
Whats your DZ like?

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This is what my DZ advertise on the http://www.fallskjerm.no web. I like the part about landing off the DZ.

Østre Æra is located in the deep woods of the valley Østerdalen, approx. 125 miles north of Oslo. The surroundings are very rural, so none of our friendly, but few, neighbours represent any constraints on our activity. This is probably the only DZ in the world were a bad spot can lead to a meet with a bear or a wolf.

What's special about your home DZ?

There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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I'd love to come and jump with you on Hawaii!B|
If I win the lottery, I'll come...

If I win the lottery grand price, I think I will go on a "round the world visiting DZ's" tour. That would be a cool year (52 dropzone in 52 weeks...!)

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If I win the lottery grand price, I think I will go on a "round the world visiting DZ's" tour. That would be a cool year (52 dropzone in 52 weeks...!)

52 DZs in 52 weeks??

What a killer skydiving holiday that would be!!B|

I hope you also would win enough money to hire a packer for that same trip brother!!!;):)

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"What's special about your home DZ? "
I jump at z-hills. We a have year-round twin otter. Three or four in the winter. We have some of the best freefly coaching in the world with Colon and Pip. For RW, Boxman organizes big-ways and coaches. Also, the women's world champions Synchronicity live here. During the winter, Guy comes down from the Ranch and organizes big-ways. Every weekend, Johnny and the Muffs do 8 to 12-way every Sunday. There are organizers for every RW experience level with Oren and Nigel. Sun Path and Tony Suits are within 2 blocks of manifest.
I think I'm just spoiled. B|B|B|

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Read aloud in a totally innocent voice, with no discernible trace of sarcasm or irony:


What have you jumped from?

Oh, nothing. :$ Since the National Park Service banned jumping there, no jumper ever goes there. I'm pretty sure that the NPS ban has been totally effective in removing all BASE jumping from Yosemite, and every other National Park in the U.S. (Hey! No sarcasm! Totally innocent!)


Can you jump from El Cap?

I suppose it's theoretically possible to jump from El Cap. But then, it's theoretically possible to jump from the Golden Gate Bridge, the Eiffel Tower, and the Saint Louis Arch, as well. And you would certainly never see a law abiding BASE jumper doing any of those things. :)

In all seriousness, if you were interested in doing such a jump, you would need to establish a fair degree of BASE proficiency, make enough BASE jumps to establish the skills for a reasonable likelihood of survival, then find the locals in the area and ask them for guidance. Please don't ever try to jump any object without contacting the local BASE jumpers first.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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We've got a cranky bull in one of the pastures south of the dz. NEVER land near a cranky bull!

Skydance in Davis, California has a rifle range just north of the main landing area. If you undershoot by a few hundred yards you're right in the firing lane. Cut-away canopies have actually landed on the range.

I understand the regulars at the rifle range make jokes about "skeet shooting" every time canopies pass over.

Needless to say, there is a big student field a fair distance away, and the DZO is pretty serious about forcing people to land there if he doubts their accuracy skills.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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Located northwest of Houston in Waller, TX at a fly-in community. It used to be the Waller Country Club, but the original DZ owner bought the clubhouse and the runway. so we're also next to a 9hole golf course.
The indoor packing is nice. The swimming pool is nice to have, both during the day and also for those impromptu late night naked swimming parties. Nice landing area, and lots of outs if you can't make it back. (just try not to ruin any fences you may have to go over). and the SUPER OTTER ROCKS !!!
here's the link http://www.skydivehouston.com/
What's the difference between a bad day for a golfer and a bad day for a skydiver?
A bad day for a golfer sounds like "THWAK!.... Shit!"
'In an insane society a sane person seems insane.' Mr. Spock

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