
What's your occupation?

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I have some friends that work for NOAA and thought about it myself.

I've Been a commercial fisherman in the Bering sea of Alaska for 9 yrs.. But Now I'm persuing a captains license and moving out of the fishing industry.

Here's a few cool pics

I travel the land, Work in the ocean, Play in the sky

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I've Been a commercial fisherman in the Bering sea of Alaska for 9 yrs..

One of the guys I used to hang out with fished there for several years. Until a crab pot fell on him and injured his back so bad he can't hardly work anymore. I'd have to look up the name but my neighbor in Montana owns a boat there. You guys are NUTS! That shit is dangerous. If you ever read books make sure to pick up "Into the Wild" by John Krakauer. I think any Alaskan would appreciate it.

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Doesn't matter what we do as long as we make money !
I am doing pretty ok, pretty well, even pretty great ; as long as I generate $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

That 's all count for me right now beside and with the creator of this universe !

Be all healthy and wealthy.

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Reminded me of me. I have done a couple forays into the Montana wilderness. One damn near killed me. Even with an OVERLOAD of supplies. :S It's a good thing I was young and tough.

Oh.....I forgot to add. Other than my full time job as a US govt employee I moonlight as a skydiver and COMPLETE DUMBASS when it comes to women. :S

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I am a professional slacker sucking off the tit of society and basically doing my part to offer nothing to the greater good of which I care little about except when it gets me chics or money for chics or access to money for chics and have no intention of attaining antyhing greater than what I am, which is little more than a boil on the ass of the human race.

So, to be more specific, you're a televangelist? :ph34r:

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College student, only for another 5 months though - then kicked out into the big wide world - agh

There is always grad school. Think of it as the snooze alarm for reality. B|

I'm going to work while I go to grad school (so the company I work for can pay for it ;))

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i went to JSC for R+14 & R+30 medical tests. so during the week of giving LOTS of samples we did a couple of NBL dives , MCC & EXPOC a SIM ride.

We make up part of NASA's Undersea Research Team which falls under the NEEMO (NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations) Project.
The first mission was October 2001.

You may know some of the people the from Life Sciences buildings.


it's only when we've lost everything that we're free to do anything !

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9 years out there... you're hardcore !!
cool pic.s !
i'll try to never again think of the water down as "cold" during the winter.

Good luck with your Captain's License. I have a OUPV License but you're probably sitting for tonnage.

it's only when we've lost everything that we're free to do anything !

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I've Been a commercial fisherman in the Bering sea of Alaska <<<<<<<<<
#1 on the "WORLD MOST DANEROUS JOBS" tv special.
I'm just a Med School dropout 14 year Telephone Tech for Ma Bell/ VZ
Trying to go to Fla. and stay
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Good luck with your Captains License. I have a OUPV License but you're probably sitting for tonnage.

Thanks.. I need it with the USCG, they seem to be have thier panties in a bunch since 9.11

I'm working on the 1600 ton right now;)

I travel the land, Work in the ocean, Play in the sky

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During the winter: Ski Instructor/Aprentice Mountain Guide

During the summer/fall: Full time student (geophysics)

When i graduate, i aspire to ski everyday and do beautiful women. Ohhh the day when I move to Utah permantly and have my many wives. they will tune my skis for my every night and pack my chute at the dz and "cue enlightning music" i will be AL:god of women and skiing.


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I've heard that the question,"so what do you do for a living?" is solely an American thing. If this is true, as an American, this is what I am ashamed of most.

Don't be ashamed. I've heard people ask that question in my own country many times...mostly when you meet someone new...it's a way to break the ice and make conversation...

I'm an Advertising Copywriter.

Basically I make people buy things they don't need. Could be worse though, i could be a lawyer :P

safe ones

Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky

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