
What the Hell???

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Maybe if all of us call the DZO individually and voice our concerns in person, he may be inclined to change his tune a little. If not, at least he'll know that word is spreading about his dirty operation out there... I know this sounds a little over-the-top, but it really needs to be addressed...and everyone knows there is strength in numbers. Man, what a testament that would be to how much we care about our sport and the people in it!!!
"pull high! It's lower than you think..."

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This is from their web sight "OUR CERTIFICATION. We are a Certified Group Member of The United States Parachute Association. USPA is your symbol of Professionalism, Competency, and Safety. We are also members of the Parachute Industry Association, and the World Skydiving Association."
I've been told that they have requested to be taken from the uspa.org list of member dzs for that state.
i would one day like to jump in vegas, do you think a newbie like me would be allowed? Signs point to NO
jumpervali sl/tandem/aff-i-01 s&ta

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A thread similar to this is on Rec.skydiving right now. Instead of turning this fourm into a place to bash a DZ (no matter how bad they are), why dont any one who was to complain take it there? DZ.com is about peace, love and freeflying ;), not about politics........
Do I HAVE to do another raft dive??? :)

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Skydive LasVegas is not currently a member of uspa

I believe they are. There's a huge brouhaha over one of the USPA officers handing over the voluntary incident reporting documents that SLV filled out after a tandem fatality.
Everything I've heard about SLV and Mikey Hawkes is bad. Hey it's his business and he has a right to run it howevere he wants. And of course I have a right not to give him any of my money and steer as many people as I can away from him.
As far as the Gravity Zone goes, I think its run by the same folks who run the Flyaway wind tunnel (which I also recommend if you're in vegas).
"I know the pieces fit. 'Cause I watched them fall away..."

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Guys guys..take it easy. People's reputations are on the line here. I don't think anyone should be bashing anything. If you want to state the facts of a personal, first hand experience, that's one thing. But the I heard this and I heard that crap is not cool. That's just as shady as what they're being accused of.
The key word there being "accused".

His aff program is the same that any USPA dropzone uses, or he is in violation of bsr's. If he is the business owner he can deny your right to jump at his DZ. But.... He is on very shaky ground when it comes to as why. If HIS students acquire the same A license you have (USPA) and are then allowed to jump there, then your civil liberties are being infringed on. I'm sure the ACLU would like this one.

Actually, that's not true. If he's going beyond the basic requirements of the BSR and providing additional instruction and or restrictions, he's got a right to do that. My dz has wind holds for licensed jumpers, that's not part of the USPA regs. And if part of his AFF program includes a "club membership" then he's got a private club and can exclude anyone he wants.
So far the only first hand accound of anything going on there is only letting tandems and his private club members jump there. He's got every right to do that. Maybe he doesn't like the skydiving culture. I know guys at my dz that jump all day, don't socialize and then go home before sundown. That's their right too. And maybe that's the only kind of skydiver this guy wants there. No socialization, just a place to jump.
That's not my personal view of skydiving, but once again he's got a right to run his business that way. He advertises in Skydiving for tandem instructors and states clearly that it he wants professionals only and requires drug tests. It sounds to me like he just wants to put loads up, but none of the social aspect of skydiving. That doesn't imply that anything about his operation is unsafe.
If that is what he's doing though, I wouldn't recommend anyone to go there for a first jump, because they'd miss a big part of skydiving. And I have no idea why anyone would want to work there, maybe he pays well??
Ok, I'm done defending this guy who I really know nothing about. But I jumped to conclusions in the other direction from where most of these posts were going. Bottom line is the only infringement of civil rights I see going on in this thread is presuming guilt and not innocence.
Just think before you go trashing someone else in public, please. It could do unfair and irreperable dammage.
*gets off soap box*
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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Hi, everyone
I read this post, and then went and checked out the website. Sure enough, there are restrictions on the fun jumping. Also, keeping in mind what PhillyKev said (and you have some interesting points), I went back and looked for the word Club and/or Club membership. There is no mention of a club. However, one can be inferred by several statements made, such as "only jumpers we train can jump here", etc. (I am paraphrasing now). Therefore, if a club exists, it still is subject to the civil liberties act (I think).
I did send them an e-mail, and wonder if there will be a response. Here is a copy of the e-mail:
August 29, 2001
Dear Sir:
I am deeply saddened and disappointed in your restrictions as to "fun Jumpers" on your dz. I have reason to be in Las Vegas approximately a dozen times a year. I had hoped and planned on jumping at your dropzone most of my free time (especially in the winter). However, I read your restrictions, and while I do realize your right to place such restrictions on fun jumps, I cannot understand it. What I guess I don't understand is if I have graduated from AFF, hold a valid USPA license, sign all the waivers, and have a clean safety record (as evidenced in my log book), why are you not allowing me (and many of my friends) to jump at your DZ?
I also have just run a check on the USPA main website for USPA accredited dropzones, and your dropzone is not listed, despite your claim to the contrary. The only dropzone listed is in Jean, which is not a problem for me, but I would have preferred to have jumped closer to my meetings and such while in Vegas.
Understanding and respecting your right to run your business according to your personal choice, I will also make my personal choice and when asked for recommendations as to out of area drop zones to tandems and potential students (which is often; in my line of work everyone knows I jump), I will make it a point to steer them away from your dropzone, and towards a different, USPA listed and accredited, dropzone.
I am saddend and disheartened to find this is your position. I truly hope you will rethink your policies, and open it to the licensed skydiving public in the truest sense of the word.
Sincerely, and wishing you blue skies,
Michele D. Lesser
And yes, I went to the USPA website, hit the Western section, no Skydive Las Vegas. Then, just to be sure, I went to the names of the state, and went into Nevada. The only one listed is Las Vegas GravityZone, which has a different address and such.
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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Hey Michele. Post his response if he sends you one. I'd really be interested to hear what he has to say. Especially an elucidation of the "problems" fun jumpers (as opposed to "no fun" jumpers?) have caused.
"I know the pieces fit. 'Cause I watched them fall away..."

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Has anyone ever been to the DZ in Vegas?

Anybody that has been jumping for very long has either experienced or at least heard about the awesome Mikey Hawkes experience.. When I jumped out there - the one jump, I might add - the people were not very nice and the equipment was not in very good shape, IMO.. The airplane scared me.. Mikey Hawkes belittled one of his TM's right in front of a bunch of students.. Not very 'businesslike' conduct from somebody who runs a 'multi-million' dollar business..

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hey just wanted to point a fact out guys. slv is about 30 minutes outside of las vegas. it's in the town of boulder. las vegas gravity zone is almost the same distance away from vegas.... just in the oposite direction.

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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I'm so mad about this, Diver123, that I couldn't get thru all the replys before posting myself! First off, this is NOT "DZ Bashing" -- in fact, you are doing all your DZ.com allies a favor by saving us from going thru the grief this dick-head put you and your friends thru... Secondly, it is unfortunate but true -- there are "shiesters" in every business, and skydiving is not immune... this prick is simply taking advantage of tourists. Too bad for those people who suddenly act on their urges to skydive end up doing at this dump.
Now - Pammi, that pix of you with the red(ish) hair is driving me crazy!!! (Sorry Merrick -- we're all friends here)...
Thirdly -- AARRGGGGGGG ... just need to get that out -- stressful times at work -- here it is Thursday, and I haven't jumped since Monday -- and I need one real bad (to make me forget about work for a few fleeting moments...)

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Hey iflyme I think you're suffering from ground poisoning. I get grouchy when I come down with that too. ;)
But yeah, I tend to put a fair amount of credence in what I've heard about Mikey Hawkes since several of my accounts are first-hand. That and I have yet to hear from anyone what a wonderful guy he is (or operation he runs). Sure he could be, but the odds are pretty slim.
Still this is a free country and all, so he does have a right to be a dickhead. But Karma's a bitch....
"I know the pieces fit. 'Cause I watched them fall away..."

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But Karma's a bitch....

I just hope the Karma doesnt kick in when an unknowing passanger is clipped in!!! if ya know what I mean! Me personally I would not want to jump at a place where the equipment is refered to as "beaten up" by other jumpers. I sorry I know I shouldnt go by here say but I think I can trust you guys and gals who have wittnessed it. I consider alot of you my resorce for info/crossreferance.

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I can pretty much garrentte that the only reason that he doesn't allow jumpers from other dz's is that they know what a fair price is that you should be getting to atleast 12.5 not 8:o. I would be bitching so loud that everyone would hear me and thats what he is trying to stop. Make them think they are getting a good deal and then threaten the JM/packers with there jobs if they say shit!! What a fucking CockNacho. If i had the time i would go down there in person with a megaphone and start yelling at the top of my lungs that this place is ripping you off and keep doing so until the owner comes out and calls the cops and i can just say while standing off of his proporty that i have the right to say what ever i want as well as the right protest. If anybody want to join me i can almost garentee we will get in the papers :)I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet

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a fucking CockNacho

Now, I know I'm naive, but wtf is a fucking CockNacho????? (I have the strangest mental image of Nacho sauce sprinkled with jalepenos on a, well, ahem.....shall we say, hot dog.....;))
I suspect - don't know, but suspect....that one of the reasons he doesn't allow experienced jumpers is the condition of his gear. From what I have heard, that would be something which would be fairly easy to spot by an experienced person, such as, say, substandard equipment that an experienced person would have a hissy fit over (and rightly so). How does one get the USPA to investigate the condition of the equipment and/or property? Any ideas?
I would, however, hesitate to stand outside with a megaphone and shout details of which I do not know anything first hand. Especially without a permit from the local police. Being arrested is not my idea of how to spend the day.
I think there are better, more productive ways to put a dent in his business. But I just gotta say I love your enthusiam, Viking!!!!! But I think we should do what we can to make sure the FreeFlying Hatfields v. the CReW McCoys doesn't break out....
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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with jalepenos on a, well, ahem.....shall we say, hot dog

JALEPENOS ON THE PEPE!!!!!!!!!!YEEEEOUCH!!! Ok maybe some cheese whiz wouldnt be too bad but not the peppers!!! How about a Mild and I do mean MILD salsa!!;) hold the sour cream!!
Geez michelle now look what you made me go do!!:$
(the hot nacho)B|

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a Cocknacho is just another way of saying he is a slimeball, asshole, dickwad, shithead, or shack-O-shit. :)and about my enthusiam, it somtimes makes me do some dumb shit. but i love this sport and this cocknacho is really hurting this love of mine by being a greedy fuck>:(
Hey just thought of somthing else to do to him we could go in there acting like a newbie and just hang around (i know how to do that really well i did it for two and half months before i jumped at Otay) and just get a couple of the employees to talk about what he thinks of the bossman and try to start a walkout, kinda kill him from the inside kinda thing. But this will probly take a few weekend to get started so thats kinda unrealistic.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet

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M --
There are a lot of reasons why he wouldn't want "fun jumpers" at his business, but the main one is profit. It's far more profitable to fly a tandem passenger in your Cessna than a "fun jumper."
Like Woodward and Bernstein said, "follow the money."

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I'm posting after not reading ANY of the replies. I have jumped at SDLV twice.:$ The first time, I really didn't know what to expect, as it was my first time at a new DZ, and I was not current in my AFP training. I didn't get an altimeter, and was nervous, but I had seen others go before me, and they didn't even speak English. No excuse, but I was new, and I was on vacation. Then I went again, this time with my dad. I asked for an altimeter this time, and had to leave a credit card with the "manifest" desk to get one. Then I met my tandem master. He sneered at my altimeter, and asked the DZO (NOT me!) why I had one. I explained that this was to be my 13th jump, and I wanted to know where we were during the jump. He warmed up a bit, and actually was fun, but still didn't hook up a pull handle for me. My mind was saying "Fuck THIS!!", but my dad was al set to go, and I wanted to jump with him. (again, newbie thoughts... I would NEVER trust this place again!). Now, SDLV has an Otter, but they don't ever seem to use it. They were on a wait to use a Cessna 206(?), when there were at least 10 tandems jumping. (Let's add it up...10 tandems means 20 jumpers, plus camera jumpers...)
This has been too long of a reply. So to sum it up,(and there are other stories I would love to share about them!) DON'T JUMP AT SKYDIVE LAS VEGAS!!! THEY ARE NOT SAFE!!
"Light a candle for the sinners---Set the world on fire!"
Marilyn Manson

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