
War Option

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Lets try this. At the end of the 48 hour rule, pull all forces out of the area. Then lets take all the money we would spend on the war, invest in infrastructure for hydrogen powered cars. Give the automakers a firm rule, you have 18 months after which time, no more gasoline powered vehicles may be sold in the US, you must get the fuel cells that amoco and shell and everyone are so afraid of working and in production vehicles in 18 months. Oil would still be around for a long time, but if we stopped depending on the foreign sources....

I was surfing the radio today and caught part of a Paul Harvey commentary where he was asking for less foreign oil and his thought was that When the government told Detroit to get the lead out of gas, they did it in 10 months when they said there was no way. He said it shouldn't take a government mandate to produce fuel cell cars.

Yes I realize this will never ever happen, but it is food for thought.
Ready, Set, Gooooooo

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>Then lets take all the money we would spend on the war, invest in
>infrastructure for hydrogen powered cars. Give the automakers a firm
> rule, you have 18 months after which time, no more gasoline
> powered vehicles may be sold in the US . . .

Well, that might work except for one problem - we don't have any hydrogen.

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Well, that might work except for one problem - we don't have any hydrogen.

If you're nice to us, maybe Canada will sell the US some of it's water to produce the hydrogen. Then again, what am I thinking. GW would declare Chretien menace and then he'd wage war on us. And instead of Canada fighting back with weapons of mass destruction, we'd fight back with beer and hockey sticks. Then you'd be in real trouble. :o:S:)B|:P

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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>Then lets take all the money we would spend on the war, invest in
>infrastructure for hydrogen powered cars. Give the automakers a firm
> rule, you have 18 months after which time, no more gasoline
> powered vehicles may be sold in the US . . .

Well, that might work except for one problem - we don't have any hydrogen.

Well we could always fuel cars with weapons grade radioactive material confiscated from countries that shouldn't have such material, well unless they buy some cars from us:P. Glen

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If you're nice to us, maybe Canada will sell the US some of it's water to produce the hydrogen. Then again, what am I thinking. GW would declare Chretien menace and then he'd wage war on us. And instead of Canada fighting back with weapons of mass destruction, we'd fight back with beer and hockey sticks. Then you'd be in real trouble. :o:S:)B|:P

Yah, there'll be many a game misconduct penalties handed out for this one.

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Can't we just explode water or something? no more worries about the ice cap melting and flooding the coastline... and it would give explosionologists something to do;)


Well, that might work except for one problem - we don't have any hydrogen


Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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>We need more people presenting options!

Options are easy; it's the follow through that's hard. Here are a few:

-Remove the SUV efficiency loophole.

-Push natural gas as a fuel; it's 99% domestically produced, and it's about as easy to make as hydrogen. There are natural gas cars and buses right now.

-Push hybrids. You can build Expeditions that get 40mph with hybrid technology.

-Push biodiesel as a replacement for petroleum diesel.

-Restart nuclear power plant construction. Cheap power makes things like hydrogen production possible.

-Fund light rail and high speed rail development. Trains are harder to hijack than airliners.

The above would be expensive, but any one of the above would cost far less than the 100 billion or so this war will cost us. It won't prevent this war, but could help prevent the next one.

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Add to the mix...
Hydro electric, wind and wave power, solar power, waste heat recovery systems on carbon users, geothermal power, more efficient use of the power we do generate. Improve your mass transit systems.

Oh and sign up to the Kyoto agreement, then start applying punitive taxation to your hydrocarbon consumers. If your gasoline cost the same as it does over here, the public would cry out for more efficient vehicles.

Hmmm, sounds about as popular as......

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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-Remove the SUV efficiency loophole.

Conservative as I am, I've never understood the concept of our "right" to drive gas-wasting vehicles. My ultra-right GF and I spar over this one all the time. It's time for America to wake up and smell the monoxide! :ph34r:

. . =(_8^(1)

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It would be enough if there were a diesel fuel price incentive and more cars with efficient turbodiesel engines available. Sadly enough Detroit does not want to allow that as currently they are not capable of producing a decent turbodiesel.

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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>Sadly enough Detroit does not want to allow that. . .

Detroit doesn't care much about diesel vs gas engines; they profit both ways. Up until recently gas was just so cheap that there was no reason _not_ to use gas engines. Now perhaps there will be. I would think farmers would support this the same way farmers support ethanol, since vegetable oil will work in diesel engines just fine.

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