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This is our baby at Johannesburg Skydiving Club. She's a Pilatus Porter.

She is sooooo beautiful!!! Just gotta love her and the smell of jet fuel first thing in the morning!! Question is: "Have you hugged your Porter lately"

"Most of us can read the writing on the wall; we just assume it's
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not directly out of chateau d'oex, but one of the planes flies mostly for the EPCO (ecole de parachutisme de chateau d'oex) and PCG paraclub de la gruyère.
already jumped there ???
Fumer tue, péter pue
ourson #10, Mosquito Uno, CBT 579

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Yes, I jumped at EPCO a long time ago, very nice people, stunning scenery.B|
Their website used to have some nice cow pictures.:P:D

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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"when was it you jumped with epco ???
remember a few names ? or where (which place exactly ) ? "

4 maybe 5 years ago, only name I remember is Andreas Nabe?
Have they moved, I can't really remember the details, it was part of a huge road trip we did.B|

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Not really our Ship at SDLI, but it comes up from CK on some weekends!!!!

I've never jumped from a Skyvan yet. It looks like it's a cool jumpship. B|

What's the difference, in terms of jumprun speed, between the CASA and the Skyvan? How many jumpers in the Skyvan?



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I hadn't jumped one until last september... I think I have only 7 or 8 jumps out of them now... There is nothing like it!!!!!!

Jump run speed is Faster than what i am used to. Usually in the Twin Otters i am used to JR speed is about 80-90knts. In the Skyvan I think it was closer to 110-120knots. That is just a guess though.

Skyvan holds about 20 passengers.
I can't compare to a CASA since I have never been in one.

All I know is there is nothing like diving out of the tailgate into a void for about 1 sec until you fall into the airflow under the plane. If your legs aren't tucked to your ass... you'll get flipped around...


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I said skyvan, we have one at Perris, I believe they built about 80ish of them

Are you serious? Did Shorts Only build around 80 of those things? Are they still in production?? I've been wondering about that.....

Yeah I was looking for more information last night on the SC-7 Sky van but couldn't find it. It doesn't really surprise me that they only built 80, its not the greatest design for a plane. I know that even for a jump ship it’s not the most efficient business model

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
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"Yeah I was looking for more information last night on the SC-7 Sky van but couldn't find it"

Google for 'shorts skyvan' there should be heaps out there. They were built in the mid 60s by Shorts Brothers of Belfast I believe. It has a little brother called a skyliner I jumped one at Netheravon in England about ten years ago. Smaller but still a tailgate, I had the odd sensation of 'jumping through a slot' to exit, but I was very much younger!

There are also a couple of Skyvan-esque passenger planes that regularly fly into my local airport (Dyce-Aberdeen) dunno if they are related...:S shorts 360, a distant cousin.

I like them, but I have a taste for the eccentric things in aviation....B|
on the subject of eccentric aviation and Skyvans, have you searched for 'Pink Skyvan'?

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Skydive Texas Porter.
World Record Holder for most take off's and landings in 24 hours.
Only one of it's kind with that engine in it.
12 mins to alt.
Lands before the jumpers do...
BAD ASS plane.

Actually I think you needed about a bizzillion of those scattered all around on burnt ground for a more realistic pic;)

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