
I'm a skydive.com girl!!!

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Oh my! Tomorrow night at John Barleycorn in Lincoln Park, I get the wonderful opportunity to hang out with these girls and promote skydiving! They're even making a drink make with Skyy vodka called (cheesy...I know) Skyydiver! :D

Poor me! I have to hang out with beautiful women at a bar while talking about skydiving! Hopefully, I can convince a few people to make some tandems!

Oh! And don't worry fellas...I'll post pics! :ph34r:
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Good luck recruiting people.......I've beendoing my fair share localy - in 3 months I have pulled in 8 tandems...yippy - free jumps!

Where can I get one of those shirts? We need more fun little skydiving type shirts for us girls.

xo, Denise

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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I can not believe that you would participate in a function that objectifies women promoting unhealthy stereotypes for jump tickets!!!

I salute you...:P

death,as men call him, ends what they call men
-but beauty is more now than dying’s when

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Uh, congratulations - I think.B| . . another Hinckley hottie promoting the sport!

" . . We've developed a new drink called the SKYYdiver which is SKYY Vodka and an energy drink with a twist of lime. . "
Think I'll have one of these tonight. B|

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Nope - I'm gonna be in Quad Cities area for a race that's EARLY sat morning.... will be @ the dz sat later in the afternoon - YAHOO!!

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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Where can I get one of those shirts? We need more fun little skydiving type shirts for us girls.

Their contact info about their shirts (their new shirts ROCK!!!!!!!) http://skydivecsc.com/contact/


and now i'm leaving

Easy solution...don't leave! I bet I know a skydiver that would love to have you crash at their place!


I can not believe that you would participate in a function that objectifies women promoting unhealthy stereotypes for jump tickets!!!

Yes, I'm selling out! :D


another Hinckley hottie promoting the sport!

:$ Thanks! I have a feeling I'll be overlooked though with the other Hinckley hotties that are there. I just want to go have some fun!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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MAD props to all the lovely ladies of CSC! You all rock!***

B| you rock too... basically EVERYONE @ CSC ROCKS!!!

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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I have a feeling I'll be overlooked though with the other Hinckley hotties that are there. I just want to go have some fun!

If whatever you wear makes your butt look as good as it does in your jumpsuit you'll do fine!:D:ph34r::$
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Oh my! Tomorrow night at John Barleycorn in Lincoln Park, I get the wonderful opportunity to hang out with these girls and promote skydiving! They're even making a drink make with Skyy vodka called (cheesy...I know) Skyydiver! :D

Poor me! I have to hang out with beautiful women at a bar while talking about skydiving! Hopefully, I can convince a few people to make some tandems!

Oh! And don't worry fellas...I'll post pics! :ph34r:

Wouldn't that be Linkin Park?? J/K:D

BTW, think you girls can make a tour stop here in el 'snore??B|

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john barleycorn on lincoln ave.....brings back lots of hazy memories...that place is an institution alright, spent many a late night/early morning there, first went there in early 1970's....once I was there during the change from daylite savings time, and the clock moved back at 2am...we all tried to insist that the place should stay open another hour till 2am rolled around again....didn't convince them....

Its great that folks are still partying there! Have fun!


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Thanks! I have a feeling I'll be overlooked though with the other Hinckley hotties that are there. I just want to go have some fun!

Whoh there!

After seeing you down in California a few weeks ago I think youll fit in just fine with the other Hinckley hotties!

:$ Ooops, Did I type that with my outside hands????

Have a great time!

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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I have a few women skydivers to my name. I am just only one person and I have been doing this for some 3 years.

2 of these women work manifest, (pictured) they rent movie theaters sometimes and show videos. They invite folks over to Chicagoland. I am told the girl the guys are likely referring to is a really good skydiver. That just makes it all the more better for these ladies to represent us. There is a Louisiana group of girls as well who supports women skydiving. Right this second I cant remember their name. [:/]

Its the best thing for the women to support the women - just get out there and talk to people. We finally see the numbers starting to get better. Female Skydivers - 14.9%

SLand also had done the bar deal for a long time with SuperDave giving out free tandems and information on skydiving. We all went as it was our Skydivers Night. Marketing is now a part of our sport. I am really glad about it. Whatever works is great. Our dz's need to be supported by skydivers, might as well have a good amount of women there.

Women now fly in spaceshuttles, drive race cars, climb Mt Everest and more and more they show up just about everywhere. No longer are we Beaver Cleaver's mother hangin out in the kitchen.

The pictures in my office always brought on conversation. Yet that is not why they were there. They are kept in any key location where I am to remind me - 'If you can jump out of an airplane, you can do anything.' -AirAnn 2000

Also. in the worst of times I can look there and see that if I can do all that- then this a'hole boss - isnt as bad as having to use my cypres, for example. For me personally it was a life and perspective change all in less than 5 minutes.

The thing is CHICKS ROCK

Dont forget the Boogie in Oct. -Chicks Rock Boogie. #3


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