
What are you doing tomorrow?

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Wake up
go to work
come home from work
eat dinner
browse the classifieds for complete rigs with 200+ square ft mains.

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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Tomorrow I'm going to have the most exciting day at..........work. :|
That, and I plan on sending my special someone a birthday message because he is in another state right now so I wont see him.
www.TerminalSports.com.auAustralia's largest skydive gear store

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Wake up
Shower, eat...
Take a calculus exam
Freak out because the exam was hard
Go to my enviromental design class
Study for history during the enviro class
Take a history essay test, ewww
Eat lunch
Meeting at 2:30 PM- skydiving stuff
Pack? Hang out dz? WAIT ARRIVAL OF CANOPY IN MAIL! :D:D:D:)Meeting at 8:30 PM - skydiving club
CHILL! Spring break starts, thank god!


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I will get two of the kids to school
Take one of the kids to the orthodontist
Await a meeting with a cleaning lady who is going to give me an estimate at how much it will cost to clean my house twice a month... woooooooohoooooooo
Clean my house:D
Pick up children from school
no activities Wed. night.. YAY!!!
Cook dinner
Help kids with homework..
Do Bills:|
Pour a glass of wine and relaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Going to work
doing nothing till 10:30
going to a meeting at another location
eating lunch (they have sushi on wednesdays in the cafeteria!)
going back to my building to do nothing for the rest of the day
going home
grabbing the UPS slip that says they tried to deliver a package
calling UPS and asking for a same day will-call
hopefully driving to UPS and picking up my new vector3!!!!!!!
going home and spending the rest of the night drooling on my new container


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wake up at 0430
go to work
listen to XM radio
put up with shit at work
put up with shit in mt. vernon MO
hook up to assigned trailer
listen to XM radio
go home
eat dinner
watch text in pub
go to bed.

There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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I'll be working. But only until 3 or so.

Then I'll come home and sit on my deck by the dock by the river and drink a beer.

Then I'll post whore for awhile.

Then it'll be time for Happy Hour in the Pub.

Then I might make some dinner.

Then if I'm lucky I'll get some sleep.

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Wake at 10 a.m.ish

Play with birds, wash some clothes (colors), listen to some CDs (the Smiths), read some books (Wonder Boys)

Drive to work around 1, pick up lunch on the way (probably Subway)


Go home at 10 p.m., meet hot whuffo boyfriend there, [censored]
Skydiving is for cool people only

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Up at 5:30
Spend the day with a 2 1/2 yr old. Probably be playing with cars and trucks:S:D and maybe try to do some gardening, unless he wants to help too much!!
2 1/2 yr. old goes home
computer time
glass of wine and relax
bed at 11:30-12:00pm
Next morning?---repeat of tomorrow!


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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-Up at about 9
-Shower, shave, all that good stuff
-Write some checks
-Call skybytch, order a large Optik
-Go to work. Maybe actually do something. This week hasn't been very productive so far.
-Go to school. Be bored.
-Come home
-Watch the Daily Show. Oh wait, Dish Network has blacked out Comedy Central. Fuckers.
-Interweb time.

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I have Spring Break off from school and I have the day off from work so I'm going to.....

Wake up around 8
Take my car to get its first free oil change ;)
Go with my friend to walk on a nature trail along a creek
Eat a picnic lunch on the creekside
Go chill and do whatever for the rest of the night.........Who knows what could be in store for tomorrow night? You never know!
I'm so funny I crack my head open!

P.M.S. #102

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Try to get up
Go to work
Teach the fifth graders:
Social Studies
Music... you know the rest

Plan for next week
Grade papers
Eat dinner
Teach a parent ESL class
Give some Boy Scout leader training
Get home about 10pm
Pass out from exhaustion

Thurs is better and Friday is great!!!

Saturday our dz opens again, Yeah!!!!

Life doesn't have to be perfect in order to be beautiful!

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C'mon, give us details.

Well, OK. I'll try to be discreet. First I'm going to [whisper] until he [whisper], then I'm going to make him [whisper] me for at least 30 minutes. I totally expect him to [whisper] four or five times.
Skydiving is for cool people only

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Im going to the DMV, again, armed with some input from a lawyer friend that did some checkin for me about some super secret DMV crap I was bein fed LAST time I was there. Make sense:S

Kind of a last shot to save a career that hasn't even started yet. Confused:S

Stay tuned:P

The Dude Abides.

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6:00am wake up,
6:30, quit hitting snooze
S, S & S
Go downstairs, eat breakfast
Line out guys on skylight repairs
Call welder, confirm start date
Get fence demo rebuild quote
Meet with client rep, discuss an assload of stuff
Send email to boss to recap meeting
hopefully call manlift off rent and arrange pickup
Lunch maybe sometime in there
Setup ceiling replacement in Maintenence room
get lighting layout for lobby
get called by boss about 10 times to ask dumb questions
maybe yall get the picture, Slow day.
Oh, and most importantly, call Pablo to see if my rig is ready yet. Call Todd, call Mom, call D.J. go drink beer

"Sacrifice is a part of life. It is supposed to be. It's not something you regret . It's something to aspire to." Mitch Albom

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wake up
shower etc.
walk to work
work all day
walk to my gym and work out
walk home
cook dinner
watch some tv
read/write a little (maybe guitar)

hmm i should really get my drivers licence some time soon. i'm too lazy to go and get it and yet i'm freakin' walking everywhere. go figure. :S

And you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
'Cause you knew you were finally free - Death Cab For Cutie

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6 am wake up
6:30 get out of bed
7 am get into lab and set up some NMR samples
8 am synthetic organic meeting
9 am synthetic organic class
10 am run some NMR
11 am head home to watch sick son, he is ok just got the 24 hr bug, but has to stay out of day care for the day.
11:30 till when ever study for instrumental exam
6 pm make dinner .
oh yea through out the day I will be checking in with DZ.com
"From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant,
who doesn't enjoy a good sit?" C. Montgomery Burns

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Sleep in.
Get up.
Have coffee.
Cuddle the kitties.
Go back to bed (with a pill if I'm still hurting)
Ignore the phone.
Ignore the pager.
Not check email.
Cuddle the kitties.
Maybe do some housework.
Eat something at some point.
Contemplate my navel, consider all that is wrong with my life.
Cuddle the kitties.
Go back to bed.

Now, had you asked about Thursday, or this weekend, I might have something a tad more exciting to post...but no, you asked about my only day off each week...


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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