
An analogy that makes me mad

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You have a point regarding malpractice insurance. And I wasn't trying to imply that doctors don't care about their patience. It is my understanding, however, that the mistake was an administrative one related to paperwork and/or procedures by administrative staff that were not followed. And if you think the lower level administrative staff at hospitals is always trying their hardest, you haven't met a lot of them.

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And if that's the future you want, sue away. Do you apply the same logic to DZ's? If someone makes a mistake (say, tells you the winds are 10kts when they're really 15) and you hurt yourself, will you sue them so they'll "check it again next time?"

If they didn't fuel the plane and it crashed I might consider it.

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No because you signed a waiver! Maybe doctors need a wavier!

I would HOPE that the waiver you signed is not the only thing that keeps you from suing your dz. A waiver would be unethical in medicine. What you have, however, is informed consent. I'm certain that Jessica and her parents were well aware that death was a possible outcome.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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You want to know about outrage! How about working 60hr weeks without over time ,no insurance,no workers comp? And on top of that they take taxs out of that and at the end of the year you can't claim what they took out??? All I hear out of this country is bitching!!!I'm a very PROUD to be MEXICAN. I don't hear you crying about all these people on welfare,free housing,free medicare,food stamps, teenage girls having babys we all pay for??? Were's your outrage now???? Why should i pay for people who do not want to work?? As for the family that lost the girl i hope they sue the crap out of the hospital. I see you don't care the girl lost here life,your too worried about that she was illegal!! Just because she is not from here means she should lose here life?? Being selfish is a bad thing pal.You need to expand your thoughts for other people!! WE ALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO LIVE NO MATTER WHERE YOUR FROM!

Maybe you haven't been listening... Maybe you should go back and reread the the entire thread. I am suspecting that you saw MEXICAN and came running.

The fact of the matter is, I asked about the Morallity in sueing. Truthfully if I were a cruel SOB, I would have kicked their ass out before the operation could occure. But I digress.
The fact is, I have been here bitching for a while about a good deal of social issues in this country, but in my opinion the biggest problem in this country right NOW is our leaky borders from the North and South. I am a advocate of putting up a 400ft wall around the border with machine gun fire, but that is just me.

Why though should there even be illegals? THere are plenty of Mexicans here legally. Why is it that they follow the laws and have respect for the USA and other don't have to????

If you wanted to come here and stay what would you do?

THink with your mind, not your emotions.

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injured party was an illegal immigrant, or a U.S. citizen for that case, I should have gotten back up on my ambulance and head back to my station

Are you implying an American tourist in Mexico is considered illegal immigrant? Here in the U.S. they do not check ID's before admintering emergency care to someone injured in an accident. I am upset about people that do not pay into the health system and tax system but get free health care. The answer is not an easy one. But everyone on the planet can not get free health care at my expense. So the people that are paying get in line first. The cost of Malpractice insurance is running Doctors out of many state and specialties. I wonder how much a tandem would cost if we were insured with no waivers?

Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...

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I am a advocate of putting up a 400ft wall around the border with machine gun fire, but that is just me.

Do you like fruits and vegetables? I'm sorry to inform you that a good percentage of the fruits and veggies you eat were picked by illegal MEXICAN, CENTRAL and SOUTH AMERICAN hands! If you were to prevent the illegal entry of people from the South, your harvesting costs would increase dramatically. Do you really think that a normal fair-skinned person (no offense to anyone, I'm as white as they get ;)) would be able to handle working under the sun ALL DAY?. In addition, a good part of the economy of the border cities between the U.S. and Mexico rely on the business we bring to the northern country, whether I'm legal or illegal, I still have to buy food, clothing, etc. Unfortunately, border cities need each other.
And, do you really think we (Mexico) enjoy having to deal with your 18 year-olds that come down to get crazy and do all the stuff they are not allowed to do in the U.S.?

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Are you implying an American tourist in Mexico is considered illegal immigrant?

Not at all. I'm stating that there are MANY Americans living in our coastline and holding real property in ownership without the proper authorizations and visas.


Here in the U.S. they do not check ID's before admintering emergency care to someone injured in an accident.

