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So, I'm getting out of the military because I have certain relationship preferences that apparently pose a threat to good order and discipline. That's fine, I can deal with that. What I can't deal with is the fact that even though I have kicked ass at everything I have done for 6+ years, including graduating at the top of every class I've attended and being able to compete physically with a majority of the men, I am all of sudden a total piece of shit. For the last two weeks every time I've tried to get paperwork done I've had to be escorted as though I were mentally unstable or completely untrustworthy. The latest and greatest is that my last 7 months, which I spent working my butt off in a job I didn't even sign up to do, are being totally written off and ignored because of the nature of my discharge, which I might add is honorable. I don't even rate an evaluation report. I have complete and total respect for men and women that serve their country but my country just told me to take a hike based on the prejudices of a bunch of people too busy to get to know any of the people that make sacrifices to serve. This is just such a load of crap, no wonder all the good people leave anyway. That's my rant for the day. Thank you for listening.

Just keep swimming...just keep swimming....

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Hold your head high...
...be who you are... If others can't understand or don't want to..we have no uses for them.
we all still love you...
good vibes with whatever your next endeavour is...

S.E.X. party #2

..It is far worse to live with fear, than to die confronting it.

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That makes me very sad and angry. I'm sorry that not only do you not get to do what you want, but you also have had what you have done written off.

Yes it's a load of crap. >:(

I hope you find more acceptance in the rest of what you choose to do. Good luck. :)

I'm drowning...so come inside
Welcome to my...dirty mind

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hold your head high Gal, you have 10 gazillion times more courage and strength than all those assholes put together

Soon it'll be all over, you can look back and say "FUCK THEM....."
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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it's like a symphony, jess... you can play extraordinarily beautiful music throughout the concerto, but just one dissonant chord in your final movement will be what the audience remembers you by. what's totally ironic is that the better your general performance, the more that dissonance will stand out in contrast.

and it's not just the military; you'll find it everywhere, unfortunately. it seems like it's human nature. [:/]

hang in there, take what good you can from the experience, let the bad go, and drive on. you'll find that the same basic tenets of military leadership apply well on the outside, so exploit your advantage to its fullest, letting nothing stand in your way.


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can we say FTA!!!!!!:Pscrew em the military is going to shit because certain "interest" groups try to define what we should be instead of realizing what we are. for those who dont understand, we are the defenders of this great nation. we take an oath to defend the constitution from all enemies forign and domestic. we are trained to kill those who would kill our families, you dont need to fit a certain mold to do that.>:(
oops sorry just the jarhead in me getting all moto here:$ but i think you all get the point

I am the light my son...What you seek is fire

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I say fuck em why is it that people with power try to force the rest of us to follow thier stupid way of life is it because they are threatened by us who take societies rulz and throw them out the window and say i will live like i want not like you want me to is this total freedom that we achieve threatning to them because then they have no control over us why would they even want to control us >:(


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So they take the money they spent training you and piss it away.:S
The take your skills and piss those away:S
Dedication, oh well piss that away too:S

and all because you choose an alternative lifestyle that does not hurt anybody at all.
Yup the military at it's best........fuck 'em;)

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I say fuck em why is it that people with power try to force the rest of us to follow thier stupid way of life is it because they are threatened by us who take societies rulz and throw them out the window and say i will live like i want not like you want me to is this total freedom that we achieve threatning to them because then they have no control over us why would they even want to control us >:(


oh my...




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Hey, take this anyway you want it, but I am about to get tired of the bad-mouthing of the military. If you don't choose to commit to this life, then don't. Don't fault those of us who did adapt to it and become what was needed to do the job that is required of us. Anyone here want to talk shit about the fuzzy green hat I wear on my head everyday at work? I don't think so. I also doubt there are many here that would care to jump through all the hoops one has to in order to obtain said headgear. That being said, when I did do all that work (starting with the Q-course in 1984), the job it landed me took me all over the world several times over. I would not trade a minute of it, good or bad, for almost anything else I can think of.

