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Ill bet even after a long, long break you dont forget a thing, and when you step out the door you just pick up from where you left off.

actually no, they're right.... currency is very important, even to experienced jumpers... extremely so for people just learning.

The stuff that's being tught isn't natural, what we do isn't natural (striclty speaking, in relation to life on the ground), and it's all about memorization and muscle memory. The longer you go between jumps, the more you have to remind yourself of each time, and the longer it takes the habbits to form

Even people born into a language will start to lose it if they don't use it for long enough (ask any exchange student... a german friend of mine was horribly embarassed to be asking the german teacher to translate something for her after begin out for only 9 months).

Even experienced jumpers (conscientios ones) go over their emercenyt procedures quite often to keep them in muscle memory, because they don't use them often.

it's not BS, really.

Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

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Just an update...

I AM taking my recurrency training seriously. I am very anal about training and being safe...I would be happy to take several baby steps before being let loose in the sky again.

I did not go to the DZ this weekend. I am not sure why. I think it is a combo of not feeling well (I insist on feeling great before attempting to jump again) and feeling a bit of pressure to jump again....

I do want to thank all of you for your support, both here and in PMs...you all are great people.


I'm a Doll!!!!

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I know why you and Marc didn't jump this weekend, it's b/c you knew I wouldn't be at Archway, right?

/channeling Dr. Evil voice/ RIGHT.... /channeling Dr. Evil voice/:$

Seriously though, good luck girl, you'll get it... my first jump after 6 and a half years was a little nerve racking too... but oh, how happy I am now... can't wait to meet you and Marc in Illinois, we should close on our house the end of June...

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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Just an update...

I AM taking my recurrency training seriously. I am very anal about training and being safe...I would be happy to take several baby steps before being let loose in the sky again.

I have NO doubt:)
I was referring to the guy who posted about saying it was BS that students should get through training as quickly as possible for maximum retention....

In any case, you have to do it on YOUR terms, and that's ok... you'll get there, and you'll love it:)

Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

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Sorry to say, you are wrong here. Currency is important for jumpers at ALL levels, especially for students and low time jumpers. And it is far easier (if your budget can handle it) to do your student jumps close together. You DO retain more. Its not a ploy by the dzs to get more of your money. The dark conspiracy is actually all about making you a better, safer skydiver!

And Anne, I just got back up in the air this weekend after a LONG fall and winter. I hadn't jumped since September. One thing after another has kept me from the dz on "jumpable" days all year. (looking for and buying a house, moving, a sick kitty:(, family obligations,,,, yadda yadda yadda.....) Anyway, for me, the butterflies were going big time on that first jump. I chose something simple and relatively low pressure, bypassing the big ways with the "sky gods" for another weekend! All went well, and the whole weekend was a ton of fun! You'll get there, honest! And what you are feeling is normal!

blue ones......


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You have a child in your life now...so all things are considered. Consciously or otherwise. You'll jump again when it all feels right. Always trust your gut. Maybe bring the entire family out to watch and take a photo of Mom and baby after you walk in from the landing area...
(I took my oldest daughter on her first plane ride when she was 6 weeks old-I was the pilot. There were some harbingers of doom who thought and said I was nuts. They were right and I'm damn proud of it! My daughter is now 21, has done two tandems, and wants to be a skydiver like Mom-WOO WOO~~!!)
Attitude is everything!

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You have a child in your life now...so all things are considered. Consciously or otherwise. You'll jump again when it all feels right. Always trust your gut. Maybe bring the entire family out to watch and take a photo of Mom and baby after you walk in from the landing area...

Ok...to clear up this miunderstanding....I have been SICK for nine months....not pregnant....I have no children (other than the 29-year-old that I live with)



I'm a Doll!!!!

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So are you going this weekend then??? I went for a jump last weekend for the first time in just over two months. I was so scared...but as soon as I left that plane, it was amazing!!
I'm going again this weekend to do my AFF 6&7. It'll be my 4th attempt at stage 6:$ but I'm going to pass it GODDAMMIT!
Goodluck and just do it, you'll be just fine!

Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after

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im in the same boat fallin woman - havent jumped since september and am hoping to get up on either monday this week or next week..

One specific question , My rig was also last packed in Sept. the reserve was redone about a month ago but the main wasnt taken out - am i jsut being supersitious by feeling it shoudl be repaxcked before being jumped?

Does anyone know wnaything of rigs malling more frequently after been left packed for a while - or is this just my subconscious coming up with reasons to forestall the dread day??
dont get me wrong i love jumping, but there is always the underlying nervousness, and this stage it seems to be subconscious and so harder to deal with. reassurance greatly appreciated :)


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We did have fun at the DZ today..well I did at least...Anne just hung out in a no pressure setting. and decided the winds were not to her liking..or rather the LACK of winds were not to her liking...but my swoops were fun!!!!!:)
She'll do just fine next week I'm sure. cause I wont be there.:P:P

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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