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FWIW I've never eaten a krispy Kreme. but I confess to Big Mac.

My S.O. really ran Antarctica twice. (heck, I'm not contemplating doing it and I jump off of stuff.) Plus, she's a "Fellow" of the American Bar Association (my country's national representative body of attorneys). She graduated college at age 18--most people here do this at 22--and law school at 21--most people here do this from age 25-7 (she graduated from Harvard University Law School, which is a preeminent legal institution here. not bad for a janitor's kid; I'm a public school kid, though, my mom was only a cleaning lady)

Dying to tell you my Suomi College story but it's probably best to relate in person. Someday we'll connect, I'm sure.

D. James Nahikian

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Nah, they look like a giant carpet sweeper. Extreame embarrasment, whats wrong with a cycle? (Also saw it on Frasier it suited Niles).
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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fart·lek ( P ) Pronunciation Key (färtlk)
An athletic training technique, used especially in running, in which periods of intense effort alternate with periods of less strenuous effort in a continuous workout.
A workout using this technique.
Maybe I come from the wrong planet, but I had to go & look that word up.:S
Speed Racer

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This is weird. When I was little my grandparents had all these MAD magazines from the late 50's and early 60s. They had been bought by my uncle Tom when he was a kid.

One of them had a spoof about how lazy Americans were becoming & how little exercise they get. And it extrapolated how it would be in the future: People would stop walking entirely, and just get around on little single-person carts.
They showed how people would evolve until they got so fat they looked like Weebils, and their legs would shrink up like vestigial organs.:o
shit, it's actually starting to happen!:o
Speed Racer

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we always knew the writers/editors of MAD magazine should be elevated to a god-like status. Now we have a reason, they see into the future!

let my inspiration flow,
in token rhyme suggesting rhythm...

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i think its just plain laziness!! doesn't it just go as fast as a brisk walk??? now you can eat your big mac and not have to worry about loosing those wonderful calories

Actually I've ridden one, not only was it quick but extremely manuverable. You would have to be running pretty fast to keep up with one of these.


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