
Mardi Gras Boogie RECAP

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Woo Hoo... So much fun was had at this boogie! I was able to meet so many dz.commers and catch up with friends from all over! It was such a pleasure to meet and finally grant PMS #'s to Casie, Katiebear, Amazon, BKDice, Tami Carbone and more! You girls rock and I'm so happy to have you part of the organization now...:)
Thanks to everyone who made this boogie so memorable! Keep an eye out for pics of our girls, Melstarr, VanillaSkyGirl, BKDice, MsDeva, Flysister, Dove, Amazon, Katiebear, Casie, Laurel, KatieatASC, myself and others!!! I'm missing everyone already...:(
P.M.S. #3

If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.

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Well, I for one, WAS SUCKING at the MGB. I think I got my hands on some bad seafood or something, but by 11 AM Friday I was curled up in a chair delirious with fever in the packing tent. Spent all the jumpable days of the boogie either in a chair or in bed. No nig noggery.


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Jonathan and I had a great time! Thank you Alli, Mel, and Jason for making us feel so welcome. It was awesome to meet so many people and my initiation jump with Mel (& Jason & Jonathan) rocked.

I'll have lots of pics to post tonight. (I know Nightjumper is waiting anxiously for the pic of him with all the girlies. ;))

Lots of nice people and tons of fun... thank you all!!! :)

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I had an incredible time for the day I was there. :)
Had fun jumps with Aviatrr, Clay (thanks for the feedback), Superwoman (swooping me and chuckie in the BM), Kennedy (who makes a good base), and everyone else. Didn't get to jump with most dz.comers there but everyone was definitely so welcoming and chill that I felt right at home.:)
I really enjoyed meeting the other PM Sisters (girls you have class;)) and seeing old friends again.

Get your PMS glass necklace here

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Katie, you are soooo very sweet and beautiful!!! I had such a great time with you and Bonnie on the initiation jump! (Thanks for holding on to Barbie...;)) Also, thanks for the compliment on my flying - that means a lot to me!! You have such a solid sit and you made my job easy to pass that Barbie! :)
The Sisters are so very happy to now have you part of the Pink Mafia! Oh and thanks for the beautiful necklaces that you so very kindly gave us on Saturday night. KatieatASC called me yesterday to extend her thanks to you once again. You're awesome, girl...:)
P.M.S. #3

If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.

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Oh, Miss Bettina... It was such a pleasure to finally meet you and Jonathan! I was honored to be on his 1000th jump and I'm just thrilled that you are now a PMS!!!

I can't wait to see all of your pics!!! Please send them my way so that we can starting posting pics on the PM website, too! (PM me for my work email address.) Um, did I meet Nightjumper? His real name?

I'm glad that you guys had a great time and we were able to make you feel welcome. I look forward to catching up with you all again soon!!! :)
P.M.S. #3

If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.

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Well I have to say my favorite moment was doing the front hand spring out of the casa and the 12 way I messed up on. Oh and my head-downer passing some girl in a sit - I think her name was katie- at least that was the name embroidered on her rig.

I will have to say that I was not very imprest overall.

drake shelby

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favorate moment.... landing in the ditch on my graduation jump first time with no radio......

learned a valuable rule: if it is shinny you dont want to land in it. Oh well

Blue Skys
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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favorate moment.... landing in the ditch on my graduation jump first time with no radio......

learned a valuable rule: if it is shinny you dont want to land in it. Oh well

Blue Skys

do not worry about it.

i think we have all landed in a shinny area one time or another. Hell 2 years ago I landed in the swoop pond at Rantoul!!! Dame it was cold!!! I just ran out of speed and my feet hit, then next theing I did was a face plant in the water. I was so close to the edge too!!!

Drake shelby

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favorate moment.... landing in the ditch on my graduation jump first time with no radio......

learned a valuable rule: if it is shinny you dont want to land in it. Oh well

Blue Skys

do not worry about it.

i think we have all landed in a shinny area one time or another. Hell 2 years ago I landed in the swoop pond at Rantoul!!! Dame it was cold!!! I just ran out of speed and my feet hit, then next theing I did was a face plant in the water. I was so close to the edge too!!!

Drake shelby

I need to learn how to spell!!!!!

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lol you r not the only one who needs to learn to spell

Anyways, yeah i just ran out of space i was shooting for right past it and i though i had it, oh well. It got a good lauch out of it and so did everyone who say me walking back sooking wet and covered in mud!!!! oh well live and learn huh?

