
Benefits Of Sex :)

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Duh, you've got it all wrong, it's her's and her's and her's and her's and her's and her's and her's and her's and her's. And when she's had enough, yours.

No No No my friend.

It's hers and hers and hers and mine and hers and hers and hers and hers and hers and hers and hers and hers and hers and hers and hers and hers and hers and hers and mine and hers and hers. That's how it's supposed to go. (and if not, well I've never had any complaints when it goes like that)

Umm...oh yeah...that's good...Ok now more...Ok some more....uh...yeah...oh, sorry. :$ Just reading your post. :$:$ Nice post; I think this is gonna get printed out and accidentally dropped on someone's pillow tonight! :):):)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Don't have time to read your whole thread Rhino, but it looks good!

On your first post, you were talking about 3 kinds of orgasms...well, in COSMO this week, I read that 1% of women can have an orgasm through their nipples alone. Gotsta test that out to see if I'm a special girl! :$:$:$
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I cant check while I'm at work but is that the link to 'toys in babeland" in Seattle? I took my then girlfirend there when I still lived in Seattle for her birthday and said to pick out whatever she wanted (she couldnt decide between two so I got them both for her) It was so fun to see the emotions conflict, embarased shyness and kid in candy store glee, I think the embarassed droped off as other customers came in (the married couple in the volvo with the baby took any fear that this was abnormal or deviant away)

Good Judgment comes from experience...a lot of experience comes from bad

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Back to the original question, my favorite benifit is maintaining sanity (to some degree) :P

I know what you mean. It's like this release that keeps ya on an even keel.

you wouldnt believe how hard it is to explain that sometimes without being accused of 'your only interested in me for sex...'

uh no not by a long shot...but it certainly makes dealing with the stressful, annoying parts of my work day that much easier....particularly when most morning start off soooo well...

its amazing the amount of bullshit and aggravation at work i can shrug off and deal with easily when the home and play life is more rewarding....have to find balance somewhere...

i guess its easy for some people to forget about the give part of 'give and take' [:/] difficulty is tactfully reminding them without setting off wwIII..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Can't be picky about a title. I'll take it even if it doesn't describe my full abilities. It's always better when someone else gives you the title or nickname.

Ahem. The buisness cards were for me.

You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Actually, I read through some of your thread, Rhino, and I would have to disagree (women are incredibly different from one another....)

Exactly what part of the thread are you referencing?

I know women are different but what do you mean?

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Exactly what part of the thread are you referencing?

I know women are different but what do you mean?

I disagree with this:

During oral sex BOTH can be accomplished at the same time believe it or not.

When a woman's g-spot is way up there, there's not a tongue on this planet that is both long enough and can apply enough pressure to make her "happy."
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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thats what a long finger rubbing slow firm circles over and around her g-spot while your lips engulf her clit and your tongue rubs firmly back and forth drawing gasp, and moans out of her shuddering body is for.......................................not that i know a damn thing about that kinda stuff:):):):):)
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
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there's not a tongue on this planet that is both long enough and can apply enough pressure to make her "happy."

Yep...the tongue is for light pressure on the clitoris. My left index finger is for the "G-Spot." ;) Right hand for nipples.......:D Get a nice rythm going and she'll try to rip your ears off. B|

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Yep...the tongue is for light pressure on the clitoris. My left index finger is for the "G-Spot." ;) Right hand for nipples.......:D Get a nice rythm going and she'll try to rip your ears off. B|

You da man! *Diva high fives Clay*;)
"It's not just a daydream if you choose to make it your life..."

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When a woman's g-spot is way up there, there's not a tongue on this planet that is both long enough and can apply enough pressure to make her "happy."

That is why God made fingers... :)

Oral sex doesn't mean JUST "with the mouth and tongue".. A man can work the g-spot with his fingers on the inside while working the clit and surrounding areas with his tongue, lips and mouth... Wouldn't you agree?

The sad fact is most men simply don't know what to do..


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I'll repeat...women are so incredibly different from one another! :D Your magical recipes are not "one size fits all"!

OMG though, that size fits ME just FINE!!! :$:o:$:o:$

Viking, naughty! (Hey, do you have my husband's phone number?? If not I'll send it to ya...it's 25- er, uh, I mean...:$...anyhow...:$ guess I'll relay myself...:$)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I'll repeat...women are so incredibly different from one another! Your magical recipes are not "one size fits all"!

True... Agreed.. But it usually works..

Most women that don't agree simply haven't had what Austin Powers refers to as "The Pleasure Baby"...

Yeagh baby!! Yeagh!!



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Your magical recipes are not "one size fits all"!

True......but that one NORMALLY works quite well. Even on the last girlfriend that usually didn't like fingers. In fact...her own reaction suprised her. B| Even after that first one it depended on her mood on any given day. All are differen't though....you just have to be flexible. The same technique every time gets boring....;)

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