As we don't down here.


I am upset about people that do not pay into the health system and tax system but get free health care.

That;s what I'm saying with regard to the illegal U.S. nationals. Not all of them, but those that are living here illegaly.

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So funny.....my child and I were reading about the big wall just the other night. I wonder if we could build one that would be visible from the moon? lol...if not, we could probably sue the engineers for pain to our American Pride!:o


A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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If you were to prevent the illegal entry of people from the South, your harvesting costs would increase dramatically.

We could grab some of the people that are taking my money already (unemployment, welfare) and make them actually start working for a living (while they are trying to find another job). Actually, I have always been in favor of something like that, it pisses me off to see people who are supposed to be serving time (prison) being outside and working. You shouldn't get something for nothing, and welfare and unemployment shouldn't be the exception.

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She was smuggled into the country Illegally to get treatment. I feel bad she died, but worse for the people who are going to die that live here, becasue they treated someone WHO BROKE THE LAW TO BE TREATED!!!!!!

I don't like people living on welfare either, but at least they DIDN"T BREAK THE LAW to be here.

IF you don't like it...pack your bags poncho!!

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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IF you don't like it...pack your bags poncho!!

Ooooh....that was mean. I think I'd rather hang out with "Poncho." Why are some people so incapable of accepting other people's opinions? To resort to those kinds of insults certainly shows a person's grit, or lack of it....

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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No because they are not mexican! Cause that is all your hearing here,Just because she was here illegaly she
deserved to die!

Nope, she didn't deserve the treatment in the first place.... I would rather of had those organs go to CITIZENS.....Heal your family first, then try to help others.

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Nope, she didn't deserve the treatment in the first place.... I would rather of had those organs go to CITIZENS.....Heal your family first, then try to help others.

And what does is the value of this?: "America, Land Of The Free, Home Of The Brave. Send Me Your Tired, Sick And Hungry" Or is it one of those cases where they didn't really mean it that way.....

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As someone has already stated the sneaky and treacherous french men put this on the Statue of Liberty so they could later immigrate ;)

I think deserving is too strong a word. Perhaps she should not have been given precedence over US citizens would be a better wording. Plus she was here illegally. You ever seen an INS bust? I have, I live in Texas, they don't really check for internal organ condition. No green card? you are the weakest link, bye bye.

All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.

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I agree with you on that one. No documents... bye, bye....
However, is someone's in need of medical care, why not give it?

Is it okay for her to sue? I say, no. But on the other hand, regardless of nationality or legal status, was there negligence on part of the doctors or lab? Yes! Should negligence be penalized in some way? Of course!

As a matter of fact, one of the things that makes me think when I'm at the DZ is: if someone gets hurt (as they have in the past) should I, that have the knowledge to assist immediately, help or hold off for 30 minutes until the ambulance gets there? If I try to help and something goes wrong, I am risking being sued or incarcerated. Should I care? No! There's a fellow skydiver sitting on the ground and he's in huge pain... it's no time to think about lawsuits, it's time to help REGARDLESS OF NATIONALITY or legal status! What if the guy is a drug dealer, or something of that sort?

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Your posts in this thread have to be the most asinine thing I've read all day. You want my tax dollars to go help someone who isn't even supposed to be in this country, who has no right to that money, when thousands of legal citizens of America need that money because they are dying or their children are dying. I agree, it is terribly sad, I love children (as most people do) and it pains me to see them in pain, BUT the fact still stands that those people and their child shouldn't have even been here to recieve the treatment in the first place. Especially on my tax dollar. There are organizations around the globe that take people that were in their situations and provide the means to get them the treatment (many times in America), legally and without taking money away from Americans that need treatments. Now they want to sue a good sameritan hostpital? Fuck'em, they don't have the right to it! What should my government do? Deport them, they shouldn't have been here in the first place and enough of my tax dollar has gone towards them, when it should have been going somewhere else.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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If I try to help and something goes wrong, I am risking being sued or incarcerated.

NOPE. No you're not, there are good sameritan laws in all 50 states to protect you from that! For that specific reason.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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