
Firestorm 2003

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Oh my...well, you and Amy stay safe and know that an entire online community is keeping you in their thoughts. I remember when fires would sweep down Box Springs National Park, right behind our house in Riverside, and the nightmares it would bring.

Please stay safe.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Not to sound insensitive, but I LOVE that place. It was where I had originally planned to do my graduate work in marine biology. That was back when I had a plan. ;)
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Kate, if you can't find your baby, try what I do. I make sure I have a full bowl of their favorite food, and their favorite toy. And then, because Pie is somewhat skittish, I sit there and wiggle the toy. When she comes close, I gently reach out a finger, and tickle her. Once she is happy like that, it's a full hand...and then I try to grab her. And get her as close to my heart as possible. They will vibe off of us, so be as calm and cheerful and peaceful as you possibly can be.

Hope that helps. You get your baby and leave if you need to. I know about the kitties...and understand. But make sure you take care of yourself, too.

And Bill, you stay safe as well.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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I remember just before Halloween in 1993. Los Angeles was, for all intents and purposes, surrounded by fire. That was the year that the really big one in Laguna Beach (and one of many big Malibu fires) occurred.

My mother told me that there are ashes at her house, which is Long Beach area. This is dern firghtening, considering the distances involved.

This is scary stuff goign on in SoCal. Though I'm glad to be a couple hundred miles north of it, I certainly understand you all.

Bill, all the best. And to all of you down there, y'all take care.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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to all the SoCal ppl, we had some horrific fires here a couple of years ago, I sincerly hope it doesn't get that bad for you guys[:/]
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Wow, Bill! Those pictures show alot!

The "Old Waterman" fire is about 10 miles north west of my house and is heading up the mountain towards Lake Arrowhead (north). The ash is also falling around here and my dog came inside this evening with a layer.

Patton State Hospital (mental facility for the criminally insane) in North San Bernardino was also evacuated today. Shit!

Perris DZ was indeed shut down due to Miramar being evacuated. The DZ was dead after that...reminding me of Sept. 11. It was eerie.

Coming home tonight in the darkness, several fires were outlined on the hillsides to the west. Over 400 homes lost, and several lives...


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Perris DZ was indeed shut down due to Miramar being evacuated. The DZ was dead after that...reminding me of Sept. 11. It was eerie.

Makes me feel lucky I got on the load they sent this afternoon.

But far more importantly I fortunate that thus far none of my friends/DZ.com'ers in the area have lost their homes. Everywhere I turn I see plumes of smoke (I'm about 15 miles NE of Perris).

Watching the local news is surreal though, although they are failing to get the true scope of all of these fires.

A lot of the fires are believed to be arson. What kind of person/people ruins other peoples lives like this?

Bill M

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Fires on the horizon have diminished; now there's just an orange glow on the eastern horizon. Smoke's been clearing a bit too.

We dropped off a load of blankets and towels at the evacuation center. It was cool to see how much stuff (food, water, blankets, even dog food and toys) have been donated already. Local restaraunts are donating dinners. I figure they're in pretty good shape if there's a separate evacuation supply center for pets.

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I used to live in Jamul, CA. Some friends down there sent me pictures of the fires. It takes me back to when we had a HUGE fire less than one mile from our house. We were asked to evacuate, but a Santa Ana was happening. The wind blew really hard from the East, and we were North of the fire. Seriously doubting the destruction of our home, my brother and I grabbed some cranberry juice, bloody Mary mix, and a bottle of vodka and went up to the top of a neighboring mountain, a few hundred feet from the fire. We got wasted and had a hell of a show as propane tanks exploded every ten minutes or so. Good luck down there, guys!

(Edited to add pics)
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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My Sister just called and said they've been evacuated. :( She was worried about my '66 Mustang stored at my Mom's house :S I told her to just leave it. I can't do anything for them; I think I'll just cry. :(

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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I've been at work all day, chasing alarms in the San Diego area. The worst part is, we don't actually know where the fire is, so we have to guess if we are loosing the optical repeter sites or not. We sure as heck are not sending anyone into the area to check (the new girl wanted too though).

At our manned site the emergency fire door alarm went off and everyone held thier breath till security could find out if it was a false alarm or not. Luckly it was.

I definately feel for everyone down there, I watched our usage graphs for the market go lower and lower all day, and knowing the reason was depressing.
Fly it like you stole it!

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My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones facing the fires Bill, Amy, Keith, Kate, Ed, and everyone else that is being affected by the fire. Please take care of yourselves and be safe. We all love you guys.

Yesterday morning as I drove towards Elsinore at 7am, the sky looked unearthly. The sun was surrounded by a bloody glow and under that was the unrecognizable sky saturated by layers of heavy, black clouds with a tiny bit of sky peeking out from the bottom. The day had incredible winds, as well, which were frightening to drive home in after getting somewhat blown out at the DZ.

Earlier today, I drove on the the 15 S (just south of the 60), the grassy area right next to the slow lane was ablaze. I couldn't believe it, the freeway was on fire as I was driving past! Some crazy lady pulled just past the fire and pulled over to take pictures. Why would anyone do that!?!:(

Please be careful, everyone. I am sending my best wishes for a safe night.

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any luck with orange kitty? remember animals are fairly smart when it comes to fire etc, so if you must leave her she'll most likely fair well. as you know you always have lots of so cal places to stay. lets hope I don't read about this in kate's monthly news letter.



"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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My thourghts are out to you guys. keep strong and help thouse who aint...

Im not that worryed at you,understanded that i have seen what your cababel to do under such circumstances.Saving lives in the first place is most important,the rest is just dead things.
Family albums are queit value aswell.

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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From what I'm hearing here it sounds like Ash Wednesday 1983 or Canberra last year. Well maybe not as bad as Ash Wednesday - at least I fervently hope so. No-one needs that shit.

Let's just hope that the weather and everything else is on the side of the CFA ( Country Fire Auth. or whatever they're called there ) and they can get it under some sort of control pretty soon. Sounds like a huge job and being an active CFA volly I'm damn sure I'd rather not be mixed up in it.

I _do_ have an ulterior motive for wishing them all speed though. We'll need the Aircranes for our fire season which has all the indications of being another right bastard.:(:(

Mark F...

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