
I am officially a whuffo victim.

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As most of you know I had an almost fatal accident this past summer when I fell down a flight of stairs and landed on my head. Well, I ran into a neighbor of mine who asked how I was doing. After I answered, the neighbor said "I hope you don't plan to skydive anymore." My answer was "Ofcourse I do, I just don't plan on using stairs anymore".



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Too bad you couldn't toss him a screwball and answer, "Nah, since the accident, I don't even NEED to use a parachute when I jump...just a cape." B|
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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What's the name for "Phobia of stairs." :D

Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Yes, you'll fall into so many stages with wuffos:

STAGE 1: Tell everyone about it, tell them how great it is, tell them how they MUST do it to survive in this crazy newfandango world.

STAGE 2: Singulary convince just a small group individually picked by your best judgement that you know will have a truely great experience. Hound them, and be disappointed when one excuse rolls after another. But you still try, only to be blindsided by yet another excuse.

STAGE 3: You stop talking about it until someone mentions skydiving. Then you bust out with your enthuesiam and regress back to STAGE 1 temporarily.

STAGE 4: Realization that your friends are leaving, and being replaced with people you can actually 'talk to'. When your wuffo friends show interest, you tell them where they can get info, and recommend your home DZ. Your interest is slightly tarnished in them.

STAGE 5: You perk up at the word skydiving, but by now everyone you know, knows you jump, and questions are answered briefly but adaquetely.

STAGE 6: (i'm here now) Someone asks you about skydiving, and you hand them a business card and tell them to "be safe out there." You offer no information save for that, even when they pester you for more.

STAGE 7: ???? I'll tell you when i get there

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Oh and in stage 6 you agree with everything your Wuffo friends say.

i.e. they say:
"Isn't skydiving insane?"

You reply:
"Yes, I watch Real TV too"

Or you flat out lie:
i.e. they say:
"I saw this guy on tv, his parachute didn't open, so he used his backup parachute, do you carry one of those?"

you reply:
"Absolutely not, thats for weenies"

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Dude, that's some funny shit!!

Oh, at least now I know where I lie on in the phases... I am entering Stage 4, and still have some stage 3/stage 1 regression tendancies. These pass quickly!

STAGE 4: Realization that your friends are leaving, and being replaced with people you can actually 'talk to'. When your wuffo friends show interest, you tell them where they can get info, and recommend your home DZ. Your interest is slightly tarnished in them.


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Yes, you'll fall into so many stages with wuffos:

It is scary how right you are. I followed each of the steps exactly as you have described so far! I am somewhere between stages 3 and 4 now. I don't bring skydiving up anymore, but when someone sees the pin around my neck and asks, they soon regret it. I just beam. But now I see how quickly I am losing friends... I am almost sad about this... ;)
-Converting the world one whuffo at a time.

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Must not associate with whuffos.....Must not associate with whuffos.....Must not associate with whuffos.....Must not associate with whuffos.....Must not associate with whuffos.....Must not associate with whuffos.....Must not associate with whuffos.....Must not associate with whuffos.....Must not associate with whuffos.....THEY'LL EAT ME....


Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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Stage 2 ends for me January 17th when the next set of excuses rolls in.

Hope I never get to stage six, sounds kind of depressing. Seems to me you have lost interest in enter the sport/hobby/lifestyle of your choice here if you aren't interested in telling people about how cool it is.

"Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may kick it about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at evening."
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Or you flat out lie:
i.e. they say:
"I saw this guy on tv, his parachute didn't open, so he used his backup parachute, do you carry one of those?"

That is funny!:D After my landing accident many people actually asked me if the parachute didn't open. I told them it did, but the ground didn't cooperate.
"If happy little bluebirds fly above the rainbow, why oh why can't I?"

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You're a riot. Thanks for warning me of all the stages I am in for. Now I can plan some witty comebacks.;)

BTW, the whuffo seemed quite confused when I told them I was going to avoid stairs but continue to skydive. They just shook their head and walked away.

We are so misunderstood and they have no idea what they are missing out on.



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