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  1. Since this started I changed computers and haven't updated it but now I'm back folding. We definitely need more help, we keep losing ground on the leader boards. josh
  2. Well, as long as the pilot didn't know about it and the jumper actually did have a parachute, then probably the only violation is FAR 91.13. If on the other hand if the pilot did know about it or the jumper did NOT have any sort of parachute, there would be a number of violations. At the very least -- 2-1 G. -- the one regarding minimum opening altitudes. The last time I checked, the verbiage of that particular BSR said you couldn't open below a particular altitude. If you don't open, you are in compliance. If they said you must open above a particular altitude, that would be a different story. Blue skies, Winsor When did BSR's become law I must have missed that memo. Josh
  3. Why yes, I do have an evil twin. How did you ever know, Ray. I thought you were the evil twin Laura. Josh
  4. Ya know two things here. I like poker so I guess I'll be lumped in with all of the shitstains that you have so happily put in a category. I guess since everybody doesn't like what you do they are "fat, lard-assed lazy shitheads." And two, for a name like peacefuljeffrey you seem a little bitter. BSBD EFS Josh
  5. Umm I'm not sure but I think BJ would be surprised to find out he wrote that movie. Maybe your thinking of Guy Manos? Josh
  6. This is actually somewhat true. They have defended (with money donated to them) people who have bombed, yes bombed! slaughterhouses. People could have been injured or killed in this stupid action yet PETA feels the need to donate money in their defense. This is up there with bombing abortion clinics, when you endanger lives I believe you give up your right to speak for your cause. I refuse to give them money and if they ever called looking for some I would give them a piece of my mind. Josh
  7. Unfortuneatly most folks out there accept a documentary as factual information. These are the same people who believe reality TV is reality and that wrestling is real. Michael Moore has proven in the past that distortion of fact is ok as long as his point it made. He is self-serving and downright misleading in his "documentaries" which will eventually prove him to be the liar that he is. GWB and Iraq war aside, take what Michael Moore has to say with a grain of salt. Josh
  8. Iv'e seen a few names on that look familiar. Anybody play at that site or any others? I go as Joshjumps on that site, say hello if you see me. Josh
  9. Do you have the data to back up this statement? There is nothing that be done about someone being 22 years old. The discussion is about how to prevent a jumper, at any age, from getting in over their head with a HP canopy. Of the 9 landing fatalities list on the database, only one was under 25 and 5 were over 30. Which proves what? You could easily corelate this to driving. Young males are more likely to "hot dog" it hence the higher insurance premiums. I don't think that the young males will suddenly gain insight once they start skydiving. If anything they get more more reckless because the see how awesome swooping looks. Joshua
  10. Yeah well he's not the first that has ever tried to use skydiving to score and he won't be the last. IMHO most whuffos are turned off by boisterous skydiving comments so it probably isn't getting him any anyways. Josh
  11. I believe if you jump your a skydiver. I had a friend who laid off from skydiving for over ten years. I asked him to go on a skydive with me for about 3 years and he complied in 2002. We made one jump and he hasn't jumped since but he was pretty stoked. Now he had over 1200 skydives previously and he forgot more about skydiving than I knew and he doesn't forget much. In fact he showed me how to pack and he didn't forget a thing after ten years of not doing it. He's a skydiver even though he's not active. So's the guy you met. Neither may ever make a skydive again but they did do it and that qualifies. Josh
  12. One of my favorite books of all time. I actually enjoyed Speaker of the Dead and Xenocide but theyare completely different books. A continuation of the story but don't expect more of the same because it's not. I'm happy that he has written Bean's story in the new series of "Ender" books they compliment nicely the original story.
  13. And then there is a company named Icarus named after a dude whose wings fell off..... Josh
  14. Of course sex is fun and I don't believe it's scaring the children to tell them to wait or if they're ready then use proper protection, it's a fact of life. Of course the American way is to ignore delayed gratification, cause if it's fun I want it now! I don't think I agree with your philosophy I think it can be taught that it's fun and worth waiting for. But it's been a while since I was a teenager and things are different now.... Josh