
Danger Levels...what is highest?

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So I was just wondering what everyone considers acceptable risk, and unacceptable risk.
What is too risky to a healthy lifestyle? I know drugs are bad, but is taking LSD and hanging out with friends worse than drinking and driving?
What about low pulls? Are low pulls with skydive gear more dangerous than BASE jumping?
And what about AIDS? Would you want to know you will die in ten years, or just have it happen if you slip off a rock solo climbing. I think solo is the term for no ropes, no assistance, no backup.

Any comments would help.
Even if it is.......SHUT UP SHITHEAD. I made that a poll option, so that it is not considered a personal attack.
Just pick whatever option you think is the most dangerous.


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You're crazy for sure, but still come up with some interesting topics.

Unacceptable risk -- not taking the risk in the first place. ;)
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Wow interesting list..

Rock Climbing (free/solo or even with URP) with no safety.. I knew a couple guys who loved that both of them are dead.

I love skydiving but consider it a very acceptable level of risk. Nothing else on that list even sounds like its acceptable to me now. I have done a few.. but I am older and wiser now..I survived.

But in the meantime. Shut up asshole works.. and just watch the carnage:P

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Hey.. they dont need to be really big ones....people die here in Washington and Oregon... every year...on Mt Raiier.14k .. or Mt Hood 11K

There is also Whitewater kayaking... and going fishing across the Columbia River Bar for Salmon... some days with the right wind and wave conditions... that scares me to freakin death. and many thousands of people have drowned at the mouth of the Columbia..but so far I have survived even that.

Anyone wanna go fishin???:)

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Seems to me there are two categories here; the extreme sports that have a good chance getting you dead quickly, and then there's the stupid things that will probably ruin the rest of your life.

Personally I hope I don't ever find myself doing either :|

"Ye Gods!"

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Seems to me there are two categories here; the extreme sports that have a good chance getting you dead quickly, and then there's the stupid things that will probably ruin the rest of your life.

Yes, this is true. But what is more dangerous? Doing extreme sports soberly and prepared, or these other options where you never know what might happen.

You made an interesting observation. And yes, maybe my poll only has two options. But there is variety in those two.

Thanks for looking and thinking,

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I voted for huffing gasoline. Do it enough, and you will rot your brain. Some are dangerous for others, too, (drinking and driving), but for pure self-destructiveness, I"d ahve to go with huffing.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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My own opinion on that interesting subject:
Acceptable Risks: Anything is acceptable as long as it is done in full knowledge of the implications and that it does not endanger any unwilling 1/3 party...

You can't determine the length of your life
- but you can control its height and depth.

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Nice avatar, Sky.

But pissing mouth off is dangerous to your sanity, probably not your body -- izzit the same thing?

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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nice and interesting poll,just leave the oppertunety to smack you in the face out,theres no reason for that;)

I would say anything involving drugs,alkohold and stuff like that is dangerus to me,I rather freefall 900ft 3 times in a row than trying LSD(and belive me the climbs would kill me fast:ph34r::D

You can do near anything "safe" if you take the time and effort to study and ways to do it at.

i cant vote for the random sex,im too ugly to have so many lovers:ph34r::D

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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So, other than "Shut up shithead", it looks like drinking and driving is the worst.
Interesting......What if I were to specify drinking and driving a little more?
Such as.....drinking your first three beers while driving home, VS driving home after a night at the bars. It may seem obvious what the choice is, but what if I were to say, uh....drinking 5 beers while driving home?
Time driving home becomes longer, time to get busted becomes greater, right?
But what if it were a short drive home from the bars, say 5-10 minutes?
And drinking 5 beers takes you 20 minutes while driving a car?
Increased time of exposure to risk means increased chance of bust, or does it?
Odd chance off hitting a deer, or getting pulled over for a tail light out?
Is there a safe way to drink and drive, other than NOT DO IT?
Couple questions there.......feel free to respond to any of them.
Thanks for intriguing me,

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I choose D/D. I do that often. (Yes I know.)B|:$:ph34r:
The most dangerous option (based from my exp.) is when I'm on three beers and I have short (5 minute or less) drive. I tend to drive as fast as I can. I'm not drunk jet but I'm not normal either. On 5 beers I start to feel drunk so I know that my motoric skills are worse, so I try to drive safely.
I drive very careful when I'm returning home from night in the bars cos there are lot of police patrols and you have to know how to avoid them or not look suspicious.


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