
I'm a homeowner

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I closed on the house last week...on the same day speedracer was closing on his. Right now, we're busy cleaning, refinishing floors and cabinets and painting in preparation to move in. The seller was really cool...he left the lawnmower, hoses, shovels, ladders, snowblower, edger, basically everything I need, even some lawn furniture and some cabinets in the basement. I won't have to buy much. I've attached a picture here...we're gonna make some changes to it though. For example, I'm gonna paint that ugly green hand railing black and replace that ugly front door.

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Congrats! Glad to see it all finally fell into place for you! We are looking for house/property to buy. A year ago we moved out of a house we have owned for 25 years to have our son "rent" it from us. Now we are "renting".....do you see something wrong with this picture!!!!!???? What we won't do for our kids...geez.....
I live in my own little world - - - but it's okay, they know me here.

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Congrats! Savor the feeling. :)Pretty soon, shit will start breaking and you'll be spending valuable jump money at Home Depot buying stuff to fix up your place. :o There was a stretch when I was going to Home Depot like twice a week. It didn't matter if all I went there for was a roll of insulation, each trip cost $300. It was the magic number. I couldn't leave before spending $300. Things have settled down though, and it is good to be a homeowner. B|

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Thanks ! In the Chicago area, especially in the city, (my house is in the burbs) almost everything is brick. I think that's because almost all contruction after the Chicago fire was brick, plus the city is sitting on bedrock which is high in clay content...good for making bricks and supporting skyscrapers.

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Huraaaaaaahhhhhhhh for home ownership.
(dont lose your job sweetness or it gets ugly)
Yahooo on the lawnmower mine is really neat it runs over great dane poop with no worries. I love to plant stuff I have seeds sprouting all over next week I will be planting all kinds of stuff. Yellow Bells, Lavendar, Rosemary, Peppers, My yard is ALIVE... I like vines, and rainforest looking stuff. This year, if I get to keep the house and get a cool job) I will make a rain forest and finally put a swing in the big oak in the back yard.
Ants are pests however.... my neighbor who is a vampire and works only at night... is really cool... he kills them for me in the front right yard. The guys on the left think Skeet tastes like Chicken. NOT.... gotta keep an eye on that fence. Hope it doesnt break down.
Wait till you have the lawnmower wars- you dont feel like mowing but the guy on the left did it and the guy on the right did it, now look, you can hardly find your car out there, LOL.
I love you Troy, your one of my fav brothers.
Ann ~ www.AirAnn.com
Levin in RW suit.. I have pictures!!!

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that's a party porch, if I've ever seen one!

That's exactly what I thought when I saw it. Definately a party porch. Put the keg in the corner on the left, that way people can get to it on top or bottom...OR put the DZ there and put the keg by the stairs on the ground...:)"Homer Simpson, smiling politely."

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Yeah, and isn't that a bag of charcoal?

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention....the seller also left me a weber grill...and i LOVE to barbecue!!! We already have a housewarming party date tentatively set....May 25. We'll combine the housewarming with my birthday which is May 23. The seller also left me a ping pong table in the basement! Bonus! I was thinking of later getting a pool table or foosball table. This is gonna be fun! Any of you coming up for nationals or summer fest let me know! I can play host to a few people or more.

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Congrats! Isn't that a great feeling?? When I closed on my house I moved in a month before my furniture...just me, a sleeping bag and the cats.... I spent two days just touching things...this is my doorknob...this is my wall...this is my hole in the kitchen ceiling.....not all of it was perfect, but it is all mine!!!!
(ok, the bank owns most of it. Evey month I figure I buy one more doorknob or hinge. That is about all I really own of my house......)
Again, congrats and enjoy!

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I spent two days just touching things...this is my doorknob...this is my wall...this is my hole in the kitchen ceiling.....not all of it was perfect, but it is all mine!!!!

I know how this feels! I closed on wednesday & moved in thurs-sunday. And of course I had to clean the old apartment so I can get my security deposit. On Monday I turned in the keys to my old apartment. (I have been busting my ass non-stop since Wednesday. Moving sucks. I am exhausted.)
It's still sinking in. All my life I've rented. And when I was growing up my folks didn't own the houses we lived in, we always had a landlord. So this is the first time I've lived in a house that wasn't owned by a stranger.B|
And I didn't have to sell my gear after all!!B| So when things settle down I'll be back!
Speed Racer
"Fill your hand, you son-of-a-bitch!"

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