
Do you believe in God?

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Thrill seekers often come to realize that this is our only go around.

Better to make the most of it than to live a miserable, monastic lifestyle,

i wouldnt quite say that, but perhaps thrill seekers recognize the joy in doing vs mearly existing...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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i was skipper of a catalina 27 dubbed 'aquaboogie'. tied up in marina del rey. a friend and i were out drankin and drivin and got caught broadside by a squall that was sending the rain sideways. under full sail no less. doh! that was the first and last time i ever saw my spreaders touch the water. something kinda clicks into place when you realize for the first time that if you dont get forward and drop sail you both gonna die! you cant buy entertainment like that.....
namaste, motherfucker.

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I swung over to a little Catalina (maybe cant quite recall) with a sabre in my teeth and demanded "Bread, Beer and Bikini tops!!"

Hey, that was you? Heh heh, I have a little Catalina Capri 18. I am going to bring it up here so I can dink around the San Juans.

Amazon, want to race? You'd win, but in a sailboat, it is all about being there.

Oh, yeah, I beleive in God, I used to know him very well. Sad to say I can no longer call him a friend, my fault not his. I haven't decided yet if I should fix that. Oh well. More beer for the wicked!!!


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Hey Mike, I was hoping to keep this from turning into a religious debate... can we please keep it that way? Pretty please??? :):)
(I know, it's out of my control, but I AM trying - for those who want to debate, can we either start a new thread or bring up an old one? ;-)

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Amazon, want to race? You'd win, but in a sailboat, it is all about being there.

I gave up racing long long ago... Take the slowest form of transportation on earth.... and try to make it go 1/32nd of a knot faster than some other type A personality.. just never made sense to me.

I am ALL about just being there, that is enough of a rush when the Not-So Pacific decides to throw wind and wave at you:P

Take a 22' sloop 200 miles out to sea... all alone.... and meet your own Higher Power;)


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I was doing a wingsuit jump from a King Air a couple weeks back, so I was exiting last behind three tandems, all of which had babes as passengers. As the second tandem poised in the door, the cabin of the plane was filled with the blood-curdling screams of:


It was amazing how fast she could repeat that at full volume!

As we were riding the trailer back from the landing area, I asked the babes which one was second, (since I had been unable to see the passengers faces from my position in the plane). The tall blonde identified herself as second.

Me: "Oh, so you're the one doing all the screaming?"

Her, (with embarrassment):
"Yes, but I don't know why I did that; I'm an atheist."

Tandem Master:
"Nobody's an atheist in the door."
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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He may have even traveled east and studied Buddhism.

I always found this explanation of Jesus' "lost years" to be intriguing. Supposedly there are references to "Issa" in Indian writings. The only thing I'm not sure of is how efficient travel would have been between Israel and India/Tibet, etc during that time. I'd love to research this.

Christian mystics (as well as the Sufis & Kabbalists) are very "Eastern" in their thinking and practice. The Gnostic/Eastern connection makes for very good reading (like Thomas Merton & Thich Nhat Hanh's writings).

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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The only thing I'm not sure of is how efficient travel would have been between Israel and India/Tibet, etc during that time. I'd love to research this.

Well, if you take the walking on water thing at face value then I'd imagine hoofing it a few thousand miles across land is just a walk in the park. Didn't you see Dogma?

"Back in the day hanging out with JC we used to walk everywhere!" -- Chris Rock's character, paraphrased because my memory isn't very uhm, what's that word? Good.

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Ok, this one is more on topic.

You took a little flak for not providing possible options for some people so I'll give you a little grief too here :)
I chose the first option being the "almighty God" one. This actually encompases two schools of though in my mind, although perhaps the 2nd idea I bring up here would be though of as less than "almighty" by some. Anyway, here goes.

The typical Christian/Jewish God is one that still interacts with our world. Numerous examples from the Old Testament have God coming down in one form or another and taking a personal role in our world.

