
Sabre open way too slow!

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well, he knows now....

I think he was suitably chagrined. A little net flogging won't hurt anyone.

We all f*ck up now and again. Just ask that jackass who swooped the barn in Hollister and made a bunch of little kids cry and then almost didn't clear the barb-wire fence.... :$

What would Vic Mackey do?

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Man, everyone's acting like this guy is a hazard because he hadn't jumped with a kill line pilot chute.

Not everyone, just some...B| Most of us just chuckled and yes he learned his lesson:)
I helped him transfer his new canopy on to his risers that day. Some people are just fine exiting aircraft flying their bodies all around and landing safely but they ar ejust not gear proficient or educated. You don't need to be. You just need to know the basics. What is basic to you and I is not to many others...

It's all good, it's all good...


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I thought that bridal didn't have a window, or was that a different PC.

That wasn't my container, neither my PC. So yes the bridle did have a window.
Mine still has no window B| :$

Renaud SMA #9
"Mind is like parachute. It only functions when it's open."

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If I were letting someone I didn't know very well jump my equipment and/or canopy I would point out all the features, or at least ask some questions to ascertain what they know and explain any unfamiliar stuff. I do this with AFF students during gear checks, why not to someone who may not be familiar with the latest technology? He was an older jumper, which probably should have raised some red flags. Certainly, I would have felt some level of responsibility on this one.

If I let someone drive my car I also explain all the nuances associated with a complex vehicle. I guess the responsibility goes along with that issue, too. You know what they say about assumptions. Glad nobody got injured.

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And the thread goes south.....:P

yeah...well i have to entertain myself B|


Me likeit A LOT!!

No Liz, thanks for entertaining me!!

Butthead: Whoa! Burritos for breakfast!
Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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I thought that bridal didn't have a window, or was that a different PC.

is the "bridal window" where the wedding party hangs out to ensure the marriage has been consummated? ;)
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Yup you would have to asume he did know... And assume that he would ask the appropriate questions if he did see something he was unsure about. Anyway it does not matter anymore.

Some got a good chuckle out of it and no one got hurt and well BOOBIES!!B|

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Okay, to add a little back ground I gave my canopy (canopy only) to a friend so he can test jump it. So he put the canopy in his container with his pilot chute. This friend never got a chance to jump the canopy and this guy ask also to test jump my canopy so he just borrow the all rig instead of switching container and PC again.
So the container with my canopy inside was staying at the DZ so people can test jump it. When I arrive after the second load the guy already has done one jump with my canopy and seems to be happy (it was packed by my friend). Then you know the story...

When I sold my first container and canopy, it was to a newbie and I took some time with him to explain every specific of this gear. I really didn't felt the same way with this guys that was more experienced than me...

I felt responsible anyway and will not do the same mistake again.

Renaud SMA #9
"Mind is like parachute. It only functions when it's open."

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