
Quit smoking for New Year's Resolution?

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Quitting smoking is the number one New Year's Resolution in America, I read. How many people here quit on the first or there abouts? Wanna help each other stick to it here? What's your secret and more importantly, how do you NOT gain weight? LOL

Those of you who do not smoke need not apply. Unless you have some great story to help us stay motivated???

Good luck!


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I didn't promise myself I would quit, because I don't like to make promises I can't keep...especially to myself.....i did promise to cut back though.....no more smoking in the car.....no smoking before 5pm.....baby steps......i'm afraid the patch will make me squirrely..

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I quit a few years ago, just teeth-gritting cold turkey.

The key for me was not drinking and taking one day at a time. You don't have to quit smoking forever, just for today.

Once you get to the point where cig smoke is gross instead of enthralling, you are almost there. After awhile, you can't even imagine sticking one of those disgusting things in your mouth.

One thing to understand is where your weak points are, and have a strategy for them. The big one is oral vs. manual habit. If you have an oral habit, try using gum or something to take the place of the cigarettes. If it's manual, get a scrunchy toy or something to get through the rough spots. Also, be aware of the times (like after eating, first thing in the morning, whatever) when you are most in the habit of smoking, and change your routine around those times.

Finally, if you break down and have a smoke, just kick yourself, let it go (forgive), and start again. One day at a time. Don't let yourself fail to quit just because of one setback (or ten, or a hundred).

I don't agree with the approach of cutting back first, I think it just makes it more painful and is an excuse for not really quitting.

Good luck!

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I made the resolution to quit for like 3 years in a row - never worked. Now the only resolutions I make is to not really make any. I tried the cutting down thing many, many times. I stopped smoking in the car, in the house, before work etc... It didn't work for me at all. I quit a few months ago by going to a hypnotist. I saw an ad in the paper one day, $60 and 2-hours later I stopped smoking. I have not even had any real cravings. Once in a while I think about having one - because for some reason I really did enjoy it. But, I have saved so much money. Every week I put $40 dollars into a savings account. At the end of this year I'm going to go on a vacation with it - hopefully. Best of luck to those trying to quit!

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

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I went with a friend. It didn't work for here. She actually quit using that smoke away stuff. I think that she got it from GNC or somewhere like that - it has a money back guaratnee too.:)

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

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I quit my habit of 16 years cold turkey nearly 20 years ago now (Yeah, I'm a fossil B|). It was hell, absolute hell...but worth every second of it.

I used the One Day at a Time approach myself. I would add that sometimes you have to quit for the next ten seconds. I used to count to ten and take deep breaths when I was on the threshold of bumming a smoke and firing one up. This seemed to get me over the worst cravings. Slowly, they went away.

RE: Oral and Manual...
I played a million video games to occupy my hands, took lots of walks and tried to keep busy. For me, the cigarette with coffee in the morning seemed an impossible hurdle. When I had tried to quit numerous other times I had also eliminated my coffees...this just made me more miserable. I decided that I would enjoy my coffee without a smoke on my last attempt. It seemed weird the first few times but I really enjoyed my coffees after that as it was a craving I could give in to. I wouldn't sit around too much after eating as that was another favourite time for a smoke.

Luckily, not too many of my friends smoked so I wasn't tempted too badly by being surrounded by smokers. I had previously used the One Day at a Time method to quit drinking so my inhibitions weren't ever lowered by drinking. I'd suggest being very low-key with alcohol for the first few months as it will definitely reduce your willpower. Have one or two but if you get into it your chances of smoking go way up.

Best of luck to anybody butting out. It's a miserable thing to do but hang in there, it'll get easier and you'll be very glad you quit.


"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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I know the key to stop smoking...you have to want to not smoke anymore. Sounds easy enough, right?

I'd also recommend a major cleanse. This is how I stopped smoking. I really think that it's mostly up here, *Holly taps on her melon*, but getting the poisons out of your body should really help out as well.

Good luck.

x's and o's,

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i made the resolution, but since school (for my kids!) doesn't start until monday, i figured i'd start then. i know, i'm weak, i caved, i need help!
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
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***okay.....so what kind of major cleanse...are we talking colonics here? not that I'm afraid.......I could do it.....i really could...i think..
I went on an all raw diet, took mass amounts of special organic Chinese herbal combinations, daily yoga, meditation and received regular acupunture and massage. That's just what I did.

If you are interested in some sort of detox program, I'd recommend listening to your body. Everyone's at a different place healthwise. If you are interested in colonics I would recommend doing a lot of research prior to making an appointment. You best bet would be a referral from a reliable source.

If you are open to it, another recommendation for stopping smoking is hypnotherapy. Again, IF YOU ARE READY TO STOP this is the easiest way I know. If you're not ready, you'll spend about $75.00 an hour to get really relaxed and listen to someone talk about how much you hate to smoke.

Breathe deep.

x's and o's,

Hol :)
When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say?

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DRINK WATER!!!LOTS OF IT. .when you get the urge drink a glass or two of water!

when you get the FIDGITS...situps/pushups/Running!

you have to learn to FORGET about the urge. if you can do that for 30 seconds it will go away..the hardest part it forgetting!

REPLACE YOUR HABITS! your conscious EFFORTS will become habits SOON! get into them and COMMIT to your new habits like you do to your SMOKING habit.
I am a stubborn sonovabitch! If I can do it so can you!

it was 4 years in october for me
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doesn't start until monday, i figured i'd start then. i know, i'm weak, i caved, i need help!

Claccic.You dont strop smoking...If you realy want,why then wait?
What do you need help whit?Quiting smoke?Just stop now..Throuw out the least fo thouse Dead-nails.Need motivation?I know(by im self a father)that you will your kids well,then take the mony from your smoke and make a accont in the bank for the mony to your kids,then you dont kill them by smoke and you help them later on in their lifes..:)

I acctual stoped years ago,i never mind to be in a room where people smoke,hell i even somtimes would like to smoke.:(

Do what i say,not what i do:P

Good luck to all of you

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I quit smoking regularly a couple years ago when I couldn't stand the smell of my clothes/breathe anymore and finally realized how unsexy it really was. [:/] Then I just did the social thing in the bar but I always hated myself the next day. >:( The final straw was dating a guy that absolutely couldn't stand it. It was important enough for me to make him happy that I quit cold turkey. Since the day he told me, I haven't had one! :)
What's the moral - Fall in love with a non-smoker! :P

(I'm not very good help am I?)

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Since I've been back from Eloy (not counting the road trip) I've only had 2 cigs. 1 two days ago and 1 yesterday... both times I just didn't like the taste and for some reason I couldn't even inhale all the way. I've been smoking about a pack a day for years before this, so I think my body is sick and tired of me smoking.

I'm going to listen to my body and actually quit. The hardest part will be going back to the bars and hanging out with my smoker friends... maybe I can convince them to quit too... but that's a whole other battle.

Wish me luck!!! ;)

-Things that make you go hmmm

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I'm going to listen to my body and actually quit. The hardest part will be going back to the bars and hanging out with my smoker friends... maybe I can convince them to quit too... but that's a whole other battle.

You acutly stoped yesterday,if you keep it that way.

Dont take that figth...You choused to start AND stop smoking,let them deside what they want..If you realy want to quit,then its only a problem in the start,then it just go over and be somthing you notice when you take off your cloth and can smell it..

GOOD Luck:)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Best of luck to all of ya's,,
I can only relate it to quitting drinkin,, rought start, hang in there, and it gets easier,, you'll feel better soon,, Mandy that cough is common after stopping,, them lil "cillia" in your lungs are workin again an getting some of that shit outta your lungs,,,....

Natural Born FlyerZ.com

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Anyone else notice how much different parts of the country vary in terms of % smokers?When I lived in the Boston & DC areas, I noticed that much fewer people smoked there than in say, the Baltimore area. That's probably a factor in how difficult it would be to quit. Not that I would know.:P

Speed Racer

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I have foound by research and experience that zyban works. If your really serious about quitting smoking.
I've been without for 7 months no craving, no stress
with the exeption of seeing somthing real horrible, other than that smooth sailing.
Give it a try if you can afford it

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It works but you might not want to skydive on it.

The risk of having a seizure is 1/1000. Most complaints about Zyban related to adverse skin reactions, psychological disorders such as anxiety and depression and nervous system disorders.

Other reactions included insomnia, headaches, agitation and seizures, with symptoms starting around 17 days after patients began taking the drug.

And you can actually continue to smoke on Zyban. If you want to quit, just do it.

"Buttons aren't toys." - Trillian

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The risk of having a seizure is 1/1000. Most complaints about Zyban related to adverse skin reactions, psychological disorders such as anxiety and depression and nervous system disorders.

The psychological disorders you're describing as a symptom strike me as very weird, since Zyban, also known as Wellbutrin, is primarily an antidepressant.

In my opinion, skydiving on Zyban is not unsafe.

Check this out: Wellbutrin side effects.
Skydiving is for cool people only

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