
Friendly deed done by neighbor

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I'm taking care of my buddies house while he's in Iraq. I've been here for about 9 months and last year the yard keep-up wasn't a major issue as it didn't rain much. This year has been another story, and without a lawnmower, it got kinda tall. Last Wednesday, I came home to find my backyard completely mowed. Didn't know who did it, no note on the door, no explanation. Today my front lawn was mowed, along with the neighbors lawn, so I'm assuming my neighbor mowed it for me.

No explanation other than he knows I'm taking care of the house and don't have a mower. I am completely shocked and overwhelmed that they would do this just because. I haven't seen them lately and have not been able to thank them. What do you guys think I should do for them? Write a thank you card and leave it in their mailbox, invite them over for a BBQ and some beer? I've never had a neighbor be so nice that I really don't know what to do. I've met them for a total of maybe 10 mins in the last 9 months.
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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I bet it's really the beautiful blonde chick that lives across the street and she wants you to pay her back in sexual slavery.....Or it could be the guy next door....your choice.

hmmmm I'd take the one across the street, but she's about 75:S I'll stick with the BBQ idea
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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I bet it's really the beautiful blonde chick that lives across the street and she wants you to pay her back in sexual slavery.....Or it could be the guy next door....your choice.

hmmmm I'd take the one across the street, but she's about 75:S I'll stick with the BBQ idea

Good for you ;) .... Let us know how it goes... and if you all get drunk and obnoxious please post pictures.... :D
My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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Yeah, you do know that the Home owner's Association get's a little aggravated with people who don't take care of their yards.

I once worked for a home owners association management company ... in the deed restrictions department... and well, typically, if your yard needs to be mowed, they send a letter out and then depending on the neighborhood... they will either hire someone to mow the yard or... send you another nasty letter...

Just a thought...:D

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a buddy and I did something similar. The day after a really great party at mutual friends house we went back to the "scene of the crime" to see who had survived. when we got there no one was there and the place was still a wreck. So as quickly as we could we cleaned the place so that you could not tell that there had ever been a huge party there the night before. Then we left. We never did tell the owner who had cleaned his place. It was kind of cool watching him rack his brain on that one for months to follow. After a while he just decided that the cleaning fairy had done it.

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I think the bar-b-Q thing sounds great. Because If I came across someone these days that was that nice to me... I'd wanna make them my friend. ;)

That sounds like a cool idea! I agree with Lany....


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Not trying to be the skeptical one of the group, but it is possible that the city came by and mowed it for you, because a couple weeks ago when I was there it was bad. I would hate to see what it looked like a few days ago... And if the city did mow it for you, you might get a nice bill in the mail soon...

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Perhaps a note of apology for making their neighborhood look crappy.



I'm taking care of my buddies house while he's in Iraq. I've been here for about 9 months and last year the yard keep-up wasn't a major issue as it didn't rain much. This year has been another story, and without a lawnmower, it got kinda tall. Last Wednesday, I came home to find my backyard completely mowed. Didn't know who did it, no note on the door, no explanation. Today my front lawn was mowed, along with the neighbors lawn, so I'm assuming my neighbor mowed it for me.

No explanation other than he knows I'm taking care of the house and don't have a mower. I am completely shocked and overwhelmed that they would do this just because. I haven't seen them lately and have not been able to thank them. What do you guys think I should do for them? Write a thank you card and leave it in their mailbox, invite them over for a BBQ and some beer? I've never had a neighbor be so nice that I really don't know what to do. I've met them for a total of maybe 10 mins in the last 9 months.

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I think a thank you note would be appropriate, along with a small gift if you have the extra cash, like a small fruit basket, bottle of wine, etc.

That was very cool of them. :)

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D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
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Oh my goodness....something like that happened to my family yesterday.

Two days ago, my mom cooked dinner for our next door neighbors because the mother had had a back injury and was in pain.

Yesterday, when my parents got back from a funeral they attended, they found a brand new azalea bush planted in the yard. The next door neighbor's husband had decided to surprise as a thank you. This world isn't so bad after all.............
I'm so funny I crack my head open!

P.M.S. #102

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hmmmm I'd take the one across the street, but she's about 75:S

could this be the start of the new "Harold and Maude"
reference "harold and Maude" the movie rom the late 70's or early 80's.

who Jah bless Let no man curse.

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I used to mow my neighbor's front lawn.. They didn't have a mower and didn't care.. They were great friends but that just wasn't happening.. I hated the way it looked so every time I cut mine, I took care of their little weedpatch.. Then I'd visit them when they were sitting on the porch drinking... :P
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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(for KSD)

1 - Whoever did this might just know he's in Iraq and appreciates his efforts and is 'pitching in'. That would be cool.

2 - More likely, the lawn was ugly and pissing off the neighbors. So they took care of it and will not be good neighbors when he returns....

I think you should write your buddy and ask him to either:

a - send you the money to buy him a lawnmower or;
b - send you the money to hire a neighborhood kid to take care of his lawn until he returns

"I'm taking care of my buddies house while he's in Iraq. "
even if he's not there, he still needs to make sure his property is maintained, unless you are living there as a tenant or for free as a house sitter, then maybe you should take the initiative to do that yourself.....

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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(for KSD)

1 - Whoever did this might just know he's in Iraq and appreciates his efforts and is 'pitching in'. That would be cool.

2 - More likely, the lawn was ugly and pissing off the neighbors. So they took care of it and will not be good neighbors when he returns....

A couple of replies. Yes the back yard was long but it was not the city, I am sure of that. It wasn't in bad condition, it was just getting long because of the rain. The front lawn wasn't as long, different type of grass, and it's still the nicest on the block, very clean, very green. The neighbors are college kids, so I doubt it was pissing them off. The fence blew over in the backyard and I helped them put it back up. That's when I mentioned that I needed to do something about the back yard and asked if I could borrow their mower sometime. I don't think it's been a deed that was done in disgust, I think it really was just an honest deed trying to help out. They knew Jason (buddy in Iraq) but only briefly as he got shipped out quickly there after. I haven't seen them home so I haven't been able to thank them in person. They're party goers and seem pretty laid back.
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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Well I would first find out who did do it, and if it was in fact your neighbors, i would say inviting them over for a BBQ or offering to by them a case of beer would be nice. ;)B|
Just because I appear sweet doesn't mean I can't kick your ass!

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That does clear things up a lot. You asked to borrow the mower and then it happened. Sounds like a good deal and nice people then. Especially when it's anonymous, then you know it was really a good deed.

Pretty good neighborhood. Too bad you don't have more DZs down there. (you heard some of the KC crowd jumped the pit in Mexico? and a building in Malaysia? I can't wait to see the vids. Did you get in on that action?)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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