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We just had a flare-up of racism in a different thread and I was very surprised and very upset seeing its self manifested in our skydiving community. (actually, no pun intended).

Although I consider myself a redneck and have actually been called one quite a bit, I don't consider myself racist. Yes, I'll admit have had laughed at racial humor, I also laugh at 'stupid white guy' jokes, redneck jokes and especially Aggie jokes (which I actually love to hear)...

Ok, my point is I was appalled since I would have liked to have believed that skydivers were able to just jump and enjoy the company of our fellow jumpers; deciding their friendships on personalities not on petty differences like race. This belief I guess I can write off as to just something that I wanted to believe, thus blinding myself to the truth.

Ok, enough rambling from me, discuss amongst yourselves.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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rasicm sucks! striaght out there is no need for it. if you are busting my chops abou tbeing a guinea or a wop that is fine but YOU had better damn well know me well enough to says the worst things about me and get a lAUGH out of me!

But GENERAL rasicm is for small minds I didnt think there was any in our world!
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"But GENERAL rasicm is for small minds I didnt think there was any in our world!"

Sadly there obviously is JT, I too am a little disppointed that this reared its head here of all places.

Kudos to HH for removing it.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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I think we have to accept that we aren't insulated from that kind of sentiment just because we are a tight knit "community." The skydiving world is made up of all kinds of people just like the whuffo world. It's inconceivable that our sport, or an online community would attract only open minded and tolerant people. I have witnessed overt, repulsive acts of racism on the DZ a number of times. There's nothing much one can do about it other than expressing disgust. Arguing with those types only encourages them.

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, I also laugh at 'stupid white guy' jokes, redneck jokes and especially Aggie jokes (which I actually love to hear)...

OK, how do you get a one armed Aggie out of a tree?


"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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yea I didnt see it but WTF is with everyone lately?

It's gotta be the weather, JT. I haven't jumped since Eloy trying to get this fricking knee to heal up, and my sense of humor is suffering, I can just imagine what the weather shut-ins are feeling like.

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yea I didnt see it but WTF is with everyone lately?

It's gotta be the weather, JT. I haven't jumped since Eloy trying to get this fricking knee to heal up, and my sense of humor is suffering, I can just imagine what the weather shut-ins are feeling like.

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"yea I didnt see it but WTF is with everyone lately?"

I reckon its a combination of SAD (seasonally adjusted disorder), crap weather, and the full moon!

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Dave -
I think you're under the dellusion that skydivers are inherently a better class of people. :)
Me personally, I fucking hate white people... can't stand em... send all the fuckers back to Ireland.

it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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Don't take it personally Dave. The only way some people can feel superior is to use racisim, sexisim etc. It's so much easier for small minds to be able to identify who their better then on sight rather then getting to know them.

As I like to say why hate me for my color when you can get to know me and hate me for much better reasons.

Anyway I accomplished my missionB| locking the thread isn't all HH did, so while the post was offensive it did serve a good purpose

Yea sorry we didn't get in any jumps at Eloy together. Big SSM contingent was there so I jumped with them for the most part.

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As I like to say why hate me for my color when you can get to know me and hate me for much better reasons. ***

Well said! I think I love this quote and, if you don't mind (copyrights and stuff like that), I'll use it next time I'm in court....

Blue ones!

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"yea I didnt see it but WTF is with everyone lately?"

I reckon its a combination of SAD (seasonally adjusted disorder), crap weather, and the full moon!

Gotta agree. I have felt as if I was getting a bit more irritated about random stuff that usually is no bother to myself. Weather has been too screwy to make a jump since November to boot.

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