As for the different Chapters that the military has in place for dismissing people with different "problems", they are mostly avoidable. Jess is certainly not the first person to get chaptered for being a homosexual. Hell, there are plenty in the military, but most of them have sense enough to keep it private, as do the majority of others who choose to partake of strictly-prohibited relationships (heterosexual officer/NCO relationships for example). If you want to keep your job, you find ways to do it; if not, then you become careless and then bitch when you are forced to pay the consequences with either Article 15, Court Martial, or Chapter proceedings. There are many more examples today of people just "coming out" as a way to get out of their military contracts sooner. I consider that very lame. If you sign the contract, then you ought to be able to follow the rules, or at least cover your ass like I stated before. Hey, I have dated several female officers (and lower enlisted, also prohibited), but managed to keep my personal business away from people or military authorities who might have something to say about it. That's just how grown ups do things.

End of rant.

sucking it up for over 20 years now

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That's just how grown ups do things.

Nicely said Chuck. Jess, just chock it up to "Me and the military don't mix." That's OK...no problem. Get out and move on with your life. The ostracizing is somewhat the same for anyone leaving the military. People staying in think you are lesser of a person for getting out. Don't know why... they just do. Move on...it's not the end of your world and the military will certainly move on without you. ;)

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People staying in think you are lesser of a person for getting out. Don't know why... they just do.

That is absolutely not the way I think, nor was it what I said. I could give a rats ass whether or not anyone stays past their contractual obligation. I just don't need to hear any bitching about being put out when it absolutely could have been avoided by using a bit of common sense.

I wish Jess the best in her future and I am sad that her cover was blown (my guess); she talked like she enjoyed her work. The posts after her first one were what forced me to fire back. I have little tollerance for uninformed opinions.

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That is absolutely not the way I think, nor was it what I said

Didn't mean to make it sound like that. That was just my personal experience. My close friends just said "Hey Cool. Best of luck and keep in touch!" Many others seemed like they looked down their nose at me a little bit. You know me....I just say "Whatever Dude!!!" and move out. ;) I certainly don't regret my time in or getting out. It's all been good!

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>people with power try to force the rest of us to follow thier stupid way of life . . .

Happens all over the place. I have, on occasion, forced people to follow my stupid way of life, and do things like pull by 2000 feet or get out last if they're freeflying. I know, I know, I'm supressing people's freedoms and all, but when you sign up for skydiving, you have to understand that there will be rules. And in the military, you get even more rules.

Are some of them stupid? You bet. Do they cause the military to lose good people? Yes. But since you have a choice as to whether or not you sign up for the military (at least today) the solution is pretty simple - don't do that.

>and say i will live like i want not like you want me to is this total freedom . . .

Not if you jump at most DZ's. No one in the US has total freedom; we all have to follow laws and rules. The trick is arranging your life so you don't have to follow the ones you don't like.

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Jessica me mujie or Jessica Jessica? I apologize to anyone who thinks I am badmouthing the military-I'm not. I'm simply venting the frustration that comes with watching my career go down the toilet. I'm one of a very few people who, until 7 or 8 months ago, was happy enough to stay in because I care, rather than simply not being able to get another job. It sucks that no one gives a crap about that but I'm happy today and I'm over it. Not too long ago you couldn't be a certain race and serve. Even more recently, you couldn't be a certain gender and serve. I don't know how this particular prejudice will be resolved but I can hope that at some point people wil stop casting judgement on people based on some rigid preconceived notion about what is "right." Happy Wednesday, tomorrow I get to jump after my last appointment in the military EVER:$

Just keep swimming...just keep swimming....

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because of the nature of my discharge, which I might add is honorable. Jess

Don't blame you for ranting, but might I ask what your Reenlistment Eligibility (RE) code is? Sounds like you got a "Kiss of Death" eval and they're not taking any chances that you might merit a favorable rating in your last reporting period. If it sounds like I know from whence I speak, it's due to firsthand knowledge.

After 4 years in the USAF, I had HAD IT, and had no regrets about leaving.

The military (and the US Govt, BTW) is a place for unthinking robots, not for people who think for themselves. The bureaucracy is every bit as vicious and mindless as it's ever been portrayed as in the popular media, and you're better off on the outside.

The best day I ever had in the USAF was watching the main gate of McChord AFB recede in my rear-view mirror.

I get the impression from your posting that you are fearful of life on the outside - that's a perfectly normal reaction, but it's groundless. You'll be fine. Trust me on that one. Tell them goodbye and good riddance. :ph34r:

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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