
Memorable quotes

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I'd be interested to know what the most memorable quote from your first ever freefall jump was. It can either be something you said or something someone said to you. No made up ones please. Honest, original quotes.

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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This isn't first jump...more like 266 or so. Riding to altitude at about 10 PM last Sunday night. About 4-5 Tandems with camera flyers and 7 fun jumpers on the load. About 6K my Buddy looks toward the front of the plane and gets the attention of some of the tandems.....He says "Ya know what....there's probably a bunch of people sitting at home right now watching Ally McBeal or some other dumb shit on TV! Fuck that!!!" B|

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On my first tandem when the experienced jumpers left the plane, "They just jumped out of the plane!" I said. "You are going to as well" said Jack Hammer as we scotted towards the door.

A couple of weekends ago we were at 8k and the tandem master was attaching a hot blond on to him. I looked at her, she looked at me and I said "He takes Viagra so if you feel something poking at you I would not touch it" She laughed her ass off until she got to the door. Then we heard her scream on exit.:D

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"You are going to as well" said Jack Hammer

Isn't he just a damn cool guy!! I don't see many people that enjoy working with students as much as he does. He's now working at SD Atlanta. He said "I could only work pissed off for so long...." Refering to "That other DZ" he used to work at. ;)

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The most memorable line was from a tandem. I saw her video. She said "OH GOD YEAH! FUCK YEAH! OH GOD! FUCK YEAH OH GOD FUCK YEAH!" all the way from exit to deployment; she arched like a champ. You could read her lips. ;)

The thing is when you put the sound on you could actually HEAR her on video over the relative wind from 6' away.... :o:D:ph34r:

"Buttons aren't toys." - Trillian

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I'm lovin' these. Keep 'em comin' people. I think I should answer my own question before someone tells me to.
Quote on my first AFF jump
"One-Thousand...Two-Thousand...Three-Thousand...Four-Thousand...Check Canopy.........Thank F**k for that !"
Quote from my Second jump as my Primary Jumpmaster gave me an equipment check on the ground.
Feeling the tautness of my front strap.
JM: "What's that. What have you got inside your Jumpsuit ?"
Me: "Those are my ribs mate."
JM: "Skinny f**ker aintcha !"

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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What a great thread!

It's not really funny, but...

I did 5 jumps last fall, and then waited until this spring to go all out. On the ride up on my first IAD this spring I was more afraid than on any of my first five jumps. I told my JM, "I really really want to do this. If I refuse to get out when the door opens, just push me."

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

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A guy doing a tandem was sitting at the back of the plane giving us the whole macho crap story. "I'm so manly...danger junkie...blah blah". For some reason, there is only one girl on the plane this day. She is doing a hop and pop for an accuracy jump, so she is getting out at 4,000. He says "I didn't know any women jumped... blah blah". When we made the 4,000 pass, the door opened and we grabbed her by the grippers and tossed her out screaming. When we closed the door, we told him "we just use girls for wind drift indicators". He said "man - you guys are cold".

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On my first jump ever, I remember saying 2 things. It was a tandem from a C182. Right after the door openend i said "It's so cold" then the TM told me to scoot and get right at the edge of the door. When i got to the edge i grabbed the sides of the doorway screaming "I'm gonna fall out, I'm gonna fall out" The TM had to peel my hands off the door and hold them crossed over my chest to get me outta the plane.B|


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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This is kind of morbid... but on my first tandem jump I was seated in the Otter next to the door. My brother was behind me getting his skyboard on, and my tandem master turned to my brother and asked:

"Do you remember that time when we almost died?"

My brother replied, "Which one?"

They then both looked at me and then when silent.

Then, the plane took off. :S:S

I hate it when people freak me out like that. :D;)

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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I have another quote to add from my first hop-n-pop. As most of you know, AFF students are notorious for being scared of getting out low (at least initially) since they always start at least above 10k. This fact is definately known at my dz as well, because when I went to do a casual hop-n-pop from our cessna the JM on the load for a static line student asked if I learned static line because not many newbies did casual hop-n-pops. (although I do get a huge rush from them!) In fact, I am sad to say that I know at least one guy at the dz who has over 100 jumps and has NEVER done a hop-n-pop. Anyways, that's besides the point, but it sets the stage for my first hop-n-pop quote. (first cessna jump too)

There are only two people at my dz who have heard me cuss. The pilot flying on that load and the JM who went out after me. Right before I left the step I turned my head, looked directly at the pilot, (a non-jumper) and yelled "OH SH1T!" and then dove off.

Later on the ground, the JM told me the pilot was laughing his a$$ off. I think it was especially poignant for him b/c as a non-jumping pilot he can relate to how he would probably feel if he had to do the same thing. In retrospect, it was pretty funny, but it's really one of those things that you would have had to witness to really appreciate.

Now, I love hop-n-pops b/c they seem more extreme so I get real excited about them.

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I like this one: "My first jump was a night/water jump. Yeah, I closed my eyes and peed my pants"

I love the patter in the plane prior to jump, freaking out the tandems and AFF students. Now I get to play.

To tandem master hooking up student: "Hey, I thought you were on home detention:

TM: "Oh, I am, but I get to take the ankle bracelet off when I jump cause it was screwing up the planes avionics"

Me: "You're parole officer is cool. I wish mine was that cool"

TM: "Ask for mine at your next court date...."


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