
MP3 Player for Running

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Good Afternoon Everyone,

I am thinking about getting one of the RIO S35S sports MP3 players and was wondering if anyone here has one or could give any advice on other good MP3 players. I am sick of the morning radio stations that I pick up on my headphones and need something that I can put some good fast, keep the pace up music on for the long runs. Howard Stern, Steve and DC, and Bob and Tom just aren't my cup of tea for helping keep a run going.

Thanks in advance.
Ready, Set, Gooooooo

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I have the iRiver 256 meg MP3 player....

I am very happy. It also has a fmtuner built in as well. The software does not require any additional file converstion, no does it "lock" the mp3 file on your computer. The only thing you cannot do is download the songs off of the player once they are one there. So you cannot copy them from a PC to the MP3 Player to another computer.

The sound is good...the headphones have good sound as well however they are ear buds and a little big to sit in my ears comfortably.

Check out www.iriver.com


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I just bought the Nike RIO PSA 60 PLAYER on ebay for 60 bucks plus shipping. Great player, no moving parts, so it's completely shockproof. It can hold about an hour's worth of music, which you can upgrade. It's also small enough to fit inside a jumpsuit..;)

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I'm a huge fan of the Apple iPod. It's too pricey for a "running only" music system, but I pretty much use it for everything. It's replaced the CD player in the car, the home stereo (aside from the speakers, of course), and the walkman for running. I so love having my entire music collection available all the time, especially with the amount of time I spend on the road.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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You definitely want the solid state type as opposed to the HD type. My expereince is that the HD types are bulky, heavy, and they skip. CF card MP3 players are the most flexible in terms of convenience. USB is well and good, but if you've got a laptop, you can pop the card into an adapter, put it in your laptop, and dump your tunes quickly.

Have a look at MP3.com
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The iPod's drive is only rated to 10000 ft in pressure so you run the risk of screwing it up if you jump with it. I've got a Nomad that works nicely.

My 20GB iPod does nicely on hop-n'-pop's, but I haven't taken it higher than an 11K hop.

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My expereince is that the HD types are bulky, heavy, and they skip.

Wow. I haven't had any of those problems with my iPod. Have you tried that particular one?


USB is well and good, but if you've got a laptop, you can pop the card into an adapter

USB sucks. Firewire is soooo much better. I can't imagine trying to do any sizeable transfer via USB.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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We have is and hers Samsung Yepp TP-NDU. 64MB internal and 64MB Smart Media Card. I like no moving parts. Works great running, mountain biking, skiing and, yes, skydiving, although a full face helmet helps with the acoustics and keeps the earbuds in in freefall. USB and a simple but workable file manager.

...This should take the thread in an interesting direction...



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I have a Sony Clie, which is a pretty good music box.
Their ATRAC3 system gives better quality per byte than MP3, but its happy with MP3 too. The battery lasts the duration of a transatlantic flight...11hrs+
I can also watch wee movies (the longest I've done was about 40 mins), and have it synched with my cell phone and laptop for contact details.
I also have apps on it for looking at word and excel files, and can read Acrobat files on it. It takes the same memory cards as the Sony cameras, and its quite a good picture viewer too

Sure its expensive, as are the cards, but its quite a neat wee toy, uploads are via USB or IR port. I can hose in about 3 hours of music in a matter of minutes.

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