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Dude, I could NEVER go back to dial-up and keep my sanity.

Same here. Once you've tasted high speed music and video downloads... ;)

We have a dial up at work with 5 workstations sharing it; drives me batty waiting for pages to load. Boss has promised us DSL as soon as it is available. C'mon phone company! Get on it!

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Same here. Once you've tasted high speed music and video downloads...

What Lisa is trying to say is that since she's been able to download porn 5x's faster then she used to, she's never going back!:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Dude. It's taken you this long to get it?

Maybe I'm spoiled... OK OK I AM spoiled... because I have T1 at work. But I glommed onto DSL the instant it came out like 2 years ago.

The folks I'm staying with still have dial-up and it's just PAIN. I've been trying to goad them into getting DSL/cable and I'm making inroads, but I'll prolly be in my place before they get it.

I'll probably get cable next time around because I don't want topay the telco for a land line and the up speeds on cable are better.

Have fun! B|

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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Blah...screw all of ya! >:(:P

Of course, I suppose it was our choice to buy a house out in the mountains. No DSL, no cable, and shitty phone lines. And satellite is too expensive.

My dial-up at home is currently connecting at 24600. No online gaming for me.

Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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For us Cable was out of the question cause my complex has a contract with a cable company that doesn't do digital cable, actually we don't have cable cause I don't want to spend $40/month for 32 channels. >:( There was a petition going around the complex to get AT&T cable in (they do cable modems) and kick Optel out, but the complex turned it down, so I decided to finally break down and get DSL so I could get online from home at night.

Fly it like you stole it!

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There was a petition going around the complex to get AT&T cable in (they do cable modems) and kick Optel out, but the complex turned it down, so I decided to finally break down and get DSL so I could get online from home at night.

Oh no, I feel your pain, my apartment complex in Melbourne used to have Craptel, oops, I mean Optel. After many of the residents complained they finally got out and got Time Warner. Last I remember Optel had filed Chapter 11, but I haven't followed it for a while.

Hook high, flare on time

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Dude, I could NEVER go back to dial-up and keep my sanity.

You couldn't do it?

Well I HAD TO! It just plain frickin sucks. After a landlord threatens you with a gun though, you generally want to leave, even if it means giving up the DSL. [of course, the bastard held the security deposit]
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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I know what ya mean ...

I have light-cable now.. ( 10 MB/S ) B|B| (and best thing about it is that its only about 20 dollars / month)

about 350 times faster than my previous connection. I would kill my self If I had to give it away...

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I had one of the early test cable modems when I lived in Florida (probably around 95-96). When I moved to Los Angeles, there was no high-speed access, and it was two years before DSL became available. It was brutal. Of course, I made up for it by abusing the T1 at work (and staying after hours to brutalize sad, sad dial-up users at Quake).

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There was a petition going around the complex to get AT&T cable in (they do cable modems) and kick Optel out, but the complex turned it down

I totaly feel your pain here. I live in the Galleria in Houston an you'd figure DSL would be easy to get.. NO WAY!! I'm dialup at home an have been for 2 years. SWB said when I moved in it would be offered in 3 months.. That was 2 years ago. We've tried to get the Condo Board of Dir. to boot Optel {Now TVMax} out an replace it with TimeWarner. Nope nope an no way! The old folx wont accept change. They also say why? Optel offers everythingt TW does an it's free. If you have basic service. {I can't complain about that part though because I do get everything for free} So now I'm still waiting on SWB to get DSL to my complex.. Instead of "It's only a couple of months away" they're saying "It should be offered in about 2 weeks" So I'm ALMOST THERE!! ugh! I hate DIALUP!!

I think bubbles is tired of listening to me complain an scream at the computer because some "spawn killer" just fragged me on a ping kill.. {Gaming speak for those who know what I'm talking about}

Wish me luck with SWB!! I'll be on a server close to you to frag yo ass soon B|

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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I was one of the original beta testers of the Roadrunner network in Columbus :)
I'm actually basing high speed internet into my next apartment choice. I'm trading my Cable for 1.5 meg DSL B| WOO HOO!!!!

Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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