
Mardi Gras Boogie RECAP

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WOW! Where to start?

First off, I'd like to thank MIKE IGO tremendously! Great DZ, with a fantastic landing area/nice restrooms/plenty of places to pack and just overall great people. Everyone was extremely nice & made myself feel very welcomed:)

Also, a huge appreciation needs to go to N2SKDVN for hooking me up with a place to crash & just showing me the ropes & helping a newbie out! YOU ROCK!

To all the PMS @ Moss Point......ya'll RAWK! It was great to finally put a face with a name & meet some of these wonderful skydiving ladies. I had the pleasure of getting to meet LAUREL, MELSTARR, ALLISONJR, BROOKE, MALINDA & LEANNE!

YEHAW! Got my PMS jump done with LEANNE last Friday, it was GREAT! Did my Rodriguez Brothers jump with FREEFLIR29, YARDHIPPIE, KANSASSKYDIVER, AVIATRR & N2SKDVN! What a blast that was! Did a FUN kinda head down horny gorilla with AVIATRR & DUCKY! I've been told my facial expression is quite priceless! I'll be the judge of that, haven't seen it yet:P:D

Here's a list of all the dz.commers I got to meet:

N2SKDVN-Such a sweetheart! Thanx for everything! See ya next year!

FREEFLIR29-You're KEWL, so don't spank your sheep tooo hard! I saw your bum!

AVIATRR-Major sweetheart! Thanx for giving me a place to crash.....I owe ya! I'll make the jellyshots next time.

NIGHTJUMPER-No words can describe you Mike!:P Thanx for all your help Mr. JumpShack! You can pick meat off my shirt anytime:D:o

YARDHIPPIE-You crack me up & always put a smile on my face;)....thanx! When ya gonna initiate me????

LAUREL-YOU ARE AWESOME! Can't wait to hang with ya again.

MELSTARR-What a sweetiepie....you made me feel sooo welcomed. Wish I could have got some pictures with ya'll!......Next time:)
ALLISONJR-YOU toooo are also a sweetiepie! Glad I finally got to meet you.

CARBONEZONE-My goldschlager buddie!

SCOTTY-LMFAO, that's all you made me do!:P
AMAZON-Major AWESOME woman. Can't wait to hang with ya again!

YOSHI-YOU don't look anything like your avatar! And....yes, you have a hard time remembering names:D:D

RKYMTNHIGH-I am soooo glad I finally got to meet you, wish you could have stayed longer. My fingers are crossed that you get to move to Florida!

DUCKY-WEST BESTERN......need I say more????:D:D:D:D

KANSASSKYDIVER-Them shoes better be on.....:P

SUPERWOMAN-Super sweet lady! Addicted to birdman I might add!
(and their companions Chris & Greg)

SKYMONKEYONE-LMAO....all I can remember is you telling KRIS on my cell "Who's your MONKEY!"

KATIEBEAR21-YOU are such a sweetheart! I hope I get to jump with ya next time around.

KENNEDY-HEY....you forgot to bring me a pink shirt:P:P

LADYSKYDIVER-I totally didn't recognize you at all. Glad you came up to me & introduced yourself!

JMPNKRAMER-YOU soooo look like Kramer!

VANILLASKYGIRL-Girlie, sorry you had such a bad experience, hope all is well your way.

NOSHITTHEREIWAS and SO-Such a cute couple!

If I forgot anyone, please forgive me, I'm having a brain fart at the moment:o:S:D:D That is all for now! Pictures to follow shortly!
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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YOSHI-YOU don't look anything like your avatar! And....yes, you have a hard time remembering names

yeah I am bad... I am really good at numbers, but names always stump me. that is one aspect I am at a loss for. I am "double dominent" but I cant have everything on both sides...
this space for rent.

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Hey Yoshi! It was great to meet ya! Though you were completely distracted at the time raving about your zoo dives.

it was nice to meet you also.. and yes I was quite distracted.. I coulnt beleive (nor can I still) how much fun we had on those zoo jumps. I appologize to anyone/everyone that I annoyed by talking about them so much. we were jsut in a state of awe on how much fun they were. and such a workout for your flying skills as well!

I wish it only lasted a bit longer so I would have been able to do more jumps and talk more with all of ya. I only got to meet a handfull of you and for the msot part it was a quick hey in between my ranting or jumping. surely our paths will cross again someday and it would be nice to get a few jumps and some good conversation with my fellow posters! HA!:P
this space for rent.

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I'm really looking forward to visiting with you up in Kapowsin in the near future. We'll have to put together some hybrid stuff and a PMS party!!! Sound good?

Sound Good?....... that sounds super awsum....I really want you two to come on up here and the BEST partay I can think of in these parts is at the end of July... Lost Prairie. You would have ALL kinds of skychickies from the Pacific NW and from Canada to initiate. Its a beautiful place and its WAY in the boonies with camping.. but I think I can help you two with a place to stay that if you want to come up.

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YARDHIPPIE-You crack me up & always put a smile on my face;)....thanx! When ya gonna initiate me????

ummm.. errrrr....
I didnt think youd tell EVERYONE! :D:D:D:o
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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[cartman voice] "dirty tree huggin hippay" [/voice]

You were awesome, man. You thinking about traveling to the CASA boogie near Atlanta? If I can get Casie there, you can "initiate" her there.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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I almost forgot one of my highlights!
Mr. Scotty Carbone's (sp?) cooking... good stuff

that and I just had to give them a tip every time I got anything, if not for the food, just to hear them ring that loud ass bell!
this space for rent.

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[cartman voice] "dirty tree huggin hippay" [/voice]

You were awesome, man. You thinking about traveling to the CASA boogie near Atlanta? If I can get Casie there, you can "initiate" her there.

thinkin bout it... I wanna do some more of da birdman... er... nylon crack. Just depends on school/work etc.
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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besides, it's another chance to make you her beer bitch. :P

didnt work then... not gonna work there! :o
thursday was her best shot, cuz i was lets say... a bit intoxicated :S:S. But I sense of mind enough to NOT do that.... :D:D
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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I had the best smoked barbecue ham sandwich ever. It was the perfect way to end Saturday jumping. Sitting in a chair with a sandwich and a bunch of MGD's.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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If anyone heads down for the CASA boogie at Monroe I will very likely be there.

Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????

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If anyone heads down for the CASA boogie at Monroe I will very likely be there.


you gonna stay at the West Bestern again! :o
that is if you can FIND it! :D:D
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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dude after not eating and packing all day on friday, that chicken scampi was the best thing ever... and tammi made some very nice drinks the weekend before that helped me get completely trashed. i still have some bruises...

and i just realized how many dz.commers i didn't meet :(

sky, fallatio #8, infructose #3, bumpy brother

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