
George Bush

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It seems to be a attribute of Clinton haters that they can't spell. Dan Quayle syndrome?


Are you inferring that if you misspell a word, what you are saying isn't true. Or are you just using the old liberal misdirection trick?

I think it is more of a reference to Conservative value's of the three R's in school that would work for me...

Isn't that what we are supposed to be teaching in school now that the conservatives have made it a cause celeb???

Someone above mentioned amputations etc in Iraq.... George would do well with a tongue amputation there would then be more room in his mouth for his foot that hs incessantly inserts there.

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It seems to be a attribute of Clinton haters that they can't spell.

Is it "a attribute" or do you really mean "an attribute" of Clinton haters? Not that I care much, since you're not being paid for polished copy here on DZ com.

Oh, and we Clinton bashers may not know how to spell, but we sure do drive some fancy automobiles. B|

. . =(_8^(1)

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You might infer it; whether he implied it or just said it straight out is probably open to debate.

What I'll say is that someone's delivery can definitely change how I see what they're trying to say. If a post is unintelligible, poorly constructed, or simply incoherent, it's a little hard to pay much attention to it.

After all, if someone respects his readers little enough to write that way, why on earth should I respect what he has to say?

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Oh, and we Clinton bashers may not know how to spell, but we sure do drive some fancy automobiles. [Cool]

And that is a serious measure of someone's worth, isn't it?

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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And that is a serious measure of someone's worth, isn't it?

Well sure it is, if you allow the fancy car to act as a metaphor for the positive attributes of the folks on the conservative side of the house.

NOT that nobody on the left has any of these but . . .

. . . you know, strong goal oriented and clean living, excellent work ethic, belief in absolute moral standards (as opposed to the relativist "morals of the week" belief system expounded by many on the the left).

OTOH, I'll grant you that fancy car can also stand for some negative stuff too, for example years and years of racial tyranny and the current (but dying) "good old boy network" that still keeps people down.

We really need a "tongue in cheek" smiley around here; my sports car statement was really meant that way.

. . =(_8^(1)

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I think it is more of a reference to Conservative value's of the three R's in school that would work for me...

Isn't that what we are supposed to be teaching in school now that the conservatives have made it a cause celeb???

Someone above mentioned amputations etc in Iraq.... Geroge would do well with a toungue amputation there would then be more room in his mouth for his foot that hs incessantly inserts there.

UMMM... its spelled "GEORGE" I guess Kallend was correct.

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Well sure it is, if you allow the fancy car to act as a metaphor for the positive attributes of the folks on the conservative side of the house.

NOT that nobody on the left has any of these but . . .

. . . you know, strong goal oriented and clean living, excellent work ethic, belief in absolute moral standards (as opposed to the relativist "morals of the week" belief system expounded by many on the the left).

OTOH, I'll grant you that fancy car can also stand for some negative stuff too, for example years and years of racial tyranny and the current (but dying) "good old boy network" that still keeps people down.

So I guess you really believe that horse pucky. I find it interesting that you and your fellow travelers would believe that someone who would vote for a democrat might have anything less than a ....belief in absolute moral standards (as opposed to the relativist "morals of the week" belief system expounded by many on the the left). I guess only the right can claim morality. Oh, by the way.. who is defining that morality?

Or a strong work ethic??? There are actually democrats who have an excellent work ethic. I value my time off from my overachiever work ethic and can afford to play in a manner I deem fit. I find recreation in various forms readily without the need for approval from an anal-retentive conservative who gets all of his ideas from the pulpit on sunday. I am at the dropzone or out on the ocean on sundays enjoying the wonders of gods creation.

AS a side note, it is interesting that your grammer needs just a little work...... you have used a double negative.. NOT that nobody...YOU .. into the corner and put on the dunce cap...:ph34r:.

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UMMM... its spelled "GEORGE" I guess Kallend was correct.

Yes I can make typographical errors when I am busy at work with the best of them.

Yes thats true anybody can make a spelling error. However, when responding to someone regarding a spelling error, don't you think it weakens your point when you make one in your reponse?

