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154.. did my first jump in april this year.. not a bad first year...

some highlights involve
69 airplane rides without ever landing in any aircraft... (had to land with plane when the fabric pop top on the reserve came off... sure it would have been fine but better safe then sorry...)

Off field landing for my first night jump... careful what campfire looking thing you fly your canopy too.... ended up landing in a field was glad it was not a pond... was at 2k or so trying desperately to remember if there was a body of water that was square where on that side of the dz.. heheh luckily just a field

lots and lots of other good jumps :)

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I dunno I think I may have gotten in about a quarter of a jump this year maybe a half but thats pushin it. :P

- GQ

... it was the love of the air and sky and flying, the lure of adventure, the appreciation of beauty ...
-Charles Lindberg

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Wow...more than I thought... 120 jumps this year, all funded by my paycheck or with sponsorship from Visa/MC. :P

2003 holds to be a more productive year! Yahoo! B|

So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Without looking at the ProTrac, I've done over 350 this year (and more than a few with Jumperconway!)

1st ballon jump
1st helicopter jump
1st bi-plane jump
1st trip to WFFC
1st visit to the dz.com tent
1st visit to Lexington dz
1st time to win downwinder of the year at Spaceland

Woohoo does this mean beer?

Blue skies,


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46. 3 tandems, AFF, A-license, 1 cutaway. I'm satisfied. Next year will be much better. JOTP Boogie in about 2 weeks, and 100 free ones from winning the DZ raffle. Woohoo, I can't wait.

It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
Postal Rodriguez, Muff 3342

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196, the lowest number I've ever done in a year where I didn't have an injury to hold those numbers down. the biggest cause was being winded out weekend after weekend. As an AFF Instructor, I would be grounded when the students were grounded. I also am a wimp when it comes to winds, don't go when they are over 25mph. 52 student jumps among those 196 -- the rest video, RW, or evaluation jumps (as an AFF evaluator and a Coach Course evaluator). Doesn't help to rack up the numbers. But that becomes a little less important than quality once you pass a few thousand jumps, I'm finding.


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1054 as of today, 4000 total. Most were team jumps, two tandem vids and about three level 8 vids, maybe 25 or 30 bumper suit and freefly jumps.
Woulda had six more for the DZ.com loads but......................................

Gordo...I am in awe. Is it a difficult life? ;)
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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182 jumps for me this year.

Highlights: jumping my first very own gear, my 100th, first freefly jumps, first CREW jumps, jumping at other DZ´s for the first time, jumping a demo for the first time (out of a militairy fokker 60), jumping other airplanes than our cessna 208 (fokker 60, porter, antonov, twin otter, let, cessna 182), my 200th. Seeing my sister make her tandem jump.

3 freebees, 1 free tandem and a lot of (expensive) coaching jumps.

ciel bleu,

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I got in about 140 before smacking in on July 21st, haven't jumped since.

and 4 from a bridge... :-)

How are you healing? I got the BEST cristmas gift.. im jumpabel in aprox 3-4 month...B|They will remove the metal from my leg whit in 2 month..But im already walking on it..:)
Back to tropic:
aprox 150 skydives
30 BASE(started 1 June,and had the acciden 3 month after)


Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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