
Do you prefer Canopy, freefall, or both?

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Well, I've only done 2 tandems so far, so, my opinion is not based on too much since I've not gone solo yet. I was so scared during the freefall on the first one, but, I loved the canopy ride. The second tandem I loved every second of the freefall and canopy.

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

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Well, I've only done 2 tandems so far, so, my opinion is not based on too much since I've not gone solo yet. I was so scared during the freefall on the first one, but, I loved the canopy ride. The second tandem I loved every second of the freefall and canopy.

Oh, it's going to totally rock when you go solo! On my first solo (which wasn't too long ago), freefall was incredible, scary as crap, and fun as hell. I jumped from a CASA (tailgate), and my JM and I flipped a couple times right after we exited. Earth...sky...earth...sky! I was experiencing some major sensory overload but having the time of my life. After deployment, my rainbow canopy was the prettiest thing I had ever seen in my life. Then being able to fly the canopy on my own -- indescribable! Excitement beyond words. :)
Damn, I wanna jump!

"Scared of love, love and aeroplanes...falling out, I said takes no brains." -- Andy Partridge (XTC)

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Freefall. I like to fly me.

Canopy is tolerated only because it slows me down enough to make the freefall repeatable.

I completely agree! Freefall is definitely my favorite part, although the canopy ride has gotten more enjoyable after I stopped jumping my big ol' boy.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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both, I still get jazzed with my new canopy, every time I convince it that it wants to do something really cool, I get rawked YEAH!!! Freefall is great too, but I will never turn down a hop-n-pop from 3.5k up to 14k, I do love lurking the CRewdogs ;)

The best part is too spread eagle in the harness and fly, realizing that it is just the legstraps holding you and you really feel free

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Jumping your big ol' boy??

(OMG, I just reached Veteran status)

Yeah! You should've seen him! He was huge! Now, I like 'em big, just not that big! Speaking of which, he was a pain in the rear to pack last night.....

And I'm glad my big ol' boy got you to Veteran status!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I absolutely agree! Once the canopy opens I still enjoy the experience, but I'd rather have a longer freefall.
First jump I was dissapointed by how quickly the freefall ended, and that hasn't changed yet in the last 90 jumps...but maybe canopy is an aquired taste- it's certainly an aquired skill;) and, I've a long way to go!

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I love both - canopy and freefall. Freefall's a blast! I love working RW during that time. But, canopy's fun as well and I enjoy the beauty and peacefulness of it. Hopefully, one day, I'll try CRW and see if that is something I like.

Oh...and on another note....90 jumps? Hmmm....what happens at 100 jumps? ;)

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Started out to be Canopy until I made my first 60 second Freefall out of a Skyvan.Up till then I had not gone past 29 seconds!Was big time hooked on both after that jump.Tried to learn as much about flying whatever parachute I was jumping at the time as well as do as many RW jumps as I could afford,borrow and sell stuff for.Those were the days when you(I),we,eat,sleep,all we think about is jumping!Wish I could get that back somehow sometimes.Thanks for asking.

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