The other, and I gleaned this from a book written on Einstein's religious views which had a number of his own writings in it, is an idea of a hands-off God that's still all powerful. Well, all powerful is the wrong term as it means that He is unable to really intervene in what really happens in the world. When He created the universe things were out of His control at that point. However, if you take God to be an infallable being that means that He would have created things in such a state that they couldn't possibly deviate from His plan or His wishes. It's splitting hairs to me but makes for some interesting thought.

Donald Knuth (a computer scientist) also hits on similar trains of thought at times. He's tosed out ideas that maybe God isn't actually infinite in knowledge or power but just really really really big. He's got some mathematical notation and such to go along with "really really really big" but it boils down to: "Big enough that neither you nor I could comprehend it, but not infinite." Not that we can reallly get our heads around infinity either.

Well, unless you're stoned. At that point inifinity is easy to relate to because the distance you are from the nearest bag of Doritos seems infinite and impossible to traverse.

So, you could have added:
- I beleive in a personal and involved almighty God.
- I beleive in a hands-off almighty God.
- I beleive in a hands-off bigger than everything but not infinite God.
- Only when I'm stoned do I beleive in God, infinity, and the holy powers of tortilia chips.

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I've asked this question on various religious threads before and still noone has answered me.

Does anyone believe in private revelation, meaning an experience or experiences that would leave one with no doubt whatsoever in the existence of God. I mean where He truly revealed Himself to an individual?



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but it isnt something i can quantify intellectually. Its a feeling, a calm, a peace that brings (has brought me) thru some incredibly difficult times and decisions and allowed me to laugh in the midst of the storm..brings the tiny smile that makes everything else disappear. There are so many ways, so many places and times ive experienced it since the first time (i recognized it, as i examined my life before that moment of 'sartori' i saw it had always been there) its hard to count, and yet its not something i can show you. I cant point at it and say "here. this is god." but... sometimes i can..

contradictory and meaningless, yet there have been moments where i knew someone else with me, near me understood, felt the near electric 'vibe' flowing thru the moment, right here, right now, nothing else compares to this moment...until the next..the next sunrise, sunset, scent of rain on the coming wind, a small smile from a child in a passing car...when i forget it, lose sight of that 'feeling'... life goes astray..often its when i try to hard, to manipulate life around me. (far to easy to do, you can change anything..except other people.)...thus my later intellectual search for zen, for tao, for the religious philosophies that echoed the things i already 'knew'. that i was never separated from god, unless i separated myself... to be in the moment, and experience everything, because each moment only happens just that way, just that once, and if you blink, if your too focused on anything else instead of taking in everything, then you've missed it and you cant have that one back.....

its love, fundamentally. reflected in anothers eyes on occasion or felt on the wind as the door opens.....:)
and i never need an intermediary to be near her, it, him....however you wish to visualize...it doesnt really matter because to qoute M. Ghandi " all religions are true" once you get beyond the controlling dogma created by man to keep you away...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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I come from a very religious family. I went to a catholic school which basically kept me away from anything associated with unacceptable levels of fun.
As an adult, you could say I lost my faith. I found the notion illogical.
I relate better to 'eastern philosophies' more so than our modern interpretation of what God is.
Right now, I really don't know.
I'm more interested in living a good life for myself without hurting others, and trying to help people when I can.

Do you believe in God?
Is not a question like: Would you skydive?
Its more like: Do you like adult films?

You can't put the answer into a little box.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

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Do you believe in God?
Is not a question like: Would you skydive?
Its more like: Do you like adult films?

Ok, so what you're saying is...

you worship adult films?

I guess that'd make Ron Jeremy a saint...

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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meaning an experience or experiences that would leave one with no doubt whatsoever in the existence of God. I mean where He truly revealed Himself to an individual?

That sure would be contradictory of the requirement/definition of "Faith" (ie belief WITHOUT proof - is a prerequesite for winning).

What about the catagory of "it doesn't matter if there is a god or not"? Although that might align with the catagory of the 'uninvolved' god.....

I voted not believing, although I think 'some' people of faith draw strength from their beliefs and that's cool for them. Me, if you are a good person just because you are looking for a reward in the afterlife, then you're doing it for the wrong reasons.

These are a lot more fun over beer and in person.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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