
top 50 things

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I hadda steal this link form totalwreck(sorry)

how many of these things have you done?

Ive done 6,7,12,15,17,19,20(soon to take the heli tour)27,47,48:ph34r:

there are som many more things Ive done that were on MY LIST.

you can see pics on my website:ph34r:
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6,7,27,47(actually Disneyland),48

Only 5 of them, but the ones I'm most interested in now are 1-swim with dolphins, 4-whale watching, 31-galloping along a beach, and 40-ride the world's roller coasters

My favorite so far? Shouldn't that be obvious?;)

Blondes do have more fun!

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1 - swimming w/ dolphins(place in the Fla keys that you can do that, about 93)
4 - whale watching - Alaska - it was cool
5 - dive with sharks - (cozumel, saudi arabia - Ok yes, they were small, but they were sharks and I was a little nervous)
6 - skydive
7 - hot air balloon - when I was about 12
10 - wrong time of year in alaska:P
13 - visit a paradise island - Cozumel, Eluthra
14 - drive a formula one - That was cool, worked as a volunteer for the Miami Grand Prix, they let me do 1 lap
15 - whit water rafting - (there was white water!)
19 - route 66 - not the whole thing, but a while - wasn't all that impressed.
24 - riding a harley - friend of mine built a trike, let me ride it while his prosthetic was being worked on.
25 - Cowboy ranching - went to a "dude" ranch not far from Amarillo when I was 8
27 - Niagra falls - 1984
40 - worlds roller coasters...not sure, but i have ridden a few
41 - That was pretty cool, my friend caught one, but I didn't[:/]
47 - Disney land and disney world
48 - Las Vegas
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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It seems 6 is the only one that matters.
I have swam with dolphins and THAT does not compare to a good 5 way Horney Gorilla

I have been to Disnry world and spent the next week thinking about how many Jump tickets I could have bought for the cash I just wasted...(Note that Islands of adventure is a better park)

Have been deep sea fishing in the FL Keys...GREAT EXPERIENCE! (I have Jumped OVER the FL KEYS...Better Experience)

I have walked on the wing of an aircraft....Right Before I jumped..:D

Have been on a hot air balloon...And jumped....WOW WHAT A RUSH!

Have driven down Route 66...(On the way to a couple of DZ's)

Went Scuba Diving with Sharks...(Then pouted Cuz I had to wait 24 hrs to make a jump over the Keys)

I have not seen the Earth from space, But I --- Like you have seen the Earth in a manner only the privliged have....13,000 feet above the earth, surrounded by nothing but Magesty and Glory, beset on all sides by the most beautiful sunset you have never seen from the ground.


BASE 3:16 - Even if you are about to land on a cop - DONT FORGET TO FLARE!
Free the soul -- DJ

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Things I've done listed below:

6 Skydive
13 Visiting a paradise island
19 Driving down Route 66
24 Riding a Harley Davidson
25 Cowboy ranching
27 Experiencing a waterfall
31 Galloping a horse along a beach
37 A flight over a volcano
40 Riding the world's rollercoasters
47 Walt Disney World
48 Las Vegas Casinos
49 Watching orang-utans
50 Watching polar bears
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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WTF is with 22? Bathing an Elephant? is that a fetish or something ???

I didn't want to go there...but you know...It does sound interesting...:P
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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WTF is with 22? Bathing an Elephant? is that a fetish or something ???

Well, I guess it'd be decent practice for washing your car.......other than that I see no advantage in it, and I personally have NO interest in stroking an elepants meat with soap. What the hell do they need to bathe for anyway??? They're just gonna crap then sit in it anyway............. :P

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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WTF is with 22? Bathing an Elephant? is that a fetish or something ???

I'm not sure; I've ridden, petted and fed an elephant. Does that count?:P

LOL....me too! I think we should count it!
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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