
SkyDive Atlanta

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The DZ at Thomaston has a great reputation that makes it hard to believe they would do something like this. If everything is as you say it is, then you got screwed. They should atleast honor your rain checks. If not, I would be at the bank demanding to see a manager to see why they denied your charge back. It seems a clear case of paying for a service that was never received due to circumstances beyond control. But I would be willing to bet that Skydive Atlanta will make it right in the end.

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Damn folks kinda quick to jump on the wagon against the most hated DZ in America (or at least the most hated by more people that have never been there). I jump at both DZ's and have never had a problem. Doesn't mean others have not, but damn do ya hafta jump all over ASC's nuts everytime some has aproblem skydiving in Georgia?
I'm sure some people will jump all over the topic when they find out Jack used to work at ASC......Oooops did I say that out loud??????

Coming soon to a bowl of Wheaties near you!!

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I agree with Benny and LoudDan here! I get tired of seeing my home DZ, ASC, slammed every damn time someone has a problem with a DZ in Georgia, especially when some of the people doing the slamming have stated that they have never even been to the DZ, which I have seen happen here before! I received a refund once when I had already manifested on a load and couldn't jump, and I didn't ask for it, they simply gave it to me! Fact, the person stated clearly that it wan NOT ASC in Cedartown, that it was the DZ in Thomaston, SDA, and yet people still insist on slamming ASC, saying "your sure your not talking about ASC in Cedartown?", your talking about ASC NOT SDA, etc, etc! It's BULLSHIT! >:( I learned to skydive at ASC, I know the staff there, and to the man/woman, they are some of the finest, and most professional people that I know! They are my friends, more like family to me! You know, I was considering going to a couple of other DZs here in Georgia, to jump, and to meet more jumpers around here, but considering the way people from the other DZs continually slam my home DZ, to HELL with them! I think I'll just stick to jumping at ASC and not bother with any other DZs. If this is the way the people are at the other places, I can do without them!!!!! >:(
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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I won't name names or anything but a person just recently tried out our wonderful little DZ with the small landing area and loved it. For me it comes down to the people who have taught/are teaching me to skydive. These people seem to genuinely want me to learn and are just plain cool as shit. I've only been to one other place and they were cool as shit too but it does irk me when people badmouth my DZ at the simple mention of Georgia and skydiving.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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Agreed Benny, the badmouthing irks me too. Like you said, they genuinely want you to learn. Top notch professionals and just damn good people!
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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If Thomaston is going to start doing crap like this too then I don't see any reason to go to either one of them.

I doubt it. I can't see Trey running that kind of business. I'm sure this will all get cleared up. It's just unfortunate that it happened in the first place.

Blue skies
Performance Designs Factory Team

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did they take you to altitude? its certainly a bit different given the costs of a tandem, but if they took you up and you couldnt get out at all they still have to eat the costs of fuel, but that doesnt really explain charging you full price for 3 tandems unless you were the only group on the plane and made a huge issue about going up anyway when they said weather was marginal....
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Thantos340 let me answer your questions.

1) Yes, I am bringing it up after that because it took my credit card company 4 months to deny the chargeback.

2) Three tandum jumpers (so no training) that never jumped before and videos. Each one was $256.20 so that is $768.60.

3) I did dispute it they just denied it.


They should have refunded your money the day of the non-jump. I know my usual DZ would do that, and I would be shocked if others in my area were any different. If you can't get it resolved, drag them to small-claims court. That may not work either, but it should be easy to show that they didn't really do anything for the money, if everything is as stated.

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*light bulb* Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, I see what you're saying. Unfortunately, I can only think of one staff member who is ever on DZ.com, and he's a camera guy, so he wouldn't be much more help in this situation.

But I, being a JUMPER there can say that SDA is not a shitty place . . . it's just like anywhere else. You take the good with the bad . . . and if he would talk to Trey (which I know he left a message for him), I think this can be resolved.


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In defense of my home DZ ASC.... It clearly states NO REFUNDS... period. What part of no refunds do people not understand. The DZ can not be responsible for weather or wind. They also to have to manage number of appointments.

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Well I talked to Trey and we worked it out. He offered me a raincheck to jump anytime but I declined that so he offered me my money back minus $75 per person for a non refundable fee. I accepted this and everything is set in motion. Thanks everyone for your help.

yep that's a pretty standard deal at any dropzone (some measure of a non refundable deposit). Glad it's all sorted out, and I'm sorry that the experience was soured. Hard as it may be, I hope it hasn't put a bitter taste in your mouth - unfortunately you just ended up speaking to the wrong person (it seems) initially.

Blue skies
Performance Designs Factory Team

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Haven't encountered a soul yet at ASC (presumably the badest dz of Georgia and all of the US) who mourned the absence of red-haired, pony-tailed "Jackhammer"...

Have encountered a few comments along the line: "Sorry to hear that SD Atlanta has him now..."

From this thread, he seems a natural for customer service...




The gentleman I spoke with has a long red hair pony tail. I cannot recall his name off the top of my head.

I know exactly who you're talking about . . . and he was probably not the right person to deal with in this situation. Not that you could have possibly known that. [:/]

Sorry you had a shitty experience at my home DZ. :(


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Hello Skydivers,

I really dislike doing something like this but I have to warn other people. My cousin is a certified jumper with a few hundred jumps under her belt. She came down to Atlanta to take me skydiving and we went to SkyDive Atlanta. We all paid for our jumps but couldn't jump that day because of weather which is understandable. However they would not refund our purchase that we paid and never received. I explained that we were only doing it because we were going with my cousin that lives in Ohio and she was leaving the next day so we wern't going to come back and jump again.

Basically after talking to them for a hour they said we don't care we have your money and you can't get it back even if you dispute it on your credit cards we have ways around that. Somehow I guess they do because we couldn't dispute the charge.

So they gave us rainchecks that expired in 60 days which I wasn't in Atlanta to use and now I wish I could use them but they are expired.

Just a warning don't pay until you KNOW your going to jump. I got ripped off for around 1000 dollars for three of us jumping that never jumped before.

Admin: If this post isn't in the correct section I apologize, just trying to get it to the people. If you would please move it to the correct place I would appreciate it.


im not going to even read this thread ..."troll".;..


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