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He got a pretty hefty bump right after September 11, but then again, ANY President would have. A natural reaction to not so much the man as the office. Since the Afgan war and especially the Iraq war his polling has slipped back down to pretty much were it was just before September 11.

10/28 POLL RESULTS: Bush's popularity tumbles in Wisconsin

10/29 Poll: Bush approval ratings slip, Democrats gain

As time goes on and the American people find out (if they find out) more and more about how things actually went down, I think you'll see his polling go even lower.

My 2004 prediction is that GWB is a 1 term President.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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The Iragi people are learning fast who is good and who is/was evil. I wish others would learn as fast to tell the difference.

We see two completely different things in Iraq.

I believe and will agree with you that the average Iraqi didn't like Saddam, however and for the most part, they also don't like the U.S. and at least under Saddam, they had food, water, electricity and weren't getting the shit bombed out of them. So, for some reason, now, a whole bunch of Iraqis actually do have new reasons to hate us. With our precision guided bombs we still managed to kill off a pretty significant amount of the more or less innocent citizens of the country. Somewhere along the lines of twice the number of people killed in the attacks of September 11.

Remember how pissed off you were on September 11? I'm thinking that they're at least a little pissed off too especially since -they- had nothing to do with the September 11th attacks. They have GOT to be asking themselves, "Why the hell is the U.S. bombing Iraq? Why aren't they bombing Saudi Arabia? Didn't most of the September 11th terrorists come from Saudi Arabia? What the F is up with the Americans?"

If you can stomach it (and I know it's going to be a stretch for most people) you really should read Michael Moore's new book "Dude, Where's My Country?"

Don't automatically condemn it if you haven't read it yet.

I'm not saying that I agree with everything said in the book -- not by a long shot -- but it IS another point of view and worth a read whether you are a Liberal, Conservative, Democrat, Republican or Independant.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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nope.. there was a whole taerhd taht delat whit it:)
You can place the letters in the middle of words in any order you like as long as the first and last letters remain the same.

oh and you missed the other typo in that post that I fixed.. neener neener.

George is still and always will be an ill spoken buffoon.

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I'm not saying that I agree with everything said in the book -- not by a long shot -- but it IS another point of view and worth a read whether you are a Liberal, Conservative, Democrat, Republican or Independant

But that would be fair and blanced... we can't actually have any of that around here.

I was always led to believe if you have an opponent.. study him...
From the Movie Patton.. "Rommel you bastard, I read your book"

I knew the conservatives would listen to a source like that at least.

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I won't answer the poll - as I am in the UK and would skew the results - not that I believe intelligence correlates very well with being good/bad -so I think the poll is a little off the mark.

I do think that GWB is a lousy statesmen and does not have the capacity to breed consensus - he comes across more as agree with me or I'll bomb the sh*t out of you.
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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Or a strong work ethic??? There are actually democrats who have an excellent work ethic.

yes but go to the local housing projects. My guess is that most living there are not republicans sucking up that tax money. Second and third generation welfare moms on wic and food stamps, how do you think they vote?

BTW I'm sure you do have a good work ethic.

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as opposed to the relativist "morals of the week" belief system expounded by many on the the left

could you kindly explain exactly and in simple words what is meant by the above statement? i have absolutely no idea what a "moral of the weak" is supposed to be

sidenote: most of the times it frightens me, that being "left" is still connected with being a commie, a crook, anti-american - you name it....:S
it seems that - although mccarthy is out of business for ages – his cold-war ideology is still embeded pretty good in american society & in the minds of to many people
The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle

dudeist skydiver # 666

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I do think that GWB is a lousy statesmen and does not have the capacity to breed consensus - he comes across more as agree with me or I'll bomb the sh*t out of you.

He ain't no steenkin statesman. he sees himself as the town sherif out to do in the bad guys. And anyone who does not agree with him is one of the bad guys.

And like he said before.. http://mindprod.com/bush.html

Oh hell you pick the ones that best fit.. its almost 1 am and I am off work.. its time to go home... I work too damn much.. but they pay me lots to do it:P

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I guess only the right can claim morality. Oh, by the way.. who is defining that morality?

