
Cutting away, big time

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Christina, I really hope that works out well for you. It's a big decision, one that I don't think I'd ever recomend to anyone, but you seem to have come to it through honest retrospection...

If you make it to Chicago make sure to look me up! B|


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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Congratulations!! I wish I had done that when I was younger. As it stands now my son will be 18 in 3 yrs and 4 months, then I'm outta here myself!

G. Jones

"I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."

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Congrats Christina!

Life is too short, you gotta follow your instincts. If your job makes you miserable going on a "leave of absence" isn't a bad idea. If nothing else it will give you time to reflect on what you want out of life and how you want to get there.

So good luck! Hope you find what you're looking for. Then again, maybe it will find you. ;)

Me, I like my job & it gives me money for jump tix. So I am staying put.

Still cutting away the spouse though. :P

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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I've spent the last 2 years wishing I'd cut away from grad school. Don't like what I'm doing and there's no way I'm going to continue with it when I leave. Thankfully I have a wonderfully supportive group of friends and family so I should be done soon.

I've seen a shitty situation make me a depressive arsehole that nobody wants to be around so I'd recommend to anyone who finds themselves that unhappy to cut away and move on.

Good luck to you.


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ooohh ooohh!!! sounds good!!! I am 24, 6 months out of a loonng relationship (that counts as a divorce, right?) and I am trying to leave my job...(boss avoids me when I try to give my notice...by Jan I can catch up to him...sneak attack)l...but I am not sure how my 2 babies would do in a camper...Lola and Charlie...my 2 cats...ooohhh...what fun that sounds like...hey, I'm handy and I can cook...

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On a more serious note, you can do it. If I didn't have the wife, and kids in school, I would. I will, in 12 years when I get both kids into college. I count the seconds until that time.

We had a guy come through who cuts hair at the DZ's and that's how he makes his bucks. If you're really gonna do it, I think that might be another sideline where you could make some money on rainy days. Get hooked up in a cosmetology school while your planting virus's in the corporate computer;)



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That's Raymond! He rocks! He cut my hair over Labor Day at Xkeys and I'll never let anyone else touch my curly locks again. Not just anyone out of cosmotology school can do what Raymond can. And he spent a lot of time cutting for Tony & Guy Salon in NYC on their art team. I'm not the only diehard fan out there either. Oh - and he is an awesome freeflier to boot and just an all around incredible human being. OK - done raving about Raymond for now....

So, when we leavin'?

Fall in dove.

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Thanks, Dove. Every now and then I get one. He cut Bonnie and Jet's hair (gravity girls) while I was there Saturday. I just think if you could get good, there'd be some good rainy-day money in it. Clearly Raymond was good, and experienced. But she's got a whole cutaway life ahead of her.

And most of us guys will let just about anybody cut OUR hair. My barber is an ex con who learned in prison. Mucho problemo if you screw up a haircut in prison. He's very good.B|

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Ha, frail souls, you actually care about your hair. I tell my stylist to cut it uneven, to make it look messy. Oh, you bougeois members of the rotten middle class. Attached to your keyboards;)
Sky Hippie#1

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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That's Raymond! He rocks! He cut my hair over Labor Day at Xkeys and I'll never let anyone else touch my curly locks again.

Raymond needs to come back to Perris. Soon. I agree with ya dove, I don't want anyone else cutting my hair ever again. And I need a haircut now!

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"I'm mad as hell and I'm gonna quit! in three months" ;) J/K - good for you for making the decision. I hated my last job (engineer) since the interview, so when they started giving me shit, I walked out that day with no notice. Took me 20 minutes for me to type up my resignation and give it to my boss. He said he thought I was "too slow" at getting things done, which is what spurred me to quit - I wonder if he thought 20 minutes was too slow to type my resignation and give it to him? So now I work for myself from home and my plan is to sell my house and work remotely while touring dropzones around the country. Meanwhile, the former boss got laid off last month. I will live on the street before I subjegate myself to another pee test. Here's to living your dreams and living free. Cheers!
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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Sounds like a great plan. I had a friend who was an engineer. He too hated his job and moved to California where he opened a car body repair business. He loved cars. He later became a multi-millionare and even raced cars against Paul Newman. When I knew him as a kid his Dad raised sheep and they were pretty broke most of the time. Well anyway he followed his heart and things paid off for him. That was until his wife caught him messing around on her and shot him in the crotch with a 357. He bled to death, but that's another story. I wish it had a happier ending. But anyhow, I'd say go for it. You can always go back to being and engineer. Steve1

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Thanks everyone for the great amount of support here on the forums. I knew you guys would understand! I'll try to keep you all updated on how everything goes, if January just hurries up and gets here! I hope I have the chance to meet all of you too!


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YES!!! i think it's fantastic! actually, my boyfriend and i are doing something similar...we're buying an old Ryder truck and decking out the back so we can live in it...hitting the road in december and traveling across the south from drop zone to drop zone. i love this lifestyle - i backpacked around australia for 4 months last year...it teaches you to simplify your life, it's an incredible opportunity to meet new people and have amazing adventures! i'm so excited for you (and for me)!

it's an added bonus that i've become somewhat familiar with some of the dz.com personalities...as our itinerary begins to gel, i can put word out as to where we'll be and finally get to meet some of these freaks!!! (no offense...takes one to know one...)
spiral out...keep going...

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