal belief of mine that a higher power exists, and that all religions (or most of them) have an inkling of what it is but none of them have it exactly right. I think all paths point to the same thing but that the paths they take are different, kinda like climbing a mountain from all the different sides. So, I think that all the religious wars are pointless (war is pointless, but religious war more so) cuz they are essentially arguing the same thing. Moreover, in the afterlife everyone is enlightened to where they realize it was all stupid. My own opinion.
As far as the God vs Science debate, I studied engineering and am generally logical and scientifically minded. I still believe in something (most resembling the Catholic version of God since thats what i was taught). What I think when people say that nothing has proven the existence of God one way or the other is that if there is a being that is capable of creating the Universe, He/She has the capability to escape our detection despite whatever efforts we can make and just because we as humans, with our limitations, can't prove it doesn't mean it can't exist. I'm not attacking people who think this way, I just don't agree with it (and i am not pointing at anyone who has expressed their views here, im talking in general). I think that part of being a scientist is to keep your possibilities open that anything is possible cuz throughout history there has been things that were thought to be ABSOLUTELY true, only to be disproven to the point that to think thats how everyone thought is laugable.
And correct me if i am wrong, but science is just a set of theorems that are proven by trial and error.....that is, that a statistical set of trials falls into a certain pattern. The theorem is proven "true" when more often than not a certain result comes up. Well, to some, myself included, this is proof of something that on a base level you have to accept as true to move on to higher level observations. Now, religion hasn't been as palpably proven (maybe for some it has, but not to me) but like science it's somethign you are told that you do or do not believe.
So, I can't discard religion or a belief in God because of lack of proof.
Personally, I think that the feeling i get from skydiving is the proof that there is a higher power that set up the universe a certain way. Being in love must be the same way too.
Nothing concrete, just a feeling.
Anyway, I really need to skydive before i go completely insane.
blue skies

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