
those damn Muslims strike again

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>yes because we were protecting ourselves from another September
> 11th . . .

Hmm. So invading Iraq stopped Al Qaeda, did it? Funny, because just last week the CIA said:

"Al Qaeda terrorists and related groups are set to use chemical, biological and nuclear weapons in deadly strikes, according to a new CIA report."

And unfortunately no one can find a hard link between Al Qaeda and Hussein. Or any WMD's. Or any biological labs. Ironically, they did find tons of nuclear materials that had been sealed in a vault by the UN, and the seals were unbroken until we got there. Then we opened them, left, and let people steal the material.

So if someday, god forbid, a dirty bomb gets set off in Manhattan, you can thank _our_ carelessness for helping that to happen.

Is that how you stop another 9/11? By letting terrorists get their hands on nuclear materials?

>Or are you telling me that you equade our mission for liberation of
> Iraq . . .

It was originally a mission to disarm Hussein and make Iraq turn over his WMD's - unless you're thinking of a different war.

>with the use of our precision bombs, to that horrific massacre that
> took place in the world trade center?

The WTC massacre claimed 3000 innocent people's lives. Our invasion took about 5000 innocent lives. If your kid had been one of the ones killed in either place, I think you'd feel a similar way in both cases. Unless, of course, Arabs don't love their children like normal people.

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maybe they haven't found a hard link between the two or maybe they just don't want to give away military secrets by exposing their sources. But in any case whether you want to admit it or not I think your smart enough to know that their should be no doubt in your mind that there is obviously a link there, THE MUSLIM FAITH. Did you know that about the 1993 bombing? Did you know they found the funding came from a Mosque in Jersey City, NJ. What about the USS COLE? What about the fact that the people celebrating were people who identified themselves as Palestinians. Muslims all of them have one thing in common they are all Muslims and they are all against U.S. interests.
Biological weapons are you kidding we know he even used them on his own people. If he succeeded in hiding them I don't care. Are you really going to suggest to me that you think he was not building them up to use them against us?
About the 5K innocent lives I ask that you show a source because I am in disbelief over it. Aside from that we were in a very well defined conflict and you can't tell me that you don't think American soldiers did there absolute best to avoid civilian casualties. On the other hand the world trade center attack not only did not take precautions to avoid civiilian causualty, it actually specifically targeted civilians.
I honestly wonder wether or not they love their children. Obviously they don't love their daughters or any of their women for that matter. And as for their sons they train them for suicide missions before they have even reached their teens. So I don't think they love them too much either. Actually the more I learn about their culture the more I see them like animals.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

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Muslims all of them have one thing in common they are all Muslims

That's a very astute statement. They probably mostly are human beings, too. The whole blood, mothers, fathers, families thing.

they are all against U.S. interests.

Most of the Muslims who live in the US want to. They might not agree with you on every issue, but that doesn't make them anti-US, any more than my disagrement makes me anti-US.


we were in a very well defined conflictwe were in a very well defined conflict

Yeah. We defined it. If we make the rules, that does mean we get to decide a lot, doesn't it?

I agree that the majority of American soldiers tried to avoid unnecessary civilian casualties.


world trade center attack

The world trade center attack was a terrorist attack, much like the Oklahoma City bombing. I don't think that everyone from Michigan is out to get me, and I don't think that violent extremists represent all of Islam.


I honestly wonder wether or not they love their children. Obviously they don't love their daughters or any of their women for that matter.

I have a feeling they love their daughters and their sons. Some Americans bring up sons and daughters who beat children "because it's the only way to teach them a lesson." Does that mean that all Americans are abusers?

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I like Lolipops.

Is she the one who does the dance with a g-string and pasties made of candy?B|

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Sweetie, I gave her the idea. She WAS using postage stamps, and dancing as "going postal", but they kept getting stuck!

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I find that if you lick them profusely they'll come right off.

No no no!!! Remember the rules -- must not touch the girls! All you can do is drool on them, and hope she'll let them slide off :P

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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well Steel, lets just set aside the moral issues of what you're saying for a moment & look at the practicalities.

You cannot ban a religion from the face of the earth. Nor can you simply kill all members of a given large religion. It simply cannot be done. Period.


(anyway, back to the boobies & ice cream. or better yet, ice cream ON boobies!):P
Speed Racer

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"(anyway, back to the boobies & ice cream. or better yet, ice cream ON boobies!)"

I just ate chocolate chip Blue Bell ice cream - but I didn't put it on my boobies.
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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>Biological weapons are you kidding we know he even used them on his
> own people.

No, those were chemical weapons - and we were supporting him when he used them against Iran. Funny how we support him as long as he's killing people we don't like.

>Are you really going to suggest to me that you think he was not
>building them up to use them against us?

He had no reason to. He's cozied up to us in the past, he would do it again if it were to his advantage to do so. His history has shown that he has no scruples whatsoever - he will do whatever it takes to keep himself in power. Attacking the US with WMD's would end his power instantly; why would he do that? Makes no sense.

>About the 5K innocent lives I ask that you show a source because I am in disbelief over it.

I'll give you two sources:

Associated Press: "BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- At least 3,240 civilians died across Iraq during a month of war, including 1,896 in Baghdad, according to a five-week Associated Press investigation. The count is still fragmentary, and the complete toll - if it is ever tallied - is sure to be significantly higher."

From iraqbodycount.net:

Civilian deaths
Minimum 5531 Maximum 7203

>Aside from that we were in a very well defined conflict and you can't
> tell me that you don't think American soldiers did there absolute
>best to avoid civilian casualties. On the other hand the world trade
> center attack not only did not take precautions to avoid civiilian
> causualty, it actually specifically targeted civilians.

I agree. We at least made an attempt to pursue non-deadly means first, and we tried to minimize civilian casualties when we attacked. Nevertheless, even the lowest number available - 3240, a number AP claims is certainly too low - is more than were killed in the WTC attack.

>I honestly wonder wether or not they love their children.

They do. They are very much like you and me. You hate Al Qaeda because they killed Americans; they hate Americans because we kill them and their children. Pretty simple actually.

>Actually the more I learn about their culture the more I see them
>like animals.

The first step in getting people to accept genocide is to claim they're not really human. Christians did that with Moslems during the Crusades. It's been done with blacks, jews, Albanians, Shi'ites, and Marsh Arabs. Some of the most evil men in history have used that as a pretext to exterminate thousands, even millions of people.

Suffice to say that I don't believe in genocide as a way to solve problems.

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If people want to state/debate their political views (brilliant or not) in a clearly labeled thread, why stink it up with posts about ice cream? Makes it a tough read. Just a suggestion, but why not just ignore it instead.

i hear you...
had a couple of things to say about things (brilliant or not) said here, but the mixture of terror with ice-cream and boobies is not for me,,,

"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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had a couple of things to say about things (brilliant or not) said here, but the mixture of terror with ice-cream and boobies is not for me,,,

But what if we drop the terror from the act, leaving only the boobies and the ice cream? The world would be a better place.

Bum's the word!

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But what if we drop the terror from the act, leaving only the boobies and the ice cream? The world would be a better place.

i'll be the first one to join that parade,
but there are more than enough threads for both.
this one was not started to talk about ice-cream.
nor was it to talk about how rude it is to hijack a thread...

"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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