
50 Ways To Leave Your Lover

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If you don't ever express it too her then you are not only not giving yourself a chance, but you are not giving her a chance either. I think that sucks. You never know till you try. If you confront her sincerly the worst she will say is i am not interested. Then you know. I know it is easier said than done but I am sick of men (sorry) not sharing thier feelings because they assume they know what is right for me. How can anyone know that but me? In your case her.

Life doesn't have to be perfect in order to be beautiful!

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Well.....we'll see what life looks like when I see her again. It'll be a couple months at least. She was complaining about always having to make the first move. :D

I don't get it..then she was talking to you about dating?? Then what the heck?? Ask her out! Sheesh...if she was complaining about 'always' having to make the first move, don't you think that MAY have been a hint? Eegad, man...
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Sheesh...if she was complaining about 'always' having to make the first move, don't you think that MAY have been a hint? Eegad, man...

Well....it was in the context of talking about her boyfriend at the time. So.....I kinda doubt she was dropping any hints. I'm pretty STUPID when it comes to dealing with women but not usually THAT bad. :D

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that sounds like a hint to me.

one of my good friends, Lana, is abso-freakin-lutely gorgeous. she's intelligent, a college grad, and is not in the least bit superficial. yet, she can't get a date. guys assume that she's either seeing someone, or just wouldn't want to date them, so consequently, she never gets asked out. A lot of guys ask ME about her when we're hanging out, but they never talk to her directly, even after hearing from me, "yes, she's single."

it sucks for her, because guys make an assumption on either her looks or her intelligence that she's too good for them, so she misses out on some great guys because they simply don't have the self confidence to ask.

Think about it... if she's the nice girl you say she is, she'll let ya down easy if she's not interested. if she makes you feel like an idiot for even thinking about asking, then she probably isn't worth your time in the first place, and its good to know that up front. and, of course, she could say yes.

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Have some self-confidence...not to say be arrogant, just positive about life and yourself...and I bet she will make more of an effort to see you more often. Especially if you make it easy for her to see you more often...finding reasons to meet is a great way to start.

...and you need to be looking at why she would want to date you, not why she wouldn't! Dwelling on negative just brings it into your focus and perpetuates negative...[:/] You want this lady to walk away happy after she's been with you, not bummed out! Positive energy attracts...;)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Well....if she happens by this thread my immediate problem will be solved anyway. :D I'd love to see her more often but she lives about 4 hours from here. Hard to make up an "I was in the neighborhood" excuse. :D Trust me......if I can come up with an excuse I certainly use it. ;)

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Men stand in a line-up, like "the usual suspects."

Women choose.

You're in the line-up already.

Ever notice how many women say "Have some self confidence!" but will never make the 1st move? It's not lack of confidence - It's fear of rejection from the line-up before she makes up her mind.

It's the year of the Pig.

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Ok... I'm 100% commitment phobic & this thread doesn't help AT ALL!!
I've never stuck to any one thing in my life, friends, home, desires, hobbies, fav foods, colors NOTHING.

Currently I am in a great relationship, just over 8 months long... this is the longest relationship of my life. I'm no spring chicken (28) & feel that I've love & lived, but I've also always left or been left.

Sometimes I feel too old to play games anymore (I know I'm actually not, but...), but I'm also too young to think about being unattached for the rest of my life. Also the thought of playing this stupid dating game is exhausting.

Hearing these stories, people together 1, 5, 10, 13 TWENTY-FIVE years and then having it end... it would send my borderline sever depressive spirit over the edge! It almost makes me want to give up now.

To those of you that know my current relationship, I know he's a super great guy... but so were all the other s/o's that left in all these tragic stories.

Just venting... this SUCKS!! It's like, when can you ever relax, when can you know everythings ok & it's going to stay that way. JEESH!

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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Hearing these stories, people together 1, 5, 10, 13 TWENTY-FIVE years and then having it end... it would send my borderline sever depressive spirit over the edge! It almost makes me want to give up now.


Just venting... this SUCKS!! It's like, when can you ever relax, when can you know everythings ok & it's going to stay that way. JEESH!

I know it can be discouraging hearing about failed relationships - especially after many years. But you will NEVER know whats going to happen. Love is a risk - how ever you look at it. People change - relationships change. I don't think it will ever always be easy. It sucks not having any guarantee in love or life, but that is also part of the excitement. The best way to not drive yourself nuts is to not worry about it. :)
I have a friend that I roomed with years ago. She went through a really rough time with her boyfriend. I asked her, why she didn't just move on. She said "because I don't want to have to start all over again". That floored me, but I understood her point. She is now happily married to him. However, I was in a relationship for 6 years before, and I started all over again (with the wonderful jmfreefly) and it's one of the best choices I've made for myself. Different people - different choices. You will usually make the right one. :)

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Hearing these stories, people together 1, 5, 10, 13 TWENTY-FIVE years and then having it end... it would send my borderline sever depressive spirit over the edge! It almost makes me want to give up now.
Just venting... this SUCKS!! It's like, when can you ever relax, when can you know everythings ok & it's going to stay that way. JEESH!
I know it can be discouraging hearing about failed relationships - especially after many years. But you will NEVER know whats going to happen. Love is a risk - how ever you look at it. People change - relationships change. I don't think it will ever always be easy. It sucks not having any guarantee in love or life, but that is also part of the excitement. The best way to not drive yourself nuts is to not worry about it. Enjoy what you have now and appreciate it. Life will happen and there is no way to control it all.

So true. Whenever i finally allow myself to be happy, i always have it in the back of my mind that it will eventually end. It's so hard to take the risk and put your heart out there knowing that it can be squashed, but if you don't take the chance, you'll never know what could've been.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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one of my good friends, Lana, is abso-freakin-lutely gorgeous. she's intelligent, a college grad, and is not in the least bit superficial. yet, she can't get a date. guys assume that she's either seeing someone, or just wouldn't want to date them, so consequently, she never gets asked out. A lot of guys ask ME about her when we're hanging out, but they never talk to her directly, even after hearing from me, "yes, she's single."

PM me her phone #....I'll take it from there ;)

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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My ex, or she is now anyway, invited me to dinner to meet guy she'd been screwing.

Damn that's HARSH!!! Vibes to you bro...[:/]

Okay, here's mine.

It was our three year anniversary (of our first date, not marriage, hahaha). I got the key to her dorm room from her roomie so I could go in and do something special. I completely decked the place out. Candlelight, rose petals on the bed, 4 dozen roses covering the room, champagne, chocolate strawberries....you get the point.

Well, she walks into the room, and without hesitation, says "I have something I need to tell you". Turns out she had cheated on me with THREE guys in the three weeks before that, and decided to tell me on our anniversary of all days. But that's not the worst of it.

About a year before that, we had taken a "break" for a couple of weeks. During that time, she hooked up with this frat guy who, long story short, tried to rape her. She got out, but not before he beat her (i saw the bruises myself), threw her against the wall, ripped her clothes, you get the idea. This guy is your typical piece of worthless shit.

Anyway, the worst part was, this guy was the first of the three. [:/]

Isn't it ironic, don't ya think?

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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Thank you BK & Sunshine... I know all that & agree, it's just so hard sometimes.


Enjoy what you have now and appreciate it. Life will happen and there is no way to control it all.

This is what I'm doing. But just the thought of... "It was our three year anniversary... cheated on me w/ 3"
Just reinforces the thought that life is 90% CRAP w/ 5% pretty weeds & 5% roses... just gotta hope the roses are kick ass wonderful to make up for the rest of it.[:/]

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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