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Yikes! I have to be at the courthouse in 3 hours! I am so scared.[:/] I am attempting to plead not guilty to a speeding ticket. Heres the deal...I was going 70 in a 55 (caught on radar)... I'm only 18, I have had my liscense for a year and a half, but my record is clean. Because of it being clean, i've been told they should reduce it... but i haven't the slightest i dea what to say, and i am really nervous about it. Do i tell him the truth, even though i am pleading not guilty? The truth is I was going fast cause i needed to get back to school on time...its a 2 1/2 hour drive, and on a Mon morning....i was worried about traffic.
All i am looking for is it to be reduced so my insurance doesn't go up :)Any thoughts or ideas? (or even just words of encouragement? lol, i am petrified here!)

edited to say: Yay! I am not so scared anymore!!! Check out my post below to see my results!!)


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I would think that instead of arguing it that you would be able to request traffic school. Pay the fine but it does not go on your insurance. You can do it via video, internet, or go to a class one day for a couple of hours. Is that available to you in New York?

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Yikes! I have to be at the courthouse in 3 hours! I am so scared.[:/] I am attempting to plead not guilty to a speeding ticket. Heres the deal...I was going 70 in a 55 (caught on radar)... I'm only 18, I have had my liscense for a year and a half, but my record is clean. Because of it being clean, i've been told they should reduce it... but i haven't the slightest i dea what to say, and i am really nervous about it. Do i tell him the truth, even though i am pleading not guilty? The truth is I was going fast cause i needed to get back to school on time...its a 2 1/2 hour drive, and on a Mon morning....i was worried about traffic.
All i am looking for is it to be reduced so my insurance doesn't go up :)Any thoughts or ideas? (or even just words of encouragement? lol, i am petrified here!)

Uh I don't know that you can plead not guilty, you could plead guilty but ask for driver improvement classes or something to keep it off your record.

(i know you CAN plead not guilty.. but I don't think it'll work)

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I can't say how it works in other states, but in California, traffic school, while an admission of guilt, doesn't go on your insurance and doesn't go on your record as far as counting against you for the purposes of having your license taken away. In California, you can only use the traffic school route once every three years, so don't go too crazy behind the wheel!

For a first time offender, traffic school is the way to go.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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i dunno if we have it...I have heard of this one class...its a point reduction class....so i dunno...i haven't really heard of a traffic school though....
when i called the courthouse awhile ago, the guy was reallly nice. He told me that since it was my first offense, and i have a clean record taht they will just have me sit down with the officer and talk to him. then, since it is the first time, they will reduce it....
Maybe i will get lucky and he will not show up...it is supose to snow again :)


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traffic school route once every three years

I thought it was 18 months...? Or am I out of date?


For a first time offender, traffic school is the way to go.

I always thought of traffic school as the "Use in case of Emergency"...only when you really, really, really need it! (i.e. busted on a surface street by a local cop) and because of the aforementioned restrictions on how often you can use it. ;)

If you get busted by a State Trooper then, IMO, you should go to court and at least seek a withholding of judication... B|
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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If you are guilty and you want to avoid the insurance increase and point on your DMV record, go with traffic school. If you aint guilty, well fight it. i thought it was every two years myself and it depends on the county. I got two tickets in two different counties several years ago around the same time and was able to to traffic school in both counties. Things may be different now.

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The truth is I was going fast cause i needed to get back to school on time...its a 2 1/2 hour drive, and on a Mon morning....i was worried about traffic

Tell the truth. Then request the traffic school.

It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
Postal Rodriguez, Muff 3342

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If you plead not-guilty (if you are even allowed to), the judge will probably ask you for your story, "What happened". You will have to make something up, I mean, you WERE speeding, so now you are lying to the judge. Judges tend to be smart people and used to people trying to sell them a lie to get out of the fine. Try this, Plead guilty. If given the chance to explain yourself, say, "I knew the speed limit was 55, I knew I was doing 70. I got caught, and I am here to pay the fine." Standing up and taking responsibilty for your actions might impress the judge (so few people do that these days) and get you off w/ a small fine, or traffic school. Or you might get hammered:S. Either way, you'll sleep better knowing you tooke responsibilty for your actions and told the truth. You'll respect yourself. And if the police officer doesn't show up, you get off for free. ;)


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This scheme may not work for you now, but it did wonders for me when I was 18: show up for court on the day posted on the ticket and request an extention(minimum 30 days) show up on last possible day and plead not guilty. from here the date is usually set at least 30 days ahead. When you show up on the next date, there is a good chance the officer cannot show due to being in court somewhere else. no show officer = dismissal. If he does show up, ask for traffic school. I beat 7 tickets this way:)

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Defer the ticket. In washington you only get 1 every seven years. This is how it works you pay the fine and the ticket gets deferred meaning it will not go onto your record unless you get another ticket in the next year. If you do not get another ticket all is forgotten. But if you do both this ticket and your next one will be on your record.

CSA #699 Muff #3804

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Traffic school. And if you could pick one, choose a comedy one like Improv. If you are going to sit through 8 hrs of class, you might as well get a good laugh.

Whatever you do, plead not guilty! Point the finger at cop who was gunning u while driving backwards hence the higher speed on the radar:D (just joking)

Good luck.

~~~~~~~~Attaching vibes~~~~~~~~

My other ride is the relative wind.

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Wow, first off I have to say thank you all for teh advice. You guys are the greatest! I just asked for some ideas and some encouragement and i get all of your responses and some pm's Full of advice! Plus two people who really helped me out over the phone! Thanks guys!
I think i have a plan now, so i am going to go eat dinner, then leave...in 2 hrs this should all be over! I'll let y'allknow the results!! and thanks again! You guys are great!:)


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lol, sorry JT thats not part of the plan...what are ya trying to do here? get me put in jail for life!?

lol, although....maybe if YOU came with me and brought the bomb it would freak them all out, you could set it off and then all the documents would be lost and I would no longer have to worry about points or fines or anything! You on the other hand....:)


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LOL riiiiigggght! haha just kidding!

Ok, new idea...maybe the judge, cop, DA or whoever (or everyone) who is there will be female...I will bring you, they can all fall for ya, and forget what they are doing. I am left free to go, and you are left with lots of dates!;)

sound like a plan?


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I beat one speeding ticket by having the wrong size of tires on my car, which made my speedometer read less than the true speed. If I recall the tires were larger and I had to have a mechanic sign some paper work. It worked in Montana, but might not in other states. So maybe you could mount up some larger tires real quick. Steve1

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Well, heres an update as promised!

I got to the courthouse at 7. I was so scared! i go in and hand the officer at the door the slip they sent me. He takes it and looks at it, looks confused, walks up to the judge and i hear different pieces of what they are saying (ticket, officer, we don't have it) I was like, hmmm...so the guy comes back and tells me the judge who was supose to handle my case was in a car accident-pretty bad cause he was in the hospital. He had the tickets...so they didn't have mine on record at that point. At first they sent me up the justice and they told me they were going to reschedule it, but i told them i was in college and wasn't sure if i could beign how i really couldn't come back in the middle of the week (court is only on tuesdays) then she discovered taht the officer who issued me the ticket was in fact gonna be there that night so it should be able to be taken care of....I kept my fingers crossed that he wouldn't show up...but he did. He called me over and said, ok, now remember what i said to ya in the car when i pulled ya over about you haveing a clean record? I said yep...and he said ok, have you ever seen your record before? i said nope, he showed me it. Just my name, address, number, and that was about it. He told me it was a beautiful record and that he was gonna keep it that way "I am gonna reduce this to failure to wear a seatbelt....if that is alright with you" Of course it was! He then told me it wouldn't affect anything, no points, and it wouldn't show up on my insurance! Just a fine....nice! *and that was it! i didn't even have to give my story or anything-taht was the whole conversation we had!) I thanked him and then we waited around for the actaul court part. The justice called my name, and the officer and i approached him. Justice was a really nice guy...he even told me if he didn't make me have to pay the fine, i wouldn't have to :)) I am so glad its all over!!!! :)


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