I don't believe that only those on the right can claim morality, thus my double negative disclaimer you so kindly pointed out.

Ayn Rand defined it well (absolute morality), but I'll also point to the Bible, the Koran, or any of a number of great authors who've taken a stab at it. They all have said similar things through time because absolute morality is hinged on the truth, and truth doesn't change.

I might be wrong, but I smell a lecture on the Bible coming on so . . . yes, slavery, adultery, ect. are "condoned" in the Bible. I know there are bad things like slavery that have existed through the ages, and still exist, but the tenets of absolute morality DO NOT justify them.

I believe that more people on the right subscribe to the absolute brand of morality than do those on the left, and I don't believe that my belief makes me an ultra facist or nazi, or whatever else you are calling moderate right wingers these days. Do you believe me?


Or a strong work ethic??? There are actually democrats who have an excellent work ethic.

Sure there are, but some percentage of people on the right have a better work ethic than do people on the left. Thus my reference to who has all the nice cars. Show me a lazy, welfare abusing idiot who "works the system" for a living (of which there are plenty in the US) that is a republican, and I'll buy you a blue goose.


I value my time off from my overachiever work ethic and can afford to play in a manner I deem fit. I find recreation in various forms readily without the need for approval from an anal-retentive conservative who gets all of his ideas from the pulpit on sunday. I am at the dropzone or out on the ocean on sundays enjoying the wonders of gods creation.

I imagine you to be what you say you are, Amazon, and I respect a lot about you (from what you can derive from a forum) . . . but don't you know the churches are full of democrats too? However, when I am at the DZ fun jumping or down at the lake wakeboarding on Sunday, I don't think of it in the context of not needing the approval of those commie lefties getting all their ideas from the gay preacher down at the Episcopal church. B|

Remember: Righties are people too . . . :$


AS a side note, it is interesting that your grammer needs just a little work...... you have used a double negative.. NOT that nobody...YOU .. into the corner and put on the dunce cap...:ph34r:.

Grammer? Grammer?? Don't you say bad things about my Grammer dammit, she was a kind old woman right up 'till the day she fell into the outhouse and drowned! [:/] Want to come join me in the corner? :)

Oh, and in context, I don't see nothing wrong with the way I phrased that statement, so there. ;)

. . =(_8^(1)

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could you kindly explain exactly and in simple words what is meant by the above statement? i have absolutely no idea what a "moral of the weak" is supposed to be

LOL, "moral of the weak", I like it.

What I said was, "morals of the week", which refers to a system of morals that changes over time, as opposed to a moral system that does not change, aka absolute morals.


sidenote: most of the times it frightens me, that being "left" is still connected with being a commie, a crook, anti-american - you name it....

I think the commie and anti-american labels are aptly applied to the extreme left . . . just as there are certain derogatory but true labels we can apply to the extreme right.

. . =(_8^(1)

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LOL, "moral of the weak", I like it.

DAMN! guess this jokes on me [:/] (comes from reading & typing high-speed) - but i can have a good laugh on myself for that :P


sidenote: most of the times it frightens me, that being "left" is still connected with being a commie, a crook, anti-american - you name it....

I think the commie and anti-american labels are aptly applied to the extreme left . . . just as there are certain derogatory but true labels we can apply to the extreme right.

ok - lets go for another round: What do you define as libertarian/left/moderately left/extreme left? i'm really curious
The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle

dudeist skydiver # 666

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Because according to a report released last week, 13,000 Iraqis died in the war, and 4,500 of them were civilians!


Some people estimate Saddam was directly responsible for the deaths of over a million people,mostly his own people. There are mass graves with ALOT more then 4,500 civilians in them.

And people Bash Bush.

------Have a good one!--------

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Some people estimate Saddam was directly responsible for the deaths of over a million people,mostly his own people. There are mass graves with ALOT more then 4,500 civilians in them.

And people Bash Bush.

Fair enough.....

Bush isnt as bad as Saddam.


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