
The saga that is me.........

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I don't know where this big black cloud has come from. I truly have had a pretty fortunate life. But these past almost 2 years...holy shit.

Last night, I was driving home from work in a major windstorm. I see this huge dead tree falling in front of me across the road. There was no time to stop but fortunately I swerved in time to avoid hitting the trunk of the tree. Instead all the branches got the car. So now my whole driver's side is all scraped up. This is the new car I purchased in April and cracked up in May. Of course the damage from the previous incident was the length of my passenger side. So, now I have done the driver's side.:(

I think I need to go off to one of those cleansing retreats. I don't think I have good kharma. I must have killed a bug in a past life.:P


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I think I need to go off to one of those cleansing retreats. I don't think I have good kharma. I must have killed a bug in a past life.:P

Chris, understand that this isn't an attack, but I think there is no better time for you to take a vacation from work and just live at the dropzone, and get your licenses. Don't worry about what goes on outside, leave your cell phone at home. You'll feel 1000x better

Hook high, flare on time

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thus the old adage: "Bad things happen to good people" and "This to, shall pass" it's got to get better, before it gets worse! i'd get on the plane with you, but i'd insists on sitting by the door! J/K! B|;)
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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You have symmetry.

Exactly. Now that your car has been properly "balanced", your life will turn around and only good things will happen to you from now on.

Is that what they call feng shui?
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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You know you're having a bad day when a "Bytch" slap is the highlight.
Hey! I take offense to that remark. A slap from me should be the highlight of a good day, not a bad one!

Well i'm no slap expert... ;) but i think a slap from Bytch would be pretty damn awesome.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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You know you're having a bad day when a "Bytch" slap is the highlight.


Hey! I take offense to that remark. A slap from me should be the highlight of a good day, not a bad one!

You see, I have just been Bytch slapped and it was the best part of my day!:)
You know I only mean this with the utmost of affection.


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You see, I have just been Bytch slapped and it was the best part of my day!

You know I only mean this with the utmost of affection.

Dude, just get your lips permanently attached to her ass.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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