Blue skys
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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lol you r not the only one who needs to learn to spell

Anyways, yeah i just ran out of space i was shooting for right past it and i though i had it, oh well. It got a good lauch out of it and so did everyone who say me walking back sooking wet and covered in mud!!!! oh well live and learn huh?

Blue skys

as long as you are walking and talking you did just fine.

as you get more jumps under your belt you will be able to land in the not shinny spots with pin point accuracy!! how many jumps do you have?

drake shelby

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i got 15 jumps now, and that was on jump 8. I feel preaty comfortable under canopy now, and just had a bad spot on the load... hence being on the far side of the runway and landing in the ditch.

but after that i had good rides and landings at least close to the lading area.... i was a little hesitant to ride it all the way there due to the amount of people in the air, so i usually landed a little off the landing area on purpose. Oh well, i had a blast either way!!!

Blue Skys
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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i got 15 jumps now, and that was on jump 8. I feel preaty comfortable under canopy now, and just had a bad spot on the load... hence being on the far side of the runway and landing in the ditch.

but after that i had good rides and landings at least close to the lading area.... i was a little hesitant to ride it all the way there due to the amount of people in the air, so i usually landed a little off the landing area on purpose. Oh well, i had a blast either way!!!

Blue Skys

There was very little landing area there. or at least an area that was dry. Best piece of advise to give you; and this is what i tell the students that I work with, is it is best to land off and walk back then to land in the same area as everyone else and take a chance of running into someone under canopy. If you see everyone trying to land in the same area, pick another place to land away from them.

Perfect example:

I was coming in for a landing on saturday. i was one of the first ones down and some asshole flew in right in front of me at about 100ft. If i would not have hit the brakes, we would have hit in the air.

At a dropzone like that one with limited landing area and several people tryin to land on the same piece of realestate, it is best to land off and walk back then to try and land with the rest and get hurt. Also pay attention to who is around you when you come into land.

You did a good job by landing off.

drake shelby

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yup me and mike igo talked about that before my first jump on saturady, and that is preatty much what i did. I was the last one out on a few loads so on those i rode them all the way in, but other than that i just got out of the way for the more expierenced jumpers.

Blue Skys
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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Thanks! We really appreciate the positive feedback...:)
Zoe Gerrard - PMS #76
MC Estes - PMS #77
Mary Todd - PMS #78
Annette Gannard - PMS #79
Tami Carbone - PMS #80
Cora Kosterman - PMS #81
Casie Anderson - PMS #82
Bettina Dice - PMS #83
Jeanne Cameron - PMS #84
Bonnie Wackman - PMS #85
Katie Sell - PMS #86
Amber Keenan - PMS #87

Thanks to all of you for your participation and we are thrilled to now call you our Sisters!!!
P.M.S. #3

If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.

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i met some very cool people this past weekend...Alli, Mel, and Jason rock...much thanks to everyone at Gold Coast for such a good time!

Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!

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Well I'm awake now after the long haul. I had a great time at the boogie, finally got to meet some .commers and then some. I was very impressed with the dz and especially the kind and welcoming atmosphere. The bathrooms are great and Igo does a great job to keep everyone happy. I must say that I am VERY pleased with my experience with him and for taking care of things when manifest was dicking me over. He didn't even blink an eye, just solved the problem and got us on the first load availble after that. Great guy, great dz, great boogie.
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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I had a blast, rain and all. Five good days of jumping, lots and lots of First Flights, plenty of flocking action, great food from both Ms. Jean and that silly bastard Carbone, and lastly: another great opportunity to get to another dropzone and hang out with friends both old and new. I was fascinated that the HiPer/BirdMan tent never once flinched in the face of gale-force winds and rain. I was also fascinated at the tenacity of some of the "tents under the tent" dwellers. I was really glad that my girlfriend, Katie, got to make some great skydives and get her PMS number. I am not happy that I now have to drive our dually and camper to the Jiffy Squirt and scrub the mud off.

See you next year, if not sooner.


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I was fascinated that the HiPer/BirdMan tent never once flinched in the face of gale-force winds and rain

That was the SECOND most spectacular thing I saw the entire Boogie.


I was also fascinated at the tenacity of some of the "tents under the tent" dwellers.

Absolutely mind boggling. That has to go in the "Most Spectacular" category. :D


I was really glad that my girlfriend, Katie, got to make some great skydives and get her PMS number.

No doubt....she got to jump with me. :D Now get your ass out there and get someone famous to teach her to fly on her head. I took her out and she said that was only her 3rd or 4th time HD. Get on the stick man!!!! B|

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