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Years ago a few of us went there and made a few jumps, it was great.
Flying around the place under canopy was one of my best skydiving experiences ever.
It cost us a ton as we had a plane flown in and all the political red tape.. jumps ran us 75$ each jump....

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Take motion sickness pills before your drive to the resort. I have never gotten motion sick until the 2 hour drive to sandels ochos rios. They drive like a batt out of hell on the left side of the road 2 inches from everyones bumper. Ooh and I swear if they don't hit the horn ever 1/2 mile they must think they are gonna get a ticket. Try and go to duns river falls and take a catamaran cruise. I bet it will be included in your package. I was there in december for my honeymoon had a blast. Beware of the ganja LOL!

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Hedonism is a Party. http://www.superclubs.com/brand_hedonism/index.asp
I hope your not planing on getting any rest. Their is a small commuter airline that flies from mbj to negril in a C206. Takes about 15 minutes instead of the one hour plus bus ride.I recomend it. But if you REALY like adventure take the bus.

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Great choice, Jamaica is BEAUTIFUL!!!

Joe and I went on our honeymoon...Sandals in Montego Bay. Just a word o' caution/advice: when you go into the 'city' or countryside, first off NEVER pay the price for any souvenires/trinkets/clothes/ANYTHING you buy in the city/shacks...you ALWAYS offer a lower price and bargain...even with BOOZE! Joe and I brought home the legal limit of Jamaican rum, and you deal in the stores just like you deal on the streets.

Second, your wife may NEVER see an offer of weed...I didn't the whole trip. That's because as I walked in front of my hubby, all the people were offering it to him!! :D:D

Hey, he was offered weed by 7 year old kids as we were riding horses through the countryside. The horseriding is VERY recommendable, the weed is up to you! We were both in the army at the time, so you know we did not partake... :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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hedonism is pretty cool bro...i was in a band that was hired to play there.......definate possibilities there. if you've got some street smart check out the city of ochos rios wich i think is nearby. get of the compound of the resort and imerse your self in the vibe......but be vewy vewy caful. jamaica s one of my favorite places to go...you'll have a blast.

people see me as a challenge to their balance

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You may get offered weed but don't take it. They will lock your ass in a hole somewhere and forget about you. I seen the cops drag a guy off of a motorcycle and beat his ass for that.

In the words of the immortal Jimmy [no, the other one]


Jamaica Mistaica
Lyrics by Jimmy Buffett
Music by Buffett, Kunkel, Guth, P. Mayer, J. Mayer

Some folks say that I've got the perfect life
Three swell kids, lots of toys and a lovely wife
I fly, I sail, I throw caution to the wind
Drift like a stratus cloud above the Caribbean

But every now and then, the dragons come to call
Just when you least expect it you'll be dodgin' cannonballs
I've seen too much not to stay in touch
With a world full of love and luck
I've got a big suspicion 'bout ammunition
I never forget to duck

Come back, come back back to Jamaica
Don't chu know we made a big mistaica
We'd be so sad if you told us good-bye
And we promise not to shoot you out of the sky

It was a beautiful day, the kind you want to toast
We were tree top flyin' movin' west along the coast
Then we landed in the water, just about my favorite thrill
When some asshole started firing as we taxied to Negril

Just about to lose my temper as I endeavored to explain
We had only come for chicken we were not a ganja plane
Well, you should have seen their faces when they finally realized
We were not some coked up cowboy sporting guns and alibis
They shot from the lighthouse, they shot from highway
They shot from the top of the cliff, they had all gone haywire
We're catchin' fire, and there wasn't even a spliff

Well, the word got out all over the island
Friends, strangers, they were all apologizin'
Some thought me crazy foe being way too nice
But it's just another shitty day in paradise

witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Yep,I've been to Negril. Naked beach, too. Those British women were the best.

Negril is the only place in Jamaica I'd return to. All said, you've made a great choice!

Also, be prepared to be offered weed, blow and hookers. Think of a good way to respond.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Negril is the only place in Jamaica I'd return to. All said, you've made a great choice!

Agreed. Negril kicks some serious ass, have fun and if you get a chance to go on any booze cruises that feature Rasta Ralphie go for it, its a blast. The cruise we took with him included some great cliff diving where they filmed 20,000 leagues under the sea, and at Ricks cafe. Take a night and spend it at Ricks Cafe, great food and great party, also noted as one of the best places in the world to watch the sunset(according to WildOn anyhow)

Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out alive.

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Sorry for the late post.. I jumped in Negril.. be smart and don't waste time with a taxi from Mont Bay, pay the extra and air taxi over.. save time and what a view.
We landed right at the airport across from out resort of Point Villiage, right next door to hedno2

Have funa and when you are looking at the area, think skydive